Check Out These Longevity Tricks To Make It To The Triple Digit

#20. Move Your Body

Keep moving! Walking, jogging, running, dancing and swimming are some of the ways you can improve your life expectancy. When you exercise, your heart keeps young and strong and so do you!

You should remember that when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which produce a feeling of happiness and euphoria. In fact, George Boggess owes his 101 years to walking every morning for 40-60 minutes.

#19. Be A Hard Worker

If you work hard, that means you're mentally active, and in the same way that your body needs to move, your brain needs to be challenged constantly in order to be healthy and young.

We normally underestimate the benefits of working hard and we tend to reduce them to financial profits, but the truth is that those challenges at the workplace help you to live a longer and happier life.

#18. Don't Put On (So Much) Make-Up

Make-up is generally used to cover the effects of the passing of time, but the sun cannot be hidden by two fingers. Some products may look nice on your skin but they tend to create some dependence on them.

Adelina Domingues died in August 2002. The 114-year-old woman was considered to be the oldest person in the world. Her friends explained that she had never set foot in a beauty shop because she didn't believe in miraculous remedies.

#17. Do Not Quit Ice Cream And Be Lucky

Everybody knows that living a long life is not a matter of decisions, but a matter of facts. It is true, though, that making wrong decisions may hamper your odds to make it to the three digits. But making good decisions does not guarantee it either.

Paul Marcus lived a full life until the age of 103 under three (very realistic) mantras: You must have good genes, be very lucky for at least a centenary, and eat whatever makes you happy. "Ice cream was my philosopher's stone for sure!", he said.

#16. Find A Person That Suits You

Having a person by your side who loves you is a key to a happy life. Remember that it isn't a question of finding your better half, but to find your significant (whole) other.

Esmond Allcock, a resident of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, said that he made it to his 108th birthday thanks to the fact that he had a really good wife who loved him during their 72-year relationship.

#15. Celebrate Each Day

Surely you know the phrase "DANCE as though no one is watching, LOVE as though you've never been hurt, SING as though no one can hear you, and LIVE as though it was your last day". There's a motto we should definitely follow!

Ruth Kobin was interviewed at the age of 99 by Ari Seth Cohen. Ruth was finishing her pilates class and she said that her secret was enjoying every day without looking at the calendar. She died at the age of 105 faithful to her motto.

#14. Do Not Skip Meals

A balanced and healthy diet is always important, but it's just as crucial never to skip a meal. Meals provide us with all the proteins, minerals and nutrients we need to live and grow old.

If we have all our meals, our energy source is at its maximum and that enables us to pursue every other thing that makes us happy. That's the advice of Erna Zahn, who turns 112 on April 14th, 2020.

#13. Avoid Stress And Chillax

Stress can undermine your wellbeing, your mood, your performance and your appearance. Keep in mind that if a problem can be solved, there is nothing to worry about, and if it can't be solved, then worrying is useless.

Birthday girl Betty Esser was asked about her trick to a long life the day she turned 100 years. She confessed that it was her easygoing approach to life which prevented frustration.

#12. Take A Good Night's Sleep

It's been proved that poor sleep is bad for your overall health, since your brain functions and your body strength are diminished at a great percentage. A good night's sleep implies quality and quantity.

Doctors recommend that you must spend around 7-8 hours sleeping each day, even if you are a night owl. Having a relaxed bedroom environment is also key to improving your sleep quality.

#11. Avoid Cigarettes And Eat Bacon

Well, maybe many doctors won't agree with this tip because of the fat level contained in bacon. But if you don't give up to smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol, you really deserve a string or two of bacon every once in a while.

This was the lifestlye of Ruth Benjamin, who turned 109 in 2017, and of Susannah Mushatt Jones, who died in 2016 at the age of 116. Neither of them could resist the smell of bacon but always steered clear of alcohol and cigarettes!

#10. Drink Diet Coke

All people know that drinking any type of soda isn't healthy because they can damage your teeth and you can get fat, among many other things. But the soda business is far from over!

Theresa Rowley (104) is convinced that a can of diet Coke per day was her fountain of youth and happiness. As said before, if you exercise regularly and refrain from smoking, a can of your favorite soda won't make the difference!

#9. Reap What You Sow

Nowadays, we are too exposed to GM foods due to pesticides, chemicals, and hormones. For that reason, many people are changing their eating habits and choose to be their own grocers.

Caterina Moi seems to apply her culture of work in everything she does. She said that her husband and her only eat fresh food because she cooks what she can account for, that is to say, what she grows.

#8. Be A Good-Hearted Person

This is one of the very first advices we get from our parents at kindergarten. "Be kind, don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you." We should all keep this in mind as we grow up.

Gertrude Weaver, born in 1898 and who died at the age of 117, used to say that her only secret was kindness. She was convinced that people should be nice to the rest because nobody knows what destiny has in store for them.

#7. Have A Cup Of Tea... Or Two... Or Three!

If there is one thing that the Madhatter and the March Hare have taught us is that it is always a good time to celebrate a very merry unbirthday at a tea party. Or, if you are lucky, your actual 108th birthday.

That was the case of the English Margaret Young, who turned 108 years on 2018 and never missed her 5 o'clock tea. Tea time is a moment of both introspection and socialization, and it's always an enjoyable time.

#6. Enjoy Red Wine At Lunchtime

According to medical evidence, the moderate consumption of red wine at lunch (two fingers width) has many benefits upon your health. For instance, it boasts your memory and mental functions and prevent heart diseases.

Zelinda Pagieno, a citizen of Sardinia, where almost all citizens reach their 100th birthday, says that the key to consume wine everyday at lunchtime is knowing that you are allowed those two fingers, and those two fingers only!

#5. Get Rid Of Toxic Relationships

You can spot toxic people by their behavior. They will try to undermine your confidence and try to separate you from others. Unhealthy relationships hamper our individuality and self-esteem.

If something doesn't fit, don't force it. Emma Morano reached the age of 117 thanks to her decision of breaking up with her abusive husband. Before that, the stress and fear she felt was a setback to her overall health and mood.

#4. Share A Beer (Or Two) With Your Loved Ones

Social reunions allow us to get in touch with people that we care about. Beer is just the excuse to share a happy moment and to chat and catch up with them, and there's nothing wrong with it!

Matilda Curcia, a 100-year-San Francisco resident, revealed her secret to longevity and I'm sure it'll be your favorite. "Drink beer (with responsibility), eat potato chips and exercise", she said.

#3. Forge New Friendships And Travel As Much As Possible

Visiting new places allows us to meet new people and make new friends. Each person we meet introduces us to new cultures and confronts ourselves to our fears and weaknesses. By traveling, you can know people AND yourself!

Downing Jett Kay (111) used to say that no one is too old so as to avoid making new friends. She is sure that without her friends, she wouldn't have had the opportunity of leading a long, full life.

#2. Keep Sharp By Solving Brainteasers

Board games, puzzles, crosswords and riddles help your mind stay sharp and active. It has been proved that solving brainteasers helps develop your memory and your logical cognition, which tend to deteriorate as you get old.

Edris Mathiesen (102) said that she loves playing cards, reading books and doing jigsaw puzzles to keep mentally trained and mentally young. She loves jogging but, as she put it, her brain needs exercise too.

#1. Be Positive!

Staying hopeful and confident about the future is key to living a long and full life. You always have to look on the bright side. If you are always splitting hairs you will become frustrated and probably won't make it too far.

Norma Martín died in 2016 at the age of 100, and she always said that she was thankful of having had a simple and beautiful life with her husband and their children. Whenever a problem came up, she would simply face it with a smile in her face.