Reddit Users Share What Made Them Quit Their Jobs On Their First Day

The Amazon Break

  1. u/teamfaysal

    On the first day of working at Amazon warehouse the managers broke down to Everyone how a 15 minute break works there. Walking to the break room is 2 1/2 minutes. 10 minutes of actual break and then 2 1/2 minutes to go back to your stations. It took me 2 1/2 minutes to walk to my car and I took a forever break.

This is not surprising considering that Amazon is notorious for mistreating their employees. While we all love to shop from Amazon, working there sure sounds like a nightmare.

Interview Red Flags

  1. u/Auto_Fac

    I noped out of an interview one time. Thanked them at the end and said it wasn't for me

    Those interviewing, management level folks, started arguing with each other in front of me during the interview.

    I figured, if this is the vibe at the management level then I sure as hell don't want to be your employee.

Sometimes, you can just tell that a job is going to be terrible during the interview. If you see any red flags, it's better to just run and never look back.

The Roach Pile

  1. u/Chefdingo

    Restaurant. Swept under my station when we were closing. Giant brown pile came out with broom from under low-boy fridge. Pile began to scatter. It was hundreds of roaches. Never returned

Nothing says 'run' more than a pile of roaches inside a restaurant kitchen. The only thing worse than working there is probably eating their food. Those poor customers will probably never know what goes on in that kitchen!

Hired For Another Job

  1. u/Yellowchaitea

    I was hired to be a waitress, which has a lower hourly wage due to tips. The entire shift they had me wash dishes in the sink, but paid me waitress wages. A few months later the restaurant was investigated for a number of fraud activity.

There are few things worse than being hired to do one job, then being forced to do another. They basically trick the employee into doing a job they're not getting paid to do. Luckily, this girl left on the very first day.

Living In The Stone Age

  1. u/uno_the_duno

    It was a small independent insurance agency in 2006. My first day there the owner (a true fossil) said email and fax were strictly forbidden as he only ‘believed in’ communication in person, by phone, or through mail. Left for lunch and never went back. I couldn’t imagine the inefficiency I’d have dealt with had I stayed.

    They ultimately closed their doors so it was definitely the right decision.

It can be extremely frustrating to have a boss who's allergic to technology. After all, things like smartphones, computers, and the internet make everyone's jobs easier and more productive.

Sleeping Beauty

  1. u/Cvernie

    Warehouse job, putting stickers on file folders or some such garbage. Went to ask the boss a question, found him asleep in an empty office. He’d taken off a sock and had draped it over his eyes to block out the light.

    On my way out the door, the other girl who had started that day said “please come back, don’t leave me alone here.” I couldn’t stop laughing.

One of the most unprofessional things a boss can do is sleeping on the job. If you ever see your boss doing that, just know that it's probably a very bad environment to work in.

What Were You Expecting?

  1. u/PoolMermaid

    Not me but I was training a new lifeguard. After our shift was mandatory staff training for our entire crew, where we practice rescues. Once she found out we actually had to practice and go in the water, she just...walked out. Not really sure what kind of job she thought she had signed up for.

We can't blame the employers for this one. How could someone think that being a lifeguard doesn't involve rescuing people? Surely it doesn't happen every day, but it's part of the job!

Scamming People For A Living

  1. u/HW-BTW

    Telemarketing. Realized that the script that they gave me to read was full of lies, concocted to scam gullible people out of their hard earned money. I lasted for exactly one call. I sabotaged the sale and bounced right outta there. Never looked back.

We've all received a sketchy call from a telemarketer and knew right away it was a scam. Usually, we just hang up the phone and go on with our lives, but we never think about the person on the other side of the call. It must suck to have that job!

A Brave Young Girl

  1. u/sheepcat87

    I worked at a burrito place in high school and saw a girl quit on the first day. The manager told her the toilets were clogged and she came back unable to free the beast, so he gave her a plastic fork and knife and said to cut it up.

    She comes back from the bathroom crying saying it's clean now and she quits.

    I would have quit first....

This girl was extremely brave for going back in there with the knife and fork. However, she ended up quitting right afterward, so she could've just refused to clean the toilet...

