The 30 Best TV Couples Of All Time That Are Total Couple Goals

#30. Lucy & Ricky - I Love Lucy

Lucy and Ricky from I Love Lucy are iconic in several ways. For starters, they were a groundbreaking couple on television because they were the first diverse couple to hit the small screen. Back in 1951, it wasn't at all common to see a couple with different ethnicities, even though they were very common in real life. Lucy and Ricky helped normalize this very real thing in pop culture.

It wasn't easy for them though, and some sponsors, such as Phillip Morris cigarettes, threatened to leave if the couple ever happened. In the end, prejudice lost and love triumphed, and we got one of the most adorable television couples ever. The couple was an instant hit with audiences and with every episode, they were loved more and more. In fact, the episode where the couple have their first child was watched by 70% of all TV viewers. The sweetest thing about them was that they were married in real life though!

#29. Coach Taylor & Tami - Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights is a book that was later turned into a movie that was later turned into a show. Although many people loved all its versions, it is the TV show that really stuck with all of us, and one of the couples on the show, Coach Taylor and Tami, is responsible for that. This couple loved each other so much people didn't know whether to love them or be jealous - or both.

What also made this couple special was that they were the moral high ground of the show and faced difficulties that regular people have to deal with everyday in their own relationships. They were, in other words, very relatable. The show always tried to bring up important issues such as drugs, family values, and racism, which made both critics and viewers enjoy tuning in every week.

#28. Kevin & Winnie - The Wonder Years

One of the highlights of The Wonder Years was the adorable young love between Kevin (Fred Savage) and Winnie (Danica McKellar). This couple reminded everyone of their first love, and watching them grow and experience things like their first kiss was something that made the show truly special.

But what made it even more special was how realistically their relationship evolved. As we all know, first loves are exciting and always stick with you, but people rarely end up with their first crush. The same thing happened with Kevin and Winnie, and the kids who grew up together ended up parting ways in the series finale. it was a bittersweet moment, but it was just right.

#27. Homer & Marge - The Simpsons

Part of the reason why The Simpsons has become the longest-running TV show in US history is how perfect the family dynamic between the characters is, especially between Homer and Marge. Even though they had many ups and downs, it is the true love that they have for each other that always brings them back together, and isn't that what we all want to find in someone?

Sure, it is a cartoon comedy show and all characters are exaggerated versions of what real people are like. Still, Homer and Marge show us that a marriage is never perfect, but it will never work if there is no love. Creator Matt Groening actually based the characters off his own parents, which makes their whole relationship even sweeter.

#26. Callie & Arizona - Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy is a show about doctors on the surface, but it really is all about relationships. Of all the countless relationships that happened on the show, the best one was definitely between doctors Callie and Arizona, and the reason is that they were the most compelling and realistic couple in the whole show.

Sure, main character Meredith Grey had a fairytale romance with Derek Shepherd, but that's exactly what it was, while Callie and Arizona seemed far more relatable and real. Another thing that made them special was that they were the longest-running LGBTQ couple in TV history, at least while they were on the show. Even after their divorce, the two put their differences aside to raise their kids and eventually got back together. It is a shame they're not on the show anymore!

#25. Cory & Topanga - Boy Meets World

Much like Winnie and Kevin from The Wonder Years, Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World got together very young and were each other's first love. The biggest difference, however, is that they did end up together, got married, and had kids, as seen on the spin-off Girl Meets World, released many years after the original show.

Fans were ecstatic to see that Cory and Topanga would be making a comeback as a couple, because they are just perfect for each other. There is something magical about seeing two people come of age together and learn how to live in the real world as adults at the same time. If a couple can share that much of their lives together, then you know it is meant to be.

#24. Phil & Vivian - The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air

Basically, every character on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air was amazing, but there was something very special about the relationship between uncle Phil and aunt Vivian. They were a strong, wise couple that were essentially the core of the whole family and provided much needed stability among all the crazy antics that Will Smith got himself into.

The cultural contrast between this affluent, elegant couple from Bel Air and their rowdy nephew from Philadelphia was a big part of the plot, and they both slowly became less uptight and opened up to Will's world more and more. They also taught him many valuable lessons and were an overall great role model for their kids, Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley.

#23. Sun & Jin - Lost

Despite its awful series finale, Lost was one of the best TV shows of all time, especially when it came to ratings. And even though there were dozens of characters, storylines, and twists, Sun and Jin always stood out as the sweetest couple on the show. After all, they survived a plane crash, time travel, a smoke monster, and much more.

