Here Are The Most Intriguing Unsolved Mysteries Of All Time

#25. The Lost Colony

Back in 1585, a British explorer called John White and a hundred other colonists settled in the island of Roanoke, located in present-day North Carolina. White stayed there for almost a year, until he decided to sail back to England to bring some supplies.

White's family stayed behind, but when he came back to the island in 1590, there wasn't a single soul to be seen. Roanoke thus became a lost colony, and after years of research, nobody knows what happened to White's family and the other settlers.

#24. Sailing Stones

Ever heard of the sailing stones or moving rocks? They are located in the deserted lake bed of Racetrack, Death Valley, and these stones weigh 700 pounds and strangely move across the ground without any human intervention.

Scientists have come up with all sorts of theories, from aliens to magnetic fields. The latest investigation revealed that the stones move when large ice sheets a few millimeters thick break up during sunny days.

#23. Odd Humming

The village of Taos, New Mexico, is home to one of the strangest natural phenomena. Some of the town's inhabitants often hear a persistent and quite annoying low-frequency humming, though the sound isn't audible to everyone.

This humming is described as a “diesel engine” kinda sound". Some possibles explanations include gas lines, electrical power lines, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation or some mysterious animal. Who knows!

#22. WOW! Signal

Something exceptional happened on August 15, 1977. Dr. Jerry R. Ehman was working on a SETI project at the Ohio State University Radio Observatory, when he found a strong narrowband radio signal. You won't believe what he discovered.

Apparently, the signal came from the constellation Sagittarius. The signal lasted 72 seconds but has never been detected ever again. Dr. Ehman was so shocked he marked the numbers and wrote WOW!.

#21. Vile Vortices

One of the biggest enigmas ever known to mankind is the Bermuda Triangle. Ivan Sanderson originally named areas similar to it the “Vile Vortices”. But what's that about?

Sanderson described the Vile Vortices as a site where unexplained disappearances and other strange phenomena take place, but despite years of research, no scientific explanation has been found.

#20. Ball Lightning

What on Earth is a Ball Lightning? It's a quite dangerous atmospheric electrical phenomenon that can be described as a spherically shaped thing that emanates a sudden burst of light, lasting longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt.

For many years, most scientists did not believe that such a thing existed. However, in 2018, Vladimir Torchigin, a Russian scientist, suggested that the cause might be light trapped inside a sphere of thin air.

#19. Spontaneous Human Combustion

The concept of spontaneous human combustion has been around for centuries, so many theories and rumors had been said about this strange phenomenon, yet many people have dismissed this theory due to the lack of evidence. But what is it?

SHC is when living human tissue bursts into flames without being ignited by an external source. Experts have explained that it is quite unlikely for the human body to combust like that. The most reasonable explanation is an undetected flame source such as a cigarette or a match.

#18. Tunguska Explosion

On the morning of 30 June 1908, something impacted in Tunguska, Siberia. Up in the sky, a sort of fireball suddenly appeared and crashed into the forest, flattening an estimated 80 million trees and taking three lives. The explosion was calculated to be around 2,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs.

The origin of this phenomenon is not clear to this day, but scientists came up with some possible explanations, the most likely being a meteor. Other hypotheses range from UFOS to mini black holes. Due to the lack of evidence, we will never know.

#17. Bermuda Triangle

We already talked about the Vile Vortices, so lets talk about one of the most famous ones. The Bermuda Triangle is located between Florida and Puerto Rico and has been the location of many odd disappearances.

More than 70 ships and planes disappeared causing almost a thousand casualties. The unexplained occurrences had had many explanations, such as violent weather, human error, and supernatural events. To this day there is no definitive answer.

#16. Loch Ness Monster

This one you can take with a grain of salt, but reportedly, there is a creature that inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. Many of us grew up hearing about this dangerous creature, but it has mostly been regarded as a myth.

It may sound crazy, but there is footage of what people believe this creature to be. Unfortunately, all the evidence gathered is never clear enough to actually determine the true existence of the creature. The most likely explanation is the misidentifications of known animals.

#15. Bigfoot

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a well-known mythical creature. Basically, it is a big, hairy creature that lives in the American Northwest and leaves footprints behind to then dwell in the wilderness.

Experts had explained this case to be a folklore legend and not more than that. Others, however, believe that Bigfoot is, a super-size ape that traces from the age of dinosaurs.

#14. Atlantis

In Plato’s Timaeus and Critias, the great philosopher mentioned a fictional island called Atlantis, which was a powerful kingdom and conquered a large part of Africa and Europe. As the legend goes, the island sank and was lost underwater forever.

What happened was, after a failed invasion in Athens, the island sank in one day and one night, into the ocean. Ever since the 1600s people started to wonder if this was a real place, but Atlantis was never found.