Working With Criminals

  1. u/Donniehinck

    I worked in one jail and on my first day whoever runs the investigations of prisons busted my Sargent and 5 other CO’s for bring in narcotics and sleeping with male inmates. Didn’t even wait til the end of my shift.

It turns out that this is not just something that happens in movies. Sadly, many correctional officers should be behind bars with the inmates they're supposed to watch over. Luckily, this guy found out about this on his first day.

The Poop Nightmare

  1. u/Alpha_spaced

    First day at burger King, I had to clean the men's bathroom, I go in there and there was poop everywhere, next to the toilet, on the ceiling, the walls and even the sink. I quickly walked out the bathroom, didn't even clock out, and just left the store and went home. I wasn't going to to clean that,was awful

Cleaning toilets is definitely not the best job in the world, but cleaning a toilet that is completely covered in poop is unacceptable. How do people even make it that dirty in the first place?

Ignorance Can Kill You

  1. u/AnimZero

    I have Type 1 Diabetes.

    Was working at a Wendy's. The manager didn't believe me when I told them my blood sugar was low and that I needed to get a sugary drink from the drink machine to get my blood sugar up because "I'm too skinny to be diabetic." They thought I was a slacker. Bye.

Although diabetes is a well-known condition, many people believe that only overweight people can develop it. When someone tells you they have diabetes and need sugar, believe them!

Anything For The Job

  1. u/ninibanini86

    I started work in an Italian restaurant. Ten minutes into my first day I was asked to carry a garbage can full of wood up 2 flights of stairs for the wood burning pizza oven. It easily weighed 100 pounds. When I told the waitress I wasn’t sure I could lift it she said I would get used to it and that after her 5th hernia surgery she finally stopped having that job. I left before lunch even started.

We all have to do things we don't like sometimes, but having to go through five surgeries just to keep your job is insane. Hopefully her health insurance was covering all those procedures.

Underpaid Teacher

  1. u/howareyouprettygood

    Got hired to be an assistant preschool/kindergarten teacher. She let me know during training that I would actually be the lead teacher, that I would have an assistant, and that my class would be made up of the children who had fallen behind the last year. Oh, and still making the previously agreed upon $13 an hour.

Teachers are notoriously underpaid, but this person was paid even less than normal because she was hired to do a different job. It's scary how many stories there are of people being tricked into doing a different job than they're supposed to.

Dirty Lobster

  1. u/WillyM35

    Red lobster. I was supposed to be a waiter, they had me bring a big bag of crab legs out of the freezer. It burst open and the sudden smell of fish made me puke. They had me pick them up (no time to wash my hands) the manager said don’t tell anyone we will still use them they are very expensive, just go rinse them off one by one. I said sure just let me go change my shirt I have another in my car. They let me go, I got in the car and drove away never to return.

As someone in the comments said, these stories make you scared to eat at restaurants ever again. When you hear what happens behind the scenes, going out to eat doesn't sound appealing anymore.

Undercover Idiot

  1. u/urtonguefeelstoobig

    Having a manager work undercover with the kitchen staff at a new restaurant to make sure they stayed working. He outed himself when the dishwasher stepped outside to respond to a text message to call his mom. Finds out his father had a heart attack and is in the hospital. Meanwhile, the undercover manager then rushes out and makes a big scene in front of this kid about taking extra breaks.. The kid quit and went to the hospital.

There's few things more annoying than a boss who's constantly micromanaging his employees. On top of that, the timing couldn't have been worse in this case. Not only was the dishwasher's father in the hospital, but he also had to deal with the worst manager ever.

Using The Wrong Brush

  1. u/bran1991

    Not me, but a friend of mine recently got hired by Applebee’s. First day she was shadowing someone who was cleaning the bathrooms. He cleaned the toilet with a scrub brush and proceeded to use the same brush to clean the sink. My friend bounced after that.

You don't have to be a genius to know that you can't use a toilet brush to clean the rest of the bathroom. This person was either stupid or they just didn't care about the customers' safety at all.

Hush Money

  1. u/bondsman333

    I walked in on my boss touching himself.

