The 25 That Will Show You Ocean Is Terrifying

#25. Swamps See Everything

If you think that swaps are a peaceful place to go around, be careful because not everything is what meets the eye. Swamps are natural habits of alligators, especially in places like Florida and Louisiana in the United States. As you can see in the picture, there are more or less 40 alligators looking at your eyes.

Alligators are animals that we all should be respectful of. They can swim up to 20 mph and they have an enormous jaw. When they attack their prey it’s known as the “death roll” and it’s just scary as you can read. One thing to have in mind is that alligators are more afraid of you than you are of them.

#24. Don’t Be Close To A Parasitic Eels

Going down under the sea to 800 meters, you could find aquatic animal species like the parasitic eels. The eels often move in groups and if you look at them, it seems that it’s only one big creature with large and slimy arms. Only with a proper underwater camera, it’s possible to see this image of them.

Even the eels are harmless to humans, they have one strong and terrifying weapon: their strong and sharp teeth. Their disk-shaped mouths are used to beat their victims and suck their blood. Just try not to be close to one of them!

#23. The King Of The Ocean

It’s not a surprise that sharks are one of the scariest aquatic creatures that live under the sea. We can’t imagine what we would do if we find one of them close to us. One of the most common shark species is the grey reef shark that lives in the Indo-Pacific ocean, most of them are near the drop-offs of coral reefs.

Grey reefs sharks are not known for being a danger to humans unless you provoke one of them. In fact, there were few grey reef shark attacks’ during the last few years and only one of them was fatal. Grey reef sharks’ favorite foods are bony fishes and cephalopods.

#22. Octopuses Likes Walles

We can’t imagine a creepier image than the skeleton of a dead whale that died a long time ago. It’s even creepier to see these octopuses and other species eating what the whale left. Octopuses are well known for their eight and large tentacles and the fact they’re depredators.

It’s very common to see them eating the remains of dead animals under the sea, especially whales that have a lot of meat. The majority of octopuses live in coral reefs, pelagic waters and the seabed. One thing is for sure, don’t make them angry because they are gonna spray you with their poison.

#21. Something Is Coming

As we can read, the ocean could be an incredible and beautiful place but at the same, it could be scary and mysterious. Imagine that you are having a moment of relaxing while you are on a kayak trip and you see a giant fin coming to you. What would you do? Would you escape from the creature or would you stay frozen?

For your peace, the sea creature from the image is the well-known Killer Whale. The species are well-known because of their enormous size and big and sharp teeth. Despite their name, Killer Whale doesn’t kill humans but as we can see, everything is a surprise under the sea.

#20. Don’t Open Wide

As you can see in the image, basking sharks are famous because of the size of their mouth, especially when it’s open. Basking sharks are migrants that travel around the five continents and the species is well adapted to different ocean temperatures. Even if they don’t hurt humans, at least what we know, we don’t want to be close to them when they open their mouths. But why do basking sharks have a big mouth?

The species is not depredator but they are filter feeder and they use a slow move to ingest zooplankton and the gills are filtres for the water. For its enormous size, the basking shark needs to eat a lot of food and water. Nowadays, overexploitation has reduced the species around the world.

#19. Don't Go There!

Not only aquatic species are something we need to be cautious and respectful but also we need to be sure of which places are we going to visit under the sea. The depths of the ocean are immense and vast. Still these days, there are some undersea places that haven’t been discovered yet.

On the other hand, there are some undersea places that are tight and small, like the cave we see on the image. Imagine your lights break down and suddenly, we are in the middle of a dark sea… Definitely a situation we don’t want to experience ever!

#18. Jesus Christ Dwells Under The Sea

The famous Christ bronze statue called “Christ Of The Abyss” was made by Guido Galletti and nowadays is a popular tourist attraction for many people that come from different parts of the world. Located in the Mediterranean Sea on the Italian Riviera, nowadays there are many replicas around the world.

The statue was put for the first time in 1954 and in 2003, it was removed for a restoration process. For some divers, the statue gives peace and calm but for some other, it looks a little creepy, especially with the number of fishes and seaweeds around it.

#17. Look, A Giant Squid!