Their love story made us all hope to experience a love like that, especially towards the end (spoiler alert!). The two stuck together through thick and thin, and when it was time for Sun to die as she was trapped in a sinking sub, Jin chose to stay by her side and die as well. It was painful to watch but still sweet to see that Jin loved her enough to give up his own life.

#22. Doug & Carol - ER

Before there was Grey's Anatomy, there was ER. The show had an epic run for the first few seasons, until many of its stars decided to leave the show. Among them was a young George Clooney, who played the character of Doug. He and Carol, played by Julianna Margulies, were definitely the best couple on the show.

The two were perfect for each other, so it was just heartbreaking to see them leave the show. Luckily, they decided to make a few cameos here and there, especially on the series finale, where fans learned that Doug and Carol were still together. It is interesting to think that in the original pilot Carol was supposed to die. Luckily, writers decided to keep her, and she and Doug became the reason why many people tuned in every week.

#21. Willow & Tara - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Although the people who got the most attention for their relationship on Buffy the Vampire Slayer were, of course, Buffy, Angel, and Spike, the best couple on the whole show was, without a doubt, Willow and Tara. Their relationship was a rollercoaster ride from start to finish, and the way it ended was one of the most epic TV twists ever.

We first saw Willow start out as a shy, naive girl who found herself in college and became a powerful witch, at which point she also began dating Tara. Then, at the end of season 6, Tara tragically lost her life, which drove Willow to become evil, which was a shocking twist that nobody was expecting. While they lasted, they were totally an amazing couple.

#20. Luke & Lorelai - Gilmore Girls

The core of Gilmore Girls was the mother-daughter relationship between Rory (Alexis Bledel) and Lorelai (Lauren Graham), but no one can deny that the relationship between Lorelai and Luke, (Scott Patterson), was also part of the reason why the show was so entertaining.

Sadly, the show spent more time showing the ups and downs of Rory and her many relationships, but the special bond that Luke and Lorelai had deserved more attention. Luckily, writers took this into account and showed us more of this lovely couple on the reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. And to think that Luke was originally meant to just appear in one episode!

#19. Rob & Laura - The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show was a product of its time, so it is understandable to see Rob and Laura, a married couple, sleeping on separate beds and not sharing more than a sweet peck on the lips. Yet, there was something so wholesome and special about this cookie-cutter perfect pair that reminds us of a simpler time. Even though they didn't share much physical contact, it was clear they were crazy about each other.

They were everything people wanted to be at that time, and just modeled the ideal family of the 1960s. On top of that, they were known as the most glamorous and stylish couple on television. If only we could all have such a perfect relationship and look that good meanwhile!

#18. Leslie & Ben - Parks and Recreation

For a long time, the character of Leslie on Parks and Recreation was very awkward, shy, and unlucky in relationships, which made her very relatable to many viewers. But then, she found the perfect match for her: Ben, and it gave everyone hope that someday, that will also happen for them.

These two are even nerdier and more awkward when they get together, and we just can't get enough of that. The purest thing about these two is how supportive they are of each other's dreams and careers, and how their relationship was never a drama point on the show. There was no ups and downs, just happiness between the two.

#17. Mike & Carol - The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch was created right when divorce became legal in the United States and, in turn, many couples were splitting up and children were experiencing blended families for the first time. The show featured Carol and Mike, two people who had three children each from previous relationships and then got together in a big, happy family.

This happy depiction of what could happen after a divorce gave many viewers hope that they could have that as well in a time of uncertainty. Mike and Carol somehow made it all work and were the core of their busy family, and no matter how much trouble the kids got into, these two were always there to make everything right.

#16. Mitch & Cam - Modern Family

Modern Family's premise was, well, showing what a family looks like in modern times, with all the good and the bad that comes with it. But the couple that always stood out was definitely Mitch and Cam. This couple helped improve people's perception of LGBTQ couples and also families, as the couple shows their journey of becoming parents right from season 1.

Nowadays, it may not be that way, but only ten years ago, seeing an openly gay couple adopting a child on prime time TV was a huge deal. The show managed to blend inclusion with the right amount of comedy to help open people's minds and hearts in a time when this was very much needed. Also, they were by far the funniest characters along with Phil and Gloria.

#15. Miranda & Steve - Sex And The City

Although all six seasons of Sex and the City were mainly focused on Carrie's totally unhealthy relationship with Mr. Big, the couple that always stole the spotlight were Miranda and Steve. It was a pleasant surprise to see them get together because up until that point, Miranda was convinced she would be alone forever and that men weren't worth her time, but then Steve came along and showed her that true love was real.

