You Won’t Believe These Celebrity Conspiracy Theories

#25. Beyoncé Was Never Pregnant

According to some rumors —that eventually became very strong—, Beyoncé was never pregnant at all. In 2011, the pop singer announced to the world that she was expecting her first baby with rapper Jay Z. Of course, fans went crazy about it but it didn’t take long before some people started to believe that it was all a lie.

Because Beyoncé wasn't seen often during her pregnancy, many speculated that it was all fake and when she was seen, she was wearing a fake baby bump. It was said that the singer couldn’t have children of her own because of a fertility issue and that Blue Ivy was born via surrogate. In addition, on an appearance on Australia’s Sunday Night her baby bump seemed to deflate.

#24. Katy Perry’s Real Identity

Back in the ‘90s, the murder of JonBenét Ramsey shocked the whole country, especially because she was only 6 years old. The creepiest part is that her killer was never found. Although the police found the dead body of the little girl, conspiracy theorist Dave Johnson on YouTube claimed that JonBenét was still alive.

According to Johnson, Katy Perry is, in reality, the little girl and Perry’s parents are actually Benét’s! Perry and Benét have some similar faces features and eyebrows but have nothing more in common. Although far-fetched, many seem to believe this conspiracy.

#23. Britney Speas Was A Government Agent

Believe it or not, the Princess of Pop was once believed to be an undercover Bush administration agent. While Bush was the President of the United States, the country went through many difficult moments and some of them were because of Bush’s mistakes. In order to distract people, Britney Spears allegedly got into trouble to direct people's attention towards her instead of the President.

According to the rumors, Spears was in charge of distracting the whole nation while Bush was making big decisions. Apparently, certain events such as Spears' shaving her head coincided with scandals involving Bush.

#22. The Thieves Of Hollywood

We know that some conspiracy theories are bizarre but at the same time interesting.. On the other hand, we have conspiracy theories that shouldn’t have seen the light of day, like the one that involves America’s sweetheart Jennifer Aniston and Vin Diesel.

Why were these two actors together in a conspiracy theory? Rumors say that the two stole a dozen movies in the '90s and kept them a secret before releasing them several years later. The list of the films included the Transformers movies, G.I. Joe and Avatar. What did they stand to gain from this? We have no clue.

#21. Marisa Tomei’s Mistaken Oscar

In 1993, actress Marisa Tomei became the winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in My Cousin Vinny. Everyone was shocked at her victory, including presenter Jack Valance, who seemed very confused when he said Tomei’s name.

Many conspiracy theories started to go around and claimed that Tomei’s Oscar was in fact a mistake. According to these theories, Valance made a huge mistake by saying the wrong name and to avoid embarrassment, the ceremony carried on without changing anything. This could be believed if it weren't for the La La Land incident in 2017, where the rightful winners were later called to the stage.

#20. Avril Lavigne Is Not Real

It seems as though the crazier conspiracy theories get, the more people believe them, because this one is totally nuts. Allegedly, Avril Lavigne has been dead since 2004, and a lookalike has been replacing her ever since.

After Lavigne's "passing", her record label did not want to lose its most profitable artist, so it has been using a double called Melissa Vandella to cover for her ever since.

#19. The Beatles Never Existed

Who could have come up with the idea that the Beatles never existed at all? Well, the Internet is a box full of secrets! According to a website called “The Beatles Never Existed”, the Beatles...well, never existed, just as its name clearly states.

The theory about Paul McCartney’s death in a car crash in 1968 was already famous but this website went a step further by saying that all the members of the band never existed. In fact, they were a combination of robots, lookalikes and actors who were paid to perform as the band. The proof is apparently that in every live performance the members had different height, hairstyle and facial features.

#18. Nicolas Cage Can Travel In time

We have always wondered whether someone has been able to time travel already, but no proof of that has ever been found. However, according to some crazy theories, the only person who can time travel is none other than Nicolas Cage, of all people.

Back in the past, a man claimed that this photo of a gentleman from the American Civil War was in fact, Nicolas Cage. If you look at the pictures, both of them look very similar, but that doesn't proof anything really.

#17. The Illuminati Owe A Lot To Billy Joel

In 1989, the piano man Billy Joel released his studio album “Storm Front” that included the mega-hit We Didn’t Start The Fire. In Joel’s words, the song was about the list of the events that he felt that his generation was not responsible, as the Cold War and the inheritance from it. Of course, everything was not very simple for the artist.

Rumors said that Joel was recruited by the Illuminati and he wrote the song for them that later would become the anthem of them. The website “USA prophecies” said that Joel tried to say that the Dark Cabal had run the entire world since always. See for example the line: “We didn't start the fire” meaning that all the events from the time were all planned out before we could imagine.

