Rise Of The Machine: The 23 Best Robots Ever Made

#23. HAL 9000

Some issues are too difficult to leave to people. Just ask HAL 9000 fro A Space Odyssey. HAL 9000 is a fictional robot and the main villain in Arthur C. Clarke's series. The 1968 film brought the world the most glorious, almighty misleader.

Hal sets the foundation for machines which, like us, can conceive and destroy but are too powerful to control.

#22. The TX: Terminator 2

The T-X (referred to as the Terminatrix in some appearances) is the name of the famous cyborg killer who appears in the Terminator series.

This robot can shape shift and is designed to destroy humanity and to eliminate those Terminators that were deprogrammed by the Resistance. Imagine if it was real!

#21. David 8: Alien

David is an android by Michael Fassbender, featured in the Alien movies. Introduced in Prometheus (2012), the first prequel film, David is an robot serving his creator as a butler, maintenance man, and surrogate son.

Although it's not the most celebrated Ridley Scott movie, we were thrilled by Michael Fassbender's performance.

#20. Marcus Wright: Terminator Salvation

An engaging plot twist in the Terminator Salvation movie was the introduction of the new villain called Marcus Wright. Marcus is a human who committed multiple murders, so he ended up on death row in 2003.

He was executed soon after he submitted his body to Dr. Serena Kogan of the Cyberdyne Systems Genetic Testing Division. He comes off as a bad guy, but not everything is as it seems.

#19. Data: Star Trek:The New Generation

Data quickly turned out to be one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most popular characters, as fans enjoyed following the challenges of the synthetic officer to understand and grow closer to humankind.

He proves to be one of the best assets of the crew on a regular basis, although its android roots sometimes cause villains to turn him into a crippling liability.

#18. Number 5 : Short Circuit

Some would certainly be disturbed by the ranks of Johnny 5 this low on the list. But that's because the nostalgia of their '80s has overshadowed real memories of this film.

It's time to revisit Short Circuit with a fresh head to understand why this entry was included only under duress. But not everything it's that bad, let's make this clear, Number 5 is still an adorable robot.

#17. Robot: Robot & Frank

Robot & Frank remind us of how fragile the nature of memory turns out to be. Frank is the owner of the robot, whose principal function is to assist Frank in his early stage of dementia.

Initially hostile, Frank warms up to the robot when he learns he can use it to revive his career as a cat burglar.

#16. Wall-E: Wall E

The first half of Pixar's first look into the future was hypnotic, as a lone robot made the most out of his post-apocalyptic world. On a future, uninhabitable and abandoned Planet,Wall-E is left to clean up garbage as a trash compactor robot.

Call us nuts, but he's worth it all. He's the most endearing robot ever, and goes through hell to win Eve's heart.

#15. Rachael, Pris, Leon Kowalski & Zhora: Blade Runner

The Nexus-series of replicants are nearly identical to adult humans but have superior strength, endurance, agility, durability, and intellect. However, there is a variable they didn't keep in mind.

Their lifespan is not the same on Earth, so to keep breathing, they have to change a lit bit their style deviating from the path. In Zhora's words: "Trained for an off-world kick murder squad"

#14. Roomba Discovery

It was not the first autonomous vacuum cleaner, but the first not to catch on fire. In 2005, the robotic vacuum of the second generation of iRobot proved that domestic bots can actually function.

Just turn the thing on to clean the floors and try not to be standing around watching slack-jawed. Roomba uses two independently-operated wheels that require 360-degree turns to reach even the most difficult spots in your house.

#13. Sony AIBO

Think this is a hunk of plastic that's not going to hit a tennis ball? Think it over again. It is really an advanced piece of robotics that is not going to get a tennis ball. AIBO was introduced in 1999, and is one of the most advanced toys on the market.

It can find its docking station, acknowledge the face of its owner and respond to voice commands. The good thing: you don't have to worry about running out of food.

#12. T-1000: Terminator 2: Judgment Day

T-1000 was created by Skynet and was a futuristic terminator that was sent back in time to make the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger a living nightmare. Composed of a mimetic poly-alloy, T-1000 could shape-shift into literally whatever he liked.

