20 Unknown History Facts That Will Surprise You

#20. The Real Iron Man

This famous work of art has baffled many historians as well as anybody who's set eyes on the painting. One thing is for certain, and its that it depicts Louis XIV in court. This king reigned France in the 1680s and believe me, he had quite the reputation. There is also a man in the picture with an iron mask.

The thing is, it is not known who that man is and why he is kept prisoner with that iron mask on him. There is a consensus between many historians that the king himself put the man behind the mask as a punishment for a crime. Additionally, they believe, the man might be an illegitimate son of the king.

#19. Secret Location of The Tomb Of Genghis Khan



#18. Advanced Byzantine Weapon



#17. Last Minute Decision On King Tut's Tomb



#16. Concrete Or Something Else?



#15. Mysterious And Beautiful Language

Egyptians have presented historians with plenty of amazing evidence of early civilization. They invented early forms of language, and math that is actually shocking. The shapes and forms they created surprises everybody who sees them. This incredible language is called hieroglyphs.

#14. Ancient Birth Control

#13. Secretive Manhattan Project

#12. 2000 Year Old Cult

#11. President Roosevelt Hid His Wheelchair

#10. Famous President Part Of The Culper Spy Ring

#9. Original Idea To Defeat The Nazis

#8. Chinese Porcelain And Silk Monopoly