#16. John Travolta’s Real Identity

We have seen stories of fake celebrities that are with us nowadays, like Avril Lavigne or Katy Perry. Well, according to many websites the American actor John Travolta is not, in fact, the real John Travolta. Who is behind those blue eyes and slicked-back hair? None less than the singer Roy Black! If you see a picture of them, they have a similar facial structure, hair and mouth.

Some rumors said that Black became Travolta’s double and that his death in 1991 was faked. The main reason behind his faked death was because he would be able to do as many plastic surgeries he wanted to and he would look more similar to Travolta. In addition, Black had to take English lessons too. But what happened to the real Travolta? It’s still unknown.

#15. Dave Chappelle And The Dark Crusaders

The comedian Dave Chappelle is well-known because of his sense of humor and his incredible performances. On the other hand, Chappelle has been always under the spotlight because of his unfortunate declarations, like the time he went to Oprah’s Talk Show and declared that African American actors were forced — at one point in their careers — to dress in drag because Hollywood hated black actors.

We can’t deny the racism that exists in the world but maybe Chappelle’s conspiracy theory went too far. Also, the comedian was involved in a theory that said that a group called “Dark Crusaders” formed by Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Oprah wanted Chappelle out of the business because of his declarations and the way he portrayed the Black life. Surprisingly, Chapelle’s TV show on Comedy Central was cut from the air.

#14. Miley Cyrus’s Real Job

Like the case of Britney Spears, a conspiracy theory was around Miley Cyrus. It is not something unknown that Miley Cyrus supported Barack Obama, the former President of The United States. But some people took her support to another level and claimed that Cyrus was a secret agent of Obama.

Like conspiracy theories about Spears, while Bush was the President, websites declared that Cyrus was an object of distraction from the decisions that Obama was taking. Remember the twerking performance in 2013? According to these theories, it was something to cover the fact that Obama was signed the NDAA. Something that conspirators didn’t take into consideration is that Cyrus’s performance was in 2013 and the NDAA’s signature was in January 2012.

#13. Stevie Wonder Has A Secret

Stevie Wonder is considered one of the most successful musicians of all time, we can’t imagine the world of music without him. But some people claimed that one thing in his career is no truth… According to a conspiracy theory, Wonder is not blind in real life! The rumor started a long time ago when some musicians that worked with him said he could actually see.

Some of the other evidence that supports this theory is that Wonder is a fan of basketball and he often goes to basketball games. Also, a camera caught him driving a car or Boy George once declared that Wonder said hi to him at a party and he hadn’t introduced him before to Wonder.

#12. Elvis Presley Is Still With Us

We know that losing one of your favorite artists could the most painful thing that could happen to someone. Perhaps some fans of The King or Elvis Presley weren’t prepared for his death on August 16 in 1977. Let’s see what theories are around his death, you won’t believe them.

Like many other conspiracy theories that we’ve read, some people claimed that Presley is still alive and he didn’t die in his home in 1977. Following this theory, Presley faked his own death to disappear from the spotlight. On the other hand, some people said that the King was abducted by aliens supporting the says in Men In Black when Agent K said that Presley “just went home”.

#11. Michael Jackson’s Faked Death

In relation to the supposed Presley’s death, some fans still don’t believe that the King Of Pop is dead. For some fans, everything was strange and dark about Michael Jackson’s death and via the Internet, everything is within reach of our hands and conspiracy theories started to appear.

According to those theories, Jackson faked his own death to be out of the spotlight and have a normal life with a low-profile. Some people even alleged that Jackson attended his own funeral! Don’t miss the last 10 craziest theories about famous people!

#10. Khloe Kardashian Is Not A Real Kardashian

Being part of the Clan Kardashian is something serious for many people, more than one wants to be the sister or brother of Kim, Kourtney, Kylie, Kendall and Robert. But what about Khloe Kardashian? According to some rumors, Khloe is not Robert Kardashian’s real daughter.

Some websites declared that the youngest lady of the clan was in fact O.J. Simpon’s daughter with Kris Jenner. For Khloe, the rumors have been something very painful to her and she did an ADN test to prove she is a Kardashian. Surprisingly, Simpson once declared that he believed Khloe is his daughter and he wanted to take a paternity test.

#9. The Truth Behind James Dean

The Rebel Without A Cause had an intense and short life that sadly ended when he passed away in a car crash on a California car race in 1955. James Dean was only 24 years old. Dean became a cultural icon not only for teenagers of the 1950s but also for recent generations. But some people still believe in another version about his death, let’s see what is it about!

A conspiracy rumor says that Dean’s death was the result of a CIA hit. Perhaps you are wondering why the CIA would plan a death like that but for some people, the main reason for that operation was because Dean represented values that were not appropriate for that time, like sex, rebel and bad behavior.

