Harry And Meghan Step Down As Royals: 21 Things You Need To Know

#21. Why Did Harry And Meghan Make This Decision?

As you all know, Harry is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, and until a few weeks ago, he and his wife Meghan held the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But why did they decide to step down as members of the British royal family?

Apparently, the Royal couple had been longing for financial independence from the Crown. Even though the royal funds they received only covered a small part of their total expenses, they preferred to “release this financial tie”, as they expressed in a letter.

#20. Do The British Royal Members Earn An Income?

I'm sure you're all asking yourselves the same question: do the members of the British Royal Family earn a monthly income? Are all the royal members entitled to a monetary contribution? The answer is yes: all royal members who hold a title receive money.

Each year, the Queen receives 25% of the Crown Estate's profits, which is known as the Sovereign Grant. The grant is distributed among the different members of the royal family and is mostly used to fund the costs of the royal household and the royal members' travel expenses.

#19. Do Harry And Meghan Also Receive An Income?

As we've said, up until now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex received a monthly sum of money that was financed with the Queen's Sovereign Grant, which is in turn funded with the taxpayers' money.

Harry and Meghan's share of the grant only covered 5% of their costs. Obviously, this will change from now on, as they'll no longer receive taxpayer-funded money. Coming next is the question that we were all dying to know!

#18. Will Harry And Meghan Cut Ties With The Monarchy?

You're all probably wondering whether the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be cutting all ties with the British Crown, and the answer is: no, they won't. Let's dial down the drama people!

According to one of their latest statements, they will remain dedicated to the Queen and will keep on carrying out works for the Monarchy, both within Great Britain and abroad. So if you think about it, their decision is not as controversial as it sounds!

#17. Have Harry And Meghan Ever Received Public Funding?

Many people are led to believe that the expenses of the royal members are entirely covered by public spending. Well, you should know this is totally false. Besides, if this were the case, it wouldn't be fair to the British people at all!

Remember that 5% of Harry and Meghan's expenses were covered with the Sovereign Grant? Well, other than that, the couple didn't receive public funding or tax benefits of any kind. In other words, public funding isn't used to provide for the royal members' private expenses.

#16. How Was Harry And Meghan’s Office Funded Up To Know?

So, if Harry and Meghan didn't benefit from any public funds up till now, how has the Office of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex been funded? I mean, what about the other 95% that wasn't covered by the Sovereign Grant?

Well, the other 95% of Harry and Meghan's Office expenditure has been funded with the income from the Duchy of Cornwall. The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate owned by Harry's father, the Prince of Wales, and the estate's profits are used to fund the office of Prince Charles of Wales and that of his family's.

#15. Will Harry Still Receive Money From The Duchy Of Cornwall?

Even though Prince Harry and Meghan will be stepping down from the Royalty, they will keep on receiving money from the Duchy of Cornwall. I know what you're wondering: how much money do they receive in this way?

Well, each year, Harry receives roughly £2.3 million from his father's estate. They will keep on receiving a similar amount, which pays for most of their public duties and their private costs. What they'll no longer receive is their share of the Sovereign Grant.

#14. How Much Does The British Royalty Cost Each Taxpayer?

Considering that the British Royal Family's Sovereign Grant is funded with taxpayers' money, I bet you're wondering exactly how much the Royalty costs to each British citizen.

Wonder no more, cause we've got all the answers! The contribution of British taxpayers amounts to nearly £1 per person each year. Are you just as shocked as I am? I expected a way higher number!

#13. Does The British Royalty Generate Any Money?

So far, we've learned that part of the royal members' expenses is funded with the taxpayers' money. But does the British Royalty generate any money? I mean, what's the return on the investment of this public funding mechanism?

Millions of tourists worldwide visit Great Britain just to see the palaces where the royals live. This being said, it's safe to say that the British Royalty generates nearly £1.8 each year out of tourism revenues.

#12. How Was Harry And Meghan’s Official Residence Funded?

As many of you probably know, Prince Harry and Meghan have been living at Frogmore Cottage during the past few years. The palace refurbishment was financed with Queen Elizabeth's share of the Sovereign Grant.

In this sense, it's worth mentioning that the Sovereign Grant is used to fund any maintenance or restoration works of those royal buildings with cultural or historical significance. On the other hand, costs stemming from furnishings at Frogmore Cottage were privately funded by Harry and Meghan.

#11. Why Did Harry And Meghan Move to Windsor?

Harry and Meghan's Frogmore Cottage is located in Windsor, which happens to be one of the wealthiest towns in Europe. But why did they move there in the first place? What was wrong with Nottingham Cottage, their previous home (shown in the picture below)?