Sure, they also had their ups and downs, but they were much more real and relatable. The two struggled to keep the spark alive while raising their son Brady together, which felt really realistic with viewers who were going through the same things. They were a breath of fresh air among all the toxicity of Carrie and Big and for that, we love them.

#14. Sam & Diane - Cheers

Sam and Diane from Cheers were one of those couples that had great chemistry, but the timing was never right. And we are not saying that in a Ross and Rachel from Friends kind of way, but these two just couldn't find the right time to be together. All through the show, you could feel the attraction between them, and just couldn't wait for them to finally become a couple.

Then, on the series finale, after many failed attempts at making it work, it suddenly did. The series finale was the second most-watched finales of all time, with 84.4 million viewers tuning in to see this couple finally make it. Sam and Diane were set to elope and spend the rest of their lives together, but then at the last moment, they decide it is not meant to be. It was bittersweet, but there is something special about accepting that things sometimes just aren't meant to be.

#13. Paul & Jamie - Mad About You

Paul and Jamie were the center of Mad About You. The whole show was about their relationship and all its ups and downs, and it began right after they got married. Through all the seasons of the show, viewers tuned in to see this beloved couple try to navigate through married life in New York City.

They just had an amazing chemistry both on the show and in real life, and you could feel it through the screen. Towards the end of the show, the couple has its first child, and things start to get complicated. Then, in the series finale, everyone was shocked when the show implied that the characters didn't end up together. Luckily, the 2019 reebot ditched that idea and showed that the characters have been together for over 20 years, as they should have.

#12. Veronica & Logan - Veronica Mars

The love between Veronica and Logan on Veronica Mars is something to envy for sure. At the beginning, the two seemed to have nothing in common: Veronica was a teen detective and Logan was a bad boy trying to find his place in the world. But as time went by, the two realized that they were the same deep inside, and that they were just two vulnerable people looking for true love.

Even after the show ended, fans couldn't get over the show and especially this couple, so they raised more than $5.7 million to fund a Veronica Mars movie that was released in 2014. Then, the show got revived once again on Hulu in 2019, and although the writers somehow decided to make Veronica and Logan have a falling out, we are all hoping they will find their way back to each other.

#11. Lily & Marshall - How I Met Your Mother

Even though the main plot of How I Met Your Mother revolved around Ted and his search for the love of his life, the best couple was hands down Lily and Marshall. While Ted went through numerous failed relationships, Lily and Marshall stood by each other, through thick and thin. They even had the most adorable nicknames for each other!

They did have some rough patches, but what couple doesn't? All the flashbacks about how they met in college and all the things they go through during the show just made fans love them more and more as seasons went by. They stayed together all through the show and had three kids together, now if that isn't couple goals, what is?

#10. Yorkie & Kelly - Black Mirror

Black Mirror is an episodic anthology, meaning that every episode is about a single story that does not progress in following episodes, even though all episodes share similar themes. There was one episode though, that had a huge impact on viewers: Season 3's San Junipero, an episode featuring the incredible relationship between two girls, Yorkie and Kelly.

It only took one episode for audiences to completely fall in love and connect to these characters, perhaps because it is one of the very, very few episodes of the show with a seemingly happy ending. The two girls fall in love in a simulated reality and they are actually elderly women living in nursing homes. Then, Kelly travels across the country to meet Yorkie in real life, and the two spend the rest of their lives together.

#9. Kurt & Blaine - Glee

Glee had many couples that fans both adored and hated, but Kurt and Blaine were beloved by all. The two showed the world the typical struggles of gay teens in high school, with coming out, being bullied, and finding themselves, all while experiencing their first love together. They had their ups and downs, but they always came back to each other because it was meant to be.

Their relationship was great to help normalize LGBTQ relationships with viewers and to provide some much needed representation, along with Brittany and Santana. In the last season, fans finally got what they always wanted as they saw Blaine exchange I Dos and spend the rest of their lives together, as it was always meant to be.

#8. Jane & Michael - Jane The Virgin

Jane and Michael are one of those couples that fans love, even though they didn't truly make it on the show. On Jane the Virgin, these two go through a rollercoaster love triangle with Rafael, and we have to admit that Jane and Michael were the superior pairing. Unfortunately, the writers of the show had a different opinion, and they made Jane choose Rafael in the end.

The two were together and even married until, for some reason, they decided to kill Michael off. Then, he returned the next season, apparently because the writers realized the mistake they had made. Although there is nothing wrong with Rafael, there is something perfect about Jane and Michael, and many fans hope that they will get back together at some point.

#7. Damon & Elena - The Vampire Diaries

The whole essence of The Vampire Diaries, aside from the vampires of course, was the epic love triangle between Elena and vampire brothers Stefan and Damon. Elena had her fair share of time with both, but the superior pairing was definitely with Damon (although opinions are strongly divided).

Many fans believe that the relationship with Stefan worked better at the beginning, but after Elena turns into a vampire, she goes much better with Damon. Also the actors, Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, actually dated in real life, and that chemistry is more than palpable. In the end (spoiler alert!), Elena chooses Damon, as she always should've.

#6. Poussey & Soso - Orange Is The New Black

There were many couples on Orange Is the New Black, and even though the show tried very hard to push Piper and Alex as the show's main couple, people couldn't get enough of Poussey and Soso. The two were simply adorable and their happiness was contagious. Even though they were locked up, they still found joy in the smallest things and just enjoyed being together.

But, as the whole season built this couple up and made audiences love them more and more, Poussey is tragically killed in the season finale. This was used to completely revamp the show and drive the story further, but it was just heartbreaking. Not only was one of people's favorite characters gone, but the best couple of the show was eliminated as well.

#5. Summer & Seth - The O.C.

Although the trope behind Summer and Seth from The O.C. is kind of overdone, we can't help but love it anyway. They are the typical high school TV show couple where you have a popular rich girl and a nerdy guy who has a crush on her. At first, she hates him, but then as time goes by, the two fall desperately in love.

Seth learns that Summer is much smarter and kinder than she seems, and Summer finds out that Seth is more complex than she thought. Together, they are the perfect teen show couple we all wished we would be a part of in high school. In comparison with the over dramatic, unhealthy relationship the other two main characters, Ryan and Marissa, Seth and Summer were the best couple ever.

#4. Mulder & Scully - The X-Files

Mulder and Scully from The X-Files actually weren't an official couple until the end of the show, but they were still one of the most iconic duos in TV history. Mulder was more of a believer in aliens while Scully was always skeptical, and the two complemented each other perfectly. There was also this romantic tension between them the whole time that made viewers sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for them to finally get together.

Fans' wishes finally came true in the very last season of the show when they finally kissed for the first time, and it was a perfect ending for a legendary TV series. Their differences were the thing that brought them together and, even if they were to split, we are sure they would remain friends, after everything they went through together.

#3. Jim & Pam - The Office

Jim and Pam were the most normal people on The Office, and the love they shared for each other was a breath of fresh air amongst all the craziness going on around them. Fans loved their flirtatious relationship from the beginning on where they were just friends who clearly had feelings for each other but neither of them was brave enough to take the first step.

They had a few will-they-won't-they moments here and there and then, on season 3, it finally happened and they became a couple. They stayed together for the rest of the show, making everybody want to have a relationship like that. After all, who wouldn't want to work with their best friend and the love of their life? That would surely make our boring, 9-5 jobs a lot easier!

#2. Fran & Mr. Sheffield - The Nanny

The tension between Fran and Mr. Sheffield on The Nanny had us all rooting for these two to finally get together. Fran did everything in her power to seduce her boss, who always seemed oblivious to her feelings. They were so different yet so perfect for each other: Fran had a high-pitched voice and no knowledge of dining etiquette, and Mr. Sheffield was too uptight for his own good, but the two complemented each other like Ying and Yang.

Eventually, Mr. Sheffield realized that Fran had been there for him and his children all along and that the family wouldn't be the same without her, so they finally got together. On the sixth and final season, the beloved couple not only tied the knot, but also had twins together, making their already big family even bigger.

#1. Monica & Chandler - Friends

Friends focused on Ross and Rachel for many years until the writers finally realized that the best possible couple on that friends group were Monica and Chandler. The two were relatable, cute, and loved each other more than anything. Even though they seemed different on the surface, they both wanted the same thing: to find someone to share their lives with.

But the plan wasn't always there, and the writers basically decided to bring them together spontaneously, yet it was one of the best decisions they ever made on the show. It was a pleasure to see their relationship evolve from friendship, to casual dating, to a serious relationship, to a beautiful marriage. The highlight of the series finale was when the couple finally made their dream come true and became the proud parents of twins.