Given the fact that such a robot will never exist in real life, T-1000 still makes every eighth-grader drop their mouth in awe.

#11. Boston Dynamics BigDog

This rough-terrain robot can walk, climb, ride, and it looks scary doing so. BigDog's on-board computer controls locomotion at about three feet long and 2.5 feet tall, has monitors sensors, and manages user communications, and can run up to four mph.

Just one thought, imagine that thing running toward you. Well, we all agree you might feel a little bit overwhelmed.

#10. SID 6.7: Virtuosity

SID 6.7, played by Russell Crowe, is the baddie in 1995 sci-fi cyberpunk-ish movie Virtuosity, starring opposite Denzell Washington. SID (short for Sadistic, Intelligent, Dangerous) is a VR amalgam of the most violent serial killers throughout history.

It is made up of 200 notorious criminal personalities contained in a CPU cube that was placed inside a nanotech android body. Maybe our biggest nightmare, don't you think?

#9. Gerty: Moon

Kevin Spacey's performance as Gerty in Moon was incredible. What audiences loved about him was that this robot seemed more like a human than a machine.

Without a hint of doubt, Gerty has been a very intricate and compelling contribution to the psychology of fictional artificial intelligence.

#8 BB-8:Star Wars:The Force Awakens

The BB-8 is a spherical robot with a domed head that moves freely. You might recognize it from the Star Wars franchise. Still, I bet we all agree that R2-D2 is by far our favorite.

But, BB-8 might hold something which we should give it some credit for: its beep-boop noises are adorable. While R2-D2 is clearly male, BB-8's gender is unknown.

#7. Spider Robots: Minority Report

Spiders themselves are spooky animals. Give them a shiny sparkle combined with the ability to zero in on precise targets, and they will become pretty scary. Steven Spielberg's 2002 science fiction thriller, Minority Report, focuses on spider drones being released into the apartment building where fugitive John Anderton (Tom Cruise), was severely injured.

These spider robots are probably the ones most likely to deliberately give you shivers in a movie packed with nightmarish future tech.

#6. Ava: Ex Machina

The problem of artificial intelligence has been addressed by many films, though few have brought the human touch to their sentient robots as much as Ex Machina did with Ava, played by the marvelous Alicia Vikander.

Ava seems like a breath of innocence in the isolated, claustrophobic laboratory of eccentric tech billionaire Nathan Bateman.

#5. The Sentinels: X-Men: Days of Future Past

In a 2023 dystopian scenario, the Sentinels hunt down mutants in a war that has also wiped out much of mankind and left only the worst of humans to rule over the Earth.

Such Sentinels were made using DNA from Mystique, which gives them the power to adapt to and even use some mutant powers. Like any other movie part of X-men saga, we were absolutely captivated by Brian Singer's terrifyingly good job.

#4. C-3PO: Star Wars

C-3PO yearns for more prosperous days, but his loyal service to the Resistance and his mastery of over seven million modes of communication holds the worry-prone droid in the field of battle of galactic war.

A young Anakin Skywalker designed C-3PO, which was programmed for etiquette and protocol, and was a constant companion to R2-D2.

#3. Ultron: The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Ultron made his debut in 2015, brought to life with all the power and vitality of modern CGI and granted with a similarly experienced selection of heroes to fight.

Regardless of what one thinks of Avengers: Age of Ultron or the voicework of James Spader, Ultron is one of the most dangerous robots in movie history.

#2. Bender: Futurama

Bender swears, lies, cheats, and most of the time, drinks an excessive amount of alcohol to refuel his fuel cells. Bender is the greatest invention to emerge from the imagination of Matt Groening since probably The Simpsons.

Rarely any of the robots on this list will claim the esteemed privilege of being as hilarious as him.

#1. R2-D2: Star Wars

The only robot who immediately stole our hearts from the beginning of the Star Wars saga is R2-D2. With his talent to communicate emotions with just a few digital tones and relentless loyalty to the Resistance makes him more than just a valuable asset.

We believe that none of us could picture Star Wars without the companionship between R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker.