25 Smartest Tricks Thieves Use To Rob You

#25. The Winning Letter

For many people, it may sound too good to be true, but for others, it's the answer to their prayers. Many wannabe thieves use the winning letter trick to fool people into thinking they've won some sort of prize, such as an Iphone, a computer, or just a lot of cash. The fishy email usually says that the prize is one click away, but clicking is the worst thing one can do.

Clicking the link will most likely send the victim to a site that will request valuable personal information that can be used against them, and then they'll receive a message saying they should just wait for their prize to arrive. Of course, it will never arrive, and their information will be used for many things. Among the worst, is having their credit card information or their social security number stolen. Bonus tip: never give your social security number, ever.

#24. Gluing A Phone

There is an old prank out there where coins are glued to the ground and the pranksters wait and see who is foolish enough to try to pick the coin up. While that is harmless, this trick has evolved into something dangerous, which is the glued phone trick, in which, you've guessed it: they glue a phone to the ground and wait for someone to try to pick it up.

Since a phone is much more valuable than some coin, people will waste precious time trying to get it, and this serves as the perfect distraction for a thief to come up from behind and pickpocket them or take their bags. For expert thieves, it only takes them a few seconds to grab stuff and run away, so you should never get distracted in the middle of the street. Much like the winning letter trick, if it's too good to be true, it's because it is.

#23. Fake Hotel Staff

It is very common to go to a hotel and see warning signs about not leaving your belongings in the room unattended, and that is because tourists are extremely vulnerable in their hotel rooms. While many hotels have security, there is no hotel that can keep up with what is going on with each room all day long, and thieves take advantage of that. A very common trick nowadays is people posing as fake hotel staff that will expect you to let them into your room.

There is not much that can be done to prevent this, because how could you distinguish a real housekeeper from a fake one? Therefore, the best antidote is prevention. Leaving valuable items in a hotel room is very irresponsible, so try to keep your money, passport, and electronics with you while you travel, or make sure to book a room that has a safe in it. You can also ask the hotel staff not to clean your room, if you really don't want to risk it.

#22. The Broken Camera Trick

The broken camera trick is one of the most common ones that thieves are using nowadays to prey on innocent tourists. Usually, they will go to a very touristic area full of people and ask someone to take a picture of them. The victim will then attempt to take a photo, but the camera or phone will be broken. Then, the thieves will blame the victim for breaking the camera that was already broken in the first place.

The thieves will get angry and demand that the victim pay for the broken camera, and many people will feel so intimidated and even responsible that they will agree to hand them money to pay for the broken camera. Some will be very pushy and will intimidate their target until they give in, so it is best to be wary of whose picture you will take next time you're traveling, or if you find yourself in such a situation, you can tell them you're going to get the police involved. That usually scares them off.

#21. Shady Taxis

The taxi business has declined in recent years thanks to the rise of car-sharing services such as Lyft and Uber. People not only choose these apps because they are cheaper, but also because they make them feel safer, as the details of the car and driver can all be checked through the app, as well as the route they are taking on a map. In very touristic areas, there are many sketchy taxis that take advantage of tourists, and that's why many people would rather use an app.

What many taxis do is take huge detours or drive in circles in order to charge higher fares, and that's not even the worst part. What many are known to do is actually steal from their passengers, either while they're not looking, or right in front of their eyes. A driver may offer to bring the passenger's luggage to their room and just run away with it, or never forget forgotten belongings. Next time you take a cab, keep your things close, and check the route via your GPS.

#20. Fake Concert Tickets

This one is a tale as old as time, but it is still worth mentioning because it keeps happening. There are many sold-out concerts out there and many desperate fans who weren't lucky enough to get a ticket, so their only chance to see their favorite artists is to go to the venue on the day of the concert and hope that someone will sell them a ticket. However, no outcome from this situation is ever ideal. Best case scenario, the fan gets sold a ridiculously overpriced ticket.

The worst case scenario, however, is that they pay for a ridiculously overpriced ticket that is not even real. They give their hard-earned money to the shady seller, then try to get in the venue, only to be kicked out. In the end, you have no money, no ticket, and no dignity. It is best to wait until you can get your tickets or wait for the next concert of your favorite artist.

#19. Fake Police Officers

There are very few things that are more intimidating than being stopped by the police. Most people won't question it for a second and will comply with everything the officer says, and sometimes, they will end up missing their valuables because of that. There have been known cases of fake cops stopping people to steal from them all over the world.

Some will ask their target for personal information, such as their social security number, but the most common trick they use is to inspect their wallets. Once they have the wallet in their hands, they either steal the whole thing, take some money, or take a credit card. It is part of your rights to ask for the proper credentials and ask the officer to identify himself, so you'll know whether he's legit or not. Better safe than sorry.

#18. The Distraction Game

Similar to the glued phone trick, many thieves will use distractions rather than intimidation to get away with stealing someone's belongings. These distractions come in many forms, and the most common ones happen in public transport or on the street. For example, many thieves work in teams. One or two people are in charge of the distraction, and another one is in charge of the stealing.

It is a very common trick for someone to pretend to be sick or to fake tripping and falling so that people will rush to help them. Then, while they're too busy with the injured person, the others will come from behind and steal stuff out of their pockets or bags. Another trick is to spill a drink or cough in their target's face to startle them and take their stuff. These people are prepared to run and know exactly where to go, so it's best to just pay attention.

#17. The Baby Trick

One of the weirdest and most dangerous tricks that thieves are using to distract their victims is to ask them to hold their baby for some specified reason. The innocent target may not think much of it at the moment and agree automatically, but by then, it's too late. As they are holding the baby, either the same person who asked them or an accomplice will take their stuff from behind or right in front of them.

The baby trick puts the victim in a very vulnerable position because what could they do with the baby? Throw it on the ground? They have no choice but to hold it while their things are being stolen. The worst part is how these innocent children are being used in these plots, so it is important to report these cases to the police as soon as possible to protect all victims, and that includes the babies.

#16. Credit Card Skimming

Credit card skimming is, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous strategies thieves are using right now, and it has become an increasingly serious issue all over the world. The whole thing is a very complex, sophisticated way to drain your bank account dry, so it is important to pay attention whenever you are about to use an ATM.

Basically, thieves will tamper with an ATM, usually in the middle of the night, and replace the credit card reader with a fake one called a skimmer, which is a device that captures and saves all the information your credit card holds. Thieves can then retrieve the skimmer and go to town with all the stolen credit card info from all the people that used the ATM. It has also been known to happen at automatic gas stations. The best way to prevent it is to make sure the credit card reader doesn't look loose or strange.

#15. Dangerous Sites

It is very important to make sure one is entering a safe website. A person may be innocently doing some online shopping and from one moment to the next, all their personal information may be stolen. Sometimes, browsers let users know whether a website is secure or not, although it doesn't always work. Still, if your browser is telling you to get out of a website, you'd better do it.

If information is entered into an insecure website, it can be accessed by third parties, aka, thieves. It is very usual for them to take that information and take out loans or credit cards for themselves, and it is very hard to undo it. People have incurred serious debt because of this, so next time you're browsing online, make sure you're not on any sketchy website. There are browser antivirus apps, for example, that can help with the issue.

#14. Hackers

Hackers have been around ever since the internet became popular, and every year, they're getting smarter and smarter. While internet security has also evolved a lot, there's always a hacker that figures out how to game the system, so it is important to prevent hacking rather than trying to solve the issues after the matter. There are many scams out there that are designed to trick people into giving hackers access into their devices, and it is important to know about them.

The most common problem is weak passwords, and although the solution seems obvious, people don't think it will happen to them until it does. Having a simple password like "1234" or "qwerty" or even "password" has led people to lose tons of money, so make sure your passwords are secure. Not only that, but never share them with anyone. Also, as soon as you notice some fishy activity on your accounts, contact the bank immediately, because the more you wait, the worse it can get.