Believe it or not, the picture that we see is the first picture that we have of a giant squid under the United States waters. Photographed by Dr. Nathan Robinson and Dr. Edie Widder with their special camera called “Medusa” in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Like many undersea expeditions, the doctors thought that they hadn’t found anything of important interest when they suddenly realized what was on their photos. When the doctors realized that a giant squid was in their photos, they were shocked as the species is well-known for living in the very depths of the ocean and they don’t usually come into the surface. A great find for the doctors!

#16. A Scary Specie

Perhaps we all remember the ‘90s movie Anaconda and how afraid we were of the giant snake that haunted everyone. Well, everything is for a reason and anacondas in real life are animals that we need to be respectful at. Especially with the fact that they can swim and crawl but they don’t bite… What anacondas do is to suffocate their victim until its death!

Most of the anacondas are located in tropical South America and nowadays there are four species that are known. This type of snake has their eyes on the top of their heads, so it’s simple for them to swim and hide their body in the water. Luckily it’s not very common that anacondas attack humans.

#15. A Ghost Ship

Besides some unknown aquatic species and the vastness of the ocean, there are some other creepy things that we could find under the sea. Sunken ships and submarines are very common to find, especially when an accident happened. The picture that we see belongs to an accident that took place in Antarctica.

While the Brazilian journalist Joao Lara Mesquita was filming a documentary, the Chilean Navy that he and his team were started to sink. Luckily none was hurt during the rescue expect, of course, the immense ship. When the crew returned one year later to recover the navy, the conditions of the ship were the ones you see on the picture. Scary, right?

#14. The First Photo Undersea

According to some researches, the picture that we see belongs to the oceanographer Emil Racovitza and Louis Boutan and it’s considered the first photo under the sea that was ever taken. Still these days, it’s not sure to say that the photo is original and that belonged to these oceanographers.

Probably the photo was taken in South France in 1899 while Racovitza and Boutan were making research. According to rumors, the photo was taken at 164-foot depth, a lot for that time. The men had to wait 30 minutes to let in light so they could save the photo. It’s said that Boutan suffered from Nitrogen narcosis after this photo.

#13. Are You Afraid Of Darkness?

For the majority of us, the ocean could be beautiful but scary at the same time. Some of the most incredible undersea places are the most terrified, like the picture we see below. The ocean is immense and there is no possibility to discover every part of it. One thing is sure, the deeper you dive, the darker it would get.

The man on the photo is a professional diver that wanted to explore the ocean without big equipment. In fact, he’s only using his glasses with lights. The common recommendation is not to explore the ocean at a depth level because you could find hidden caves and get lost.

#12. How Deep Is The Hole?

Another important recommendation to have in mind if you are thinking to explore the ocean, it’s to know the average of the depths. There are many holes full of water around the world that the estimate deep of them are from 300 to 1,000 feet. Do you dare to stand next to one of them?

Most of the holes like these are located in Antarctica and Antartida and according to specialists, most of them are safe because they are full of water. But we can’t imagine people entering there! Something else to remind is the temperature of the water, which is incredibly cold!

#11. I See Something From The Shore

Like we said before, sharks are known because their big and sharp teeth and they are considered the kings of the ocean. Although it’s not really common that sharks attack humans, probably we don’t want to see them close to us, like the picture we see here!

It’s not common that sharks appear at the shore but the tiger sharks prefer to be in places with warm water, like the Bahamas, Brazil and Hawaii. We mean, every place we would like to go on holiday and enjoy one day of relaxing. Don't miss the last 10 images from our list!

#10. New Technology For Exploring

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is an American government office that explores and studies the condition of the ocean, the undersea atmosphere and protects the undersea fauna and species. Nowadays, the institution is using new technologies for exploring what is under the sea but in new levels of depth.

The Deep Discoverer is an operated vehicle that could go down into 3.7 miles from the shallow and takes a lot of photos under the sea. For example, this machine found this not registered ship that was under the Gulf Of Mexico. According to research, the ship could be from 1830 and was a merchant’s vessel.

#9. Surfing Is Not Always Pleasant

We know that one of the most popular aquatic activities is without a doubt surfing. In every part of the world, many people from different ages like to tame waves and feel the adrenaline. But it’s not always a safe and fun activity, let’s see the case of the surfer and musician Brad Coder.

While Coder was surfing on El Porto Beach in Calif, he was using a GoPro to photograph some footage for a new music video. What he found was more incredible and scary at the same time. According to the images, here we see a young great white shark that apparently wasn’t hungry enough. Luckily for Coder, white sharks prefer eating fish and stingrays.

