Man's Hidden Camera Captures Fascinating Wildlife Year-Round

Bob The Animal Lover

Let's meet Robert Bush Sr., a photographer at heart who always loved spending his free time outdoors.

He moved to rural Pennsylvania to a house in the forest and near the mountains. His backyard was the forest itself, and guess what? He even had a lake of his own!

The Hidden Camera

Robert came up with a very original plan: he would set up a hidden camera somewhere near his home during the course of an year, in order to capture the animals that roamed around the forest in each of the four seasons.

He set up the camera in a very strategic point: at the very edge of a log.

Camouflage Deer

Now let's see what sorts of animals showed up at the edge of the log! Seldom do deer come near humans, and if they do, they usually look tense and anxious.

However, little did this relaxed deer know that a camera was filming him! He sort of blends in with all the branches, so Bob probably wouldn't have spotted him if it hadn't been for the camera!

Colorful Birds

As you can imagine, all sorts of birds would always rest on top of the log. Here we have some very unique and multicolored birds peacefully gazing at the horizon, their bright feathers popping against the dark tones of the river.

The brighter their feathers, the easier it is for them to find a mating partner, but at the same time, the easier it is for their prey to hunt them down!

A Puzzled Cat

Who would've thought that wild cats roam around Pennsylvania's forests? Here's a hilarious picture of a feral cat making his way across the log, but there's something that seems to be shocking him!

His wide eyes suggest that he may have seen some sort of creature lurking near the banks of the river, but who knows... After all, cats make funny faces all the time and for no apparent reason!

Who's There?

Curiously enough, this cat spent quite a while posing in front of the camera, and it seems to be that he's the only creature that realized he was being filmed! If not, how do we explain this picture?

He's staring right in front of the camera, and his face seems to be saying: "Who's there?".

Find Wally

Am I the only one who thought that that branch wrapped around the log was actually a snake?

Fortunately, it was just a wet branch; if not, that furry little squirrel would've been in some serious trouble! Its color is the same as the log, so if you look quickly, it may even go unnoticed!

An Unknown Rodent

Forests are home to many small rodents, not only squirrels! Here's another adorable furry creature sneaking past the log, but it ran so fast that Bob never managed to make out what it was.

The hamster from Dr. Doolittle, maybe? How about you, what animal do you think it is?

Almost There

Since Bob managed to keep the camera safely hidden, the animals would always react naturally, unaware that they were being filmed.

Here's a beautiful raccoon struggling not to lose his balance, and his face seems to be saying: "I'm almost there! Up next, a creature that we all wish we would find at our backyard.

Exotic Birds

All I'm used to seeing from my living room window are pigeons, and let's face it, they're super annoying! So naturally, I can't help but envy Rob, who has the privilege of gazing at the most exotic birds, such as this elegant heron, from his very backyard.

> "The joy they bring all of you, and why you all enjoy them is priceles, Robert said when he posted this picture.

Posing For The Picture

This is the same bird than the one in the previous picture, but here we can appreciate it fully. It's crazy that that this perfectly timed photo was taken by chance.

It almost seems as if the heron were posing on purpose! Coming up next, we have some terribly intimidating creatures.

Unaware Of His Sheer Size

Can you imagine having such a beast lurking near your home? This giant black bear is trying to climb on top of the log, evidently unaware that he will probably break it in half.

Does he really think he'll be able to cross the stream walking across that log? I can see he's not a water person!

Bear Cubs

Just as the previous bear was incredibly intimidating, these two cubs are as adorable as it gets. And unlike the previous beast, these two fellas are having no trouble crossing the log.

In case you were wondering, these furry cubs were following the giant black bear just a few feet behind him.

Another Giant Bear

We clearly underestimated black bears' capacity of walking on top of a log without breaking it, didn't we? This is actually a different bear, but it belongs to the same species.

It's walking in the opposite direction than the previous one, so Rob, beware! You may have a very unexpected visitor knocking at your door any moment!

Sneaky Crow

If only this crow knew that a whole family of bears had walked across that log a few days before! Even though we're all familiar with crows, it's still cool to see them in their natural habitat.

Unlike other animals, crows aren't so scared of humans, so they can easily show up on top of your roof and chill for a while.

It's Snow Time

I bet you didn't notice that there was a bit of snow forming beneath the log in the previous pictures, did you? Now, winter has come, and you should know that different species of animals show up during the colder months.

Here's a deer cautiously staring at the ice-cold waters. If I were you, I wouldn't risk crossing the log, my friend!

The Night Has Come

I know you were all secretly waiting for this moment to come. Give us some nighttime pictures! Here we have a terrifying image of a feral cat, whose eyes are beaming beneath the pitch-dark sky.

Am I crazy, or does it kind of look like a puma? Yikes!

A Fierce Hunter

The cats and the birds better watch out, or else they'll end up being hunted by a coyote! This picture shows a coyote standing on the opposite side of the river, apparently meditating what to do next.

He's too afraid of crossing in the dark and falling straight into the freezing river, maybe? Slide next and find out!

He Made It!

Moments after the previous photo was taken, the coyote gained some courage and made his way across the river. He approached the camera and posed right in front of it, leaving us with this amazing picture!

Just like the cat, his eyes are shining. I can't help but wonder what his eyes are fixing on.

Ghastly Eyes

Last but not least, here we have a little raccoon out in the dark crawling across the river. The nighttime pictures are never as clear, but we can still make out the creature's freaky eyes glaring at the camera.

I'm only gonna say I'm glad I'm safe and sound scrolling down these pictures from my living room couch!

The Best For Last

Last but not least, here we have a startling image of what seems to be a giant rodent, but is actually a bear cub. Black bear cubs are usually adorable, but at night, they're just as intimidating as any other innocent creature.

So what do you say? Which picture was your favorite?