#13. Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was the first-ever American woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean. She had quite a successful career but in 1937, things took a turn. Amelia was in the middle of an attempt to fly around the globe when her plane mysteriously disappeared.

Many theories had been said about the strange event. One of them was that her navigator flew into overcast skies and some rain that may have resulted in her tragic end. Also, could have been the plane run out of fuel and crashed. Still to this day nothing is certain.

#12. Voynich Manuscript

In 1912, a Polish-Samogitian book dealer purchased this strange Voynich Manuscript from the 15th-century. This medieval document was full of symbolisms, illustrated with plants and naked women and handwritten in an unknown language.

For many years no one really knew what this book meant, and many tried to decipher it. There are many theories about what the book really says, but nothing conclusive has ever been discovered.

#11. El Chupacabras

The Chupacabra (meaning "goat-sucker" in Spanish), is commonly described as an animal that drinks the blood of livestock, mostly goats, and is part of Latin American folklore.

The Story of El Chupacabras first emerged in Puerto Rico in the late 1990s, as many people claimed to have seen the beast, but studies haven’t found real evidence of his existence.

#10. Bimini Road

The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation located near Bimini Island in the Bahamas. What is so special about it, you may ask? Well, since it is such a perfectly-shaped and very symmetrical composition of stones, scientists wonder if it could be more than a natural phenomenon.

Experts believe that it could be the remains of some long lost civilization. Some people even think it might be the remains of Atlantis!

#9. Mothman

In West Virginia, a creature had reportedly been seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 12, 1966, to December 15, 1967. Newspapers and media picked up the news story fast and spread it all over the country.

Due to all the attention put on this event, experts started researching the claims, but no evidence of the Mothman was ever found. Still, many people insist that they really saw this half-human-half-moth creature walking around.

#8. Babushka Lady

On November 22, 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed. The assassination was caught on camera, and many people studied all the footage countless times. This led to people spotting a mysterious woman in the background known as the "Babushka Lady".

The lady was wearing a brown overcoat and a scarf on her head, which was typically worn by elderly Russian women. The FBI publicly demanded her to come forward, but no one ever did. She was never identified, and some people believe she was involved in the murder.

#7. Black Dahlia

In 1947, a local resident of the Los Angeles area found the body of Elizabeth Short, also known as the Black Dahlia. She had been killed in a gruesome fashion, but her killer was never found.

re true. Described as one of the most brutal and sadistic crimes in American history, the case of the Black Dahlia was never solved. There wasn't even a single suspect found by police!

#6. DB Cooper

DB Cooper is the alias of an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the Northwest of the United States. He got $200,000 dollars in ransom money and a parachute to escape, and he was never ever found.

In spite of the massive manhunt and many investigations, the criminal has never been located or identified. Many suspects later, the case was officially suspended in July 2016. Funny enough, thousands of dollars with the same serial numbers from the stolen money were discovered in some banks years later.

#5. The Mary Celeste

The Mary Celeste sailed from New York City on Nov. 7, 1872 with the captain, his wife and their two-year-old daughter, and seven crewmen. The final destination was Italy, but they never arrived.

The American merchant brigantine was found on Dec. 4, 1872, drifting in the ocean withno one in it. And something ever stranger— no signs of a struggle, fully provisioned and the only thing missing was the Captain’s log. To this day no one knows what happened.

#4. Marfa Ghost Lights

The commonly known Marfa Lights were spotted for the first time near U.S. Route 67 on Marfa, Texas. The appearance was described as mysterious glowing orbs with the size of basketballs.

These lights move quickly, they tinkle and float up into the air. It may sound weird, but there is evidence, images, and video of this event. Professionals reported it to be a phenomenon of very sharp temperature gradients between cold and warm layers of air..

#3. Jimmy Hoffa

James Riddle Hoffa was an American labor union leader who was involved in organized and served almost 5 years in prison. Shortly after, in 1975, he disappeared from a parking lot in Detroit.

The word on the street was that Hoffa was supposed to meet with some of his mafia buddies and never came back. Instead, he was shot and buried in the Giants stadium. The body was never found but was declared legally dead in 1982.

#2. Jack the Ripper

In the late 1800s, a serial killer, known as Jack the Ripper terrorized England with his violent murders. Five women were mutilated and murdered in the East End of London, but no evidence leading to the killer was ever found.

The name came from an anonymous letter the killer sent to a London news agency confessing to the vicious crimes and signed Jack the Ripper. After all this time, his identity is still a mystery.

#1. The Zodiac Killer

One of the most infamous serial killers in history is the Zodiac Killer, who, from the llate 1960s to the early 1970s, killed an estimated 37 victims. Only 5 were confirmed, however.

His modus operandi consisted of sending letters to the police claiming to reveal information about himself, but it was full of cryptograms, hence the pseudonym. Arthur Leigh Allen was the prime suspect, but there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him.