#13. Shoulder Surfing

Shoulder surfing is a classic tactic that has become more and more prevalent as years went by, because it is just so effective for the thieves. Basically, it consists of standing right behind someone's shoulder as they are entering their PIN or other information into an ATM, and then stealing their information. The worst part about this is that most people only realize it when it's too late.

By the time people realize their accounts have been drained, the thieves are long gone. They usually take advantage of very crowded areas at busy times when it is technically justified to stand close to you, but don't let them fool you. The best way to prevent this is to always make sure nobody is close to you as you are using the ATM, and you can also cover the card's numbers with your fingers when it's in your hand.

#12. Credit Card Reports

Another smart way thieves steal people's hard-earned money is by making false reports about theft or suspicious activity, ironically. A person will receive a call, a text, or an email, saying that their credit card information has been stolen or their bank account has been breached. Then, the thieves will pose as employees of the bank and get all your precious information.

Many people fall for this scam, and end up submitting all their personal details to the thieves, who will then empty their bank accounts. It is therefore crucial to make sure you are speaking with an actual representative of your bank. Make sure the number or the email from which they are contacting you are the official ones, otherwise, do not answer and contact the real bank.

#11. Dumpster Diving

Dumpster diving is a very old technique that thieves still use to this day, and because people don't see it happen, they don't realize how their details got stolen. Whenever a person discards important documents or old credit cards, someone could go through the trash and find them. Best case scenario, the stuff is found by the garbage men, but worst case scenario, it is found by a thief.

The only way to prevent this is to be careful when discarding important things such as old documents, expired passports, credit card statements, or anything related to your finances. The best way to do this is to destroy stuff or at least make it illegible, so no one can decipher the contents of the papers you are throwing away. Just cutting everything into pieces will do the trick.

#10. Mail Theft

Have you ever ordered a package that disappeared? It is very likely that someone took it when no one was looking. Mail theft has become a huge issue with the rise of online shopping, and law enforcement can't keep up with it. Leaving your mail unattended for long periods of time makes it susceptible to thieves that are looking to steal your personal information, or at least whatever you ordered from Amazon.

Because of this problem,more and more people are installing home security systems. Although they can be costly, they are really the only way to prevent this from happening. Cameras will usually deter thieves from touching your mail, and if they dare to steal it anyway, you will at least have proof of who did it, when they did it, and how they did it. If you're traveling, make sure you ask a friend or reliable neighbor to pick up your mail for you.

#9. Doors Without Locks

Sure, it may happen that we forget to lock the doors one time when we leave the house, but that one small act is enough to put all your belongings in danger. Burglars are good observers, and they usually go around neighborhoods observing people and seeing who locks their doors and who doesn't. Once they've found an easy target, they don't waste much time before they attack. Not only that, they also keep track of the times of day in which the homeowners are out.

In other situations, burglars just go from home to home in the middle of the night, trying to find an unlocked door or window, and as soon as they find one, they go for it. The best possible way to prevent this is to actually make sure that your doors are locked at all times, even when you are inside. Windows can also be modified to prevent potential burglaries, so it is important to check that option out.

#8. Bank Statement Theft

An efficient and easy way to get someone's bank information is to simply get a hold of their bank statements, and there are many tricks that thieves use to achieve this. A very common one is to pose as someone's employer, and it is surprising how many people fall for that. Another one is to pretend to be a bank official through a fake email and ask the victim to send them the statement because the bank lost it.

It is important to keep all bank statements and documentation in a safe place, have strong passwords on all accounts, and of course, make sure you are not being contacted by sketchy email addresses. Every bank and organization in general has an official website and email address, and it takes seconds to check what it looks like. Never answer to one of those emails straight away without making sure they are the real deal.

#7. Using Malware

Everybody has heard of malware at least once, and that is because this theft method is very prevalent online. It basically allows thieves to gain access to every single thing you have on your computer or phone, and if it is sophisticated enough, it can leave no trace. Once there is malware in a device, it takes seconds to steal everything that is in it.

The problem is how the malware gets in the system. It might just take one click from a shady website or a bad link sent by someone, either on purpose or by accident. The biggest way it is happening today is through piracy. When people try to download stuff from shady websites, they usually end up downloading all this malware into their computer instead of what they were actually looking for. The best way to prevent this is to avoid downloading anything from any strange site, no matter how good it sounds.

#6. The USB Stick

The USB stick trick is becoming more and more popular because of how easy it is to fool people into it. Thieves will leave a mysterious flash drive on a table at a restaurant, on a seat on the subway, or just laying on the ground. Curious people will then take it and think they've just earned themselves a free flash drive, but oh no.

These drives usually contain virus or malware that, when you plug it into your computer, wreak havoc. Once the device is inserted into your computer, it takes seconds for it to work its magic, and in the blink of an eye, all your valuable information is now in the hands of a thief. If you ever come across one of these, better leave it alone. If somebody lost it by accident, they will come back for it.

#5. Address Changes

Many people have found that one day, out of the blue, they stopped receiving all important notifications and messages to their email. After some investigation, they are told that their email address has been changed, and now all information gets delivered to another address that doesn't belong to them. This a very clever way in which your information gets stolen.

The most important way to stop this from getting worse is to check your emails regularly and make sure you are getting all your updates. If anything is missing, it is best to contact your bank before it is too late. Strengthening all your passwords will also prevent this from happening, and changing them regularly (every two to three months), will also keep all your stuff safe.

#4. Card Readers

This is, by far, one of the scariest tricks thieves are using nowadays. Contact card readers are devices that can read all the information contained in a card just by making contact with it. This contact doesn't even need to be direct, and it can be done through a wallet, bag, or pocket. The thing is, is they can get just a little close to someone's card, they can already read it.

It is unfortunately very hard to prevent this and because the technology is pretty new, there aren't many security measures against it. The best thing to do is to keep credit cards in a wallet that is inside a bag and not just have them sitting in a pocket. There are also alerts on credit card movements that can be activated, so you can keep track of every single transaction and contact your bank if there are any abnormalities.

#3. Blocking The View

When burglars choose their targets, they not only check for unlocked doors or easy access, but they also search for cover. It is important for them not to be seen by neighbors, which is why houses on the corner of the street tend to be the biggest targets for burglaries. Also, houses with very tall trees and long backyards are also burglar magnets.

As we've mentioned before, the best way to prevent this is to get a security system. Setting up lights outside also helps because it exposes thieves, so they will refrain from getting close to your home if it's too bright. Clearing up the treets and getting rid of the things that block the view will help too.

#2. Casing

Since we are on the topic of burglars, let's talk about casing. Casing is a technique that thieves use in order to target a house they are going to burglarize later, The strategy consists of walking the neighborhood and observing which houses are the weakest, for example, which ones don't have security systems or fences. Once they find the perfect target, they may even stay close and watch when the owners come and go to figure out their schedule.

Of course, one cannot be watching over their shoulder the whole time, but it is a good thing to pay attention and see if there are any strangers roaming around the neighborhood acting suspiciously. If you see an unfamiliar face loitering and looking at the houses, you may be looking at a potential burglar.

#1. Weak Corporate Security

Although the thieves themselves are responsible for the crimes they commit, they do sometimes share the blame with the companies that are supposed to safeguard people's information and fail to do so. As we've said before, technology is getting more sophisticated and so are thieves, so it is important for corporations to keep up with the latest technology when it comes to safety.

It only takes a few minutes to research whether the bank you are dealing with or another entity has a good reputation in terms of security. If a company is known for having security breaches and putting people in danger, you should reconsider whether you will trust them with your hard-earned money. Learning about a bank's security policies will protect you and keep your mind at ease.