#8. Lorde’s Real Age

Some conspiracy theories are quite ridiculous and without consistent prove, like the one that involved the electro-pop singer Lorde. Without a doubt, Lorde is considered one of the best singers of recent times as she has a strong and beautiful voice that leaves us dazzled. But some people can’t believe that Royals star could be only 16 when she released the famous single.

For some people, Lorde is not actually the age she says she is! The rumors started when Lorde declared in Vanity Fair, and it was clear she was joking, that she was way older than she declared by saying: “I’m actually 45”.

#7. Taylor Swift and Her Hidden Cult

When you are so famous like the pop-singer Taylor Swift it’s impossible that people don’t start to wonder about a dark past or a secret that celebs hide. Let’s see the theory that includes the Illuminati, the devil and Taylor Swift.

Some rumors said that the adorable Taylor Swift is a secret cult leader of the Satanic Cult and the evidence for that is her resemblance to Zeena LaVey who was the daughter of Anton Lavey, the founder of the Church Of Satan in 1966. In addition, Zeena abandoned her father’s church in 1990, just one year before Swift’s born. Coincidence?

#6. Keanu Reeves Is Not Human

Keanu Reeves must be the most loved actors of all time. Many fans claimed that he is not from this planet… And perhaps is real! Some websites said that Reeves is immortal and he has been living different lives, including Jean-Paul Mounet’s life.

Incredibly, Reeves looks like the French actor who died in 1922, or at least what we know. In addition, Reeves declared to Hello! Magazine in 2003 that money was not important to him as he could live for the next centuries with the money he already made. Does Reeves was trying to say something to us?

#5. Marilyn Monroe’s Real Death

The beautiful and loved Marilyn Monroe was on the top of her acting career when she passed away at the age of 36 from a barbiturate overdose. The whole world was shocked when the blond actress died and many people couldn’t believe it. According to Frank A. Capell, the author of The Strange Death Of Marilyn Monroe, Monroe’s death was actually a murder.

For Capell, the main reason behind the murder of Monroe was her supposed affair with the then-President of The United States, John F. Kennedy. Following his theory, it was all part of a communist conspiracy to cover the polemic romance. We have to say that Capell was also a communist activist.

#4. Is Melania Trump Real?

It’s not a surprise that everything that involves Donald Trump the current President of The United States is polemic and sometimes bizarre. Trump’s wife, the First Lady Melania Trump has been under media attention since Trump became president. Let’s see what conspiracy theories said about Melania Trump!

According to some websites, Melania is not “real” Melanie! Many tabloids noticed that Melania’s facial gestures and expression have changed and the way she acts in front of the camera too. Trump’s behavior doesn’t help at all when he introduces his wife and says “She’s right here”.

#3. Louis Tomlinson Is Not A Father

Being part of a boy band could be the best thing that happened to many wannabe singers, especially if you become so famous as One Direction’s band members but we believe Louis Tomlinson wasn’t happy when conspiracy theories about his parenthood started to appear. Fans went crazy when Louis announced that he was going to have a baby and some of them couldn’t stand it.

Fans claimed that Louis and Harry had a secret romance and that the coming baby was a lie and when Tomlinson threw a toy babydoll during a concert and said “It’s not real”, the fans had the proof they needed to confirm that the baby news was all a lie.

#2. Lindsay Lohan’s Secret Sister

Do you remember Lindsay Lohan’s adorable film The Parent Trap? If you were born in the ‘90s, you probably were a fan of the movie. In case you don’t remember, Lohan’s character had a twin. But some people actually wondered about the real twin of Lohan. As you are reading many people though that Lohan actually had a real twin called Kelsey Morgan Lohan that passed away in a mysterious way after the release of the film.

In addition to the rumors, in 2007 Lindsay suffered the first breakdown that led her into a rehab center. In a coincidence, she was releasing the film I Know Who Killed Me and the plot was about a woman that returned home and claimed to be someone else. Could it be Lohan’s sister? Some people said that Lohan’s health condition was because of the coincidence of the movie with her life.

#1. Lady Gaga And Her Dark Secret

Since the singer Lady Gaga started her singing career and nowadays her acting career too, many rumors have been around her. For example, the time that everyone believed she was hermaphrodite or the supposed romance with Bradley Cooper. No matter what she does, Lady Gaga is always under media attention.

But conspiracy theories went too far when websites declared that Gaga was the responsible of Lina Morgana’s death in 2008. According to this theory, Gaga killed the singer because they had similar styles and Morgana had an incredible voice. Evidence of her murder is on the music video Paparazzi where Gaga fell off a building, just like the suicide of Morgana.