#8. Not A Friendly Jellyfish

The Nomura’s jellyfishes are the largest cnidarians in the world and are considered one of the most dangerous aquatic species. Located at the Yellow Sea in Japan, the number of Nomura’s jellyfish has increased so abruptly in the last 20 years that Japanese fishers considered them a big problem.

If a Nomura’s jellyfish touches you by chance, it could be really painful and in some cases, it could be fatal. Another creepy fact about these cnidarians is that they are way bigger than the average man, so if you ever go to Japan or China, please avoid being close to them!

#7. An Unknow Specie

We can’t count the number of aquatic species that are still unknown for humans and most of them live very depth in the ocean. One of these species was the Grimpoteuthis or as is known as the dumbo octopus. Although it doesn’t look like the adorable Disney’s character, the dumbo octopus doesn’t hurt people, especially because they live at depths of 13,100 feet!

The majority of these creatures are located at The Mariana Trench, in the western Pacific Ocean, and it has a 7 miles deep. The only person who could reach into the bottom was the American director, James Cameron. Another fun fact is that the picture we see is the first time that we see dumbo octopuses rolling their arms like that. Yes, octopuses have arms not tentacles.

#6. Not Only Ships And Submarines Are Under The Sea

Like we said before, the ocean is a box full of -scary- surprises. Let’s see this incredible story! Back in the time of World War II, many attacks happened in Europe and Asia, like Operation Hailstone where the Allied forces destroyed a plane from the Imperial Japanese Navy along the Central Pacific Ocean.

At that time, more than 250 Japanese airplanes were destroyed. Nowadays, it’s a tourist attraction to see the remains of some of them at the bottom of Truk Lagoon. Definitely something unique and unseen.

#5. The Immensity Of The Waves

As we can tell from this note, the ocean is a place that people should be respectful, not only because its species but also for its nature. One thing that scares most and you don’t need to very deep are the waves. This picture is from Nazaré in Portugal and it’s considered one of the most dangerous places in Portugal.

Why? The enormous waves that constantly attack the shore of Nazaré make this place breathtaking but also very dangerous. There’s no sand, just rocks, to avoid the moving of the water. Also, Nazaré is a most-go destination for professional surfers that enjoy riding the huge waves.

#4. Portuguese Man Of War

Believe it or not, the Portuguese Man Of War or as known as "man-of-war" it’s considered one of the most dangerous sea creatures that you could ever find. Its tentacles could reach up to 165 feet and they are all covered up with nematocysts that will deliver you a very strong venom that could cause you a partial paralysis.

Most of the man-of-war’s victims suffer from difficulty breathing and extreme pain. Some experts recommend covering the injury with vinegar to reduce the pain. In some cases, the sting could be mortal. Remember, if you ever see one of them, just run away from it!

#3. Wanna Say Hi?

Sometimes aquatic creatures want to say hi to humans, like the case of this whale shark to people who were sailing in Papua West. What was more incredible for these persons is that whale sharks are a species in danger of extinction and they don’t usually go to the surface. Although, most of the whale sharks like the open water in tropical oceans.

The average length of a shark whale is more or less 62 feet and they feed on plankton and small fishes. Whale sharks are not harmless to humans and many divers have photographed them swimming in the ocean.

#2. Sarcastic Fringehead

Even if the name could sound bizarre and funny, the Sarcastic Fringehead is everything but nice. According to specialists, the saltwater fish is very famous because of its large mouth and aggressive behavior. We are completely sure that you don’t want to be close to them!

Most of the Sarcastic Fringeheads live in the Pacific, close to San Francisco and California. Although it seems that these fishes don’t do anything to humans, they often fight between different species for their territory.

#1. Black Dragonfish

Just by looking at the picture of the Black Dragonfish we can tell it’s not a friendly creature to find under the sea. With only a length of 16 in, this specie could be one of the most hurtful sea creatures of all time. Probably, none won’t want to be close to its sharpie and horrible fangs that could kill you.

Black Dragonfishes are divided into female and male types and only the female is the one that has all these qualities. The majority of the creatures live very deep under the sea, almost 3,300 feet below, so it’s not probably to see one of them -and luckily!