It happens to be that their previous residence was not big enough for their growing family. They're lucky they don't live in a standard two-room apartment! In their defense, a big part of the Nottingham Cottage was in need of restoration but the costs were incredibly high, hence their decision of moving into Frogmore Cottage at Windsor.

#10. Will They Keep On Living At Frogmore Cottage?

If they quit the Royalty, does that mean they have to move out of their beautiful mansion at Windsor? Luckily for them, they can keep on living at Frogmore Cottage, under one sole condition.

The couple can stay at their current residence as long as the Queen gives them permission and as long as they keep on supporting the Monarchy. But we pretty much know that this will keep on being the case, so they needn't worry!

#9. Will They Have To Cover Their Traveling Costs?

As we've said, up till now, the Sovereign Grant covered for an important part of Harry's and Meghan's official travel arrangements. But if they're seeking financial independence, does this mean they'll start paying for their own travel expenses?

Well, actually, the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex have always paid for their travel expenses with their private funds. The Sovereign Grant only covers the costs of transport involving royal engagements. As to their private travel expenses, they'll continue paying them out of their own pocket.

#8. Will They Still Carry Out Official Overseas Visits?

Prince Harry and Meghan have carried out countless visits overseas in support of the Queen. The costs of these travels have always been funded with the Sovereign Grant. This poses the following question: will they continue realizing these visits?

Although we're not 100% sure, it seems that the former Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue carrying out overseas visits, as long as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office continues to request it.

#7. Will They Start Paying For The Security Costs?

The security of all members of the royalty is an affair of State. In fact, there is a whole ministerial department in charge of guaranteeing the royalty's safety. Taking this into account, what will happen from now on? Will they have to pay their own costs of security?

To be honest, we have little to no information regarding this issue. According to the statement issued by the British government: > “It is long-established policy not to comment upon the protective security arrangements and their related costs for members of the Royal Family or their residences.”

#6. How Will Harry And Meghan Handle Media Relations Now?

It is believed that Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the media will change significantly from now onwards. According to one of their most recent statements, they’ll be “adopting a revised media approach to ensure diverse and open access to their work”. But what does this mean, exactly?

Apparently, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will start sharing more information via their social media accounts and official channels of communication and, from now on, they will ensure greater media coverage of the cause-driven events and activities they get involved in. Luckily for us, it seems we'll be hearing a lot about Harry and Meghan from now on!

#5. Why Have They Changed Their Media Policy Now?

Prince Harry has been a trending topic in the tabloids ever since he started dating Meghan Markle, a former A-list actress. However, one might wonder why they decided to change their policy towards the media just now.

The way they see it, they wish to redefine their approach to the media to reflect the redefinition of their roles. Now that they're no longer official members of the Royalty, they wish to facilitate access to their cause-driven work, and we're all glad about that!

#4. What Is Harry And Meghan's Stance On Media?

All these recent changes pose the following question: what is the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's stance on media in general? Harry and Meghan are advocates for a free media industry that bolsters diversity and inclusion.

As a matter of fact, the couple has collaborated with a wide range of magazines and newspapers, including National Geographic, Time Magazine, and Daily Telegraph. However, they also value the importance of privacy, so they don't over-expose their private affairs or especially those of their children.

#3. Will They Keep On Having A Social Media Platform?

Here’s the ultimate question that we were all anxiously waiting to find out: will our favorite royal couple continue using their social media platform? Surprise surprise!

The answer is: yes, of course they will! In fact, they believe that by doing so, they'll be able to establish a closer bond both with the press as well as with the general public. We hope we get to see more of that beautiful baby of theirs and their dashing dogs!

#2. Will Harry And Meghan Leave The Royal Rota?

Now that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have backed down from the Royalty, they no longer have to give their images to the Royal Rota. Made up of a small group of media representatives, the Royal Rota is a pool of journalists who cover royal events. Each time a Royal family member releases a new picture that has never been published before, they must first hand it over to The Rota.

Now that Harry and Meghan have stepped down as royals, the photos that they take or the things they publish don’t have to pass through the approval of the Royal Rota any longer. So, as you can see, the couple will enjoy way more freedom, and not only in financial terms!

#1. Will This Change The Rest Of The Royalty’s Media Policy?

One can't help but wonder whether Harry and Meghan’s historical decision will have any repercussion on the rest of the Royal Family. For instance, will the other royal members change their media policy? Will they have more freedom regarding their relationship with the media too?

The truth is that these changes only apply to Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and her wife Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex. Oh, and to their son, Archie! As regards the rest of the Royal Family, the status quo won't change at all. At least not for the time being!