    The job was working for a well known local real estate agent. On my first day he sent me on a few errands. Must have got back quicker than he thought I would because I walked back into the office and he had his pants around his ankles. I just dropped the bags I was holding on the floor and noped right out of there. He mailed me a check for 1k and asked me to not say anything.

On the one hand, getting $1,000 is pretty neat but, on the other hand, no amount of money can erase that mental image this guy probably had. This is probably the most awkward thing that can happen between an employee and a boss.

Very Professional Painters

  1. u/SodaPopinski406

    “Pro” painters. Boss had three guys painting a three story house in a downpour. Owners grass was painted white from all the paint coming off. I walked.

You don't have to be a genius to know that painting a house when it's raining is a terrible idea. And, if you work as a painter, it makes it a million times worse.

Rudest Boss Ever

  1. u/User avatar level 1 Pied_piper_of_Canada

    I worked at McDonald's, and the manager kept making jokes about how no one liked me, and that I wasn't invited to the after work party.

    I was 15 at the time and it was my first job, so that really traumatized me. Didn't go back for my second shift.

Having a low salary or working a boring job are things that we can put up with as long as we have a nice boss and friendly coworkers. But when your boss is the worst part of the job, you know it's time to look for a new one.

A Job To Die For

  1. u/BillysDillyWilly

    I got a job shingling roofs. My first day on the job I wobbled a bit on the roof. The boss tells me not to fall, there is no insurance "you either die or I fire you before you hit the ground"

There are too many horror stories about working in construction. While the job usually pays well, it's scary to think that you're risking your life for it and nobody cares about your safety.

Degree In Microwaving

  1. u/DanjaHokkie

    6 years and a fancy culinary degree, got a new job after moving at a D&B and they put me on their appetizer station which cooks exclusively with a microwave.

We can't imagine how awful it must be to spend so many years studying just to be underappreciated like that. Also, isn't it scary that so many restaurants just microwave their food and customers don't even know?

Unfunny Prank

  1. u/mataharis

    Starbucks, years ago, they had me do a taste test, the guy had me close my eyes take a sip and tell him what I tasted, I said “kind of tastes like dirt” he got excited and said “yes!! It has earthy undertones!” I knew at that moment I wasn’t going to fit. I told him I was just going to go.

It sounds like his coworker was trying to prank him because there is no way that they use dirt as an ingredient in Starbucks. The real question is how he managed to get away with that.

Something You Can't Unsee

  1. u/EmilyArwen

    It happened to my husband about 15 years ago: as he was being shown how to operate the machinery, the man operating the machine got him arm caught and ripped off right before his eyes.

There's nothing that would make you run faster than seeing a man getting his arm ripped off. That image is probably going to be stuck in this guy's mind forever.

A Shameless Trick

  1. u/BetterDrinkMy0wnPiss

    Many years ago I applied for a job that was advertised as paying $25 per hour (AUD). Went to an interview where they explained that the ad was a mistake and the pay was only $20 per hour. I got the job, and when I rocked up on my first day they gave me a bunch of paperwork to sign, the paperwork listed the pay as only $15 per hour.

    I quit about an hour later.

It really is unbelievable how many employers just shamelessly scam their employees out of their money. This employer could've just stated the real salary from the beginning and someone would've taken the job anyway.

What Was He Doing In There?

  1. u/aarushiv

    The Partner at the Law Firm(Tier 1) took my personal laptop (which was signed in to my personal account-emails logged in, photos, facebook etc) to his cabin and shut the door behind him and asked me to wait outside for 30 minutes!!

OK, this one is beyond creepy. What was that man doing in his office with this girl's laptop? We can't help but think the worst, but hopefully it was more innocent than that and he just needed it to do some urgent work.

The Most Disgusting Prank

  1. u/pakito1234

    When at the daily meeting a manger said if they found out who put a paper bag with human excrement in a employees locker....

This is one of those cases when a comment is better than the original post. It's quite alarming to think that several people have experienced something like this. Only a lunatic would pull a prank like that.

Why Not Wear Gloves?

  1. u/masteroffeels

    20 minutes in, at a canine training facility, the manager showed me how to unclog a poop drain by using his bare hands to force the poop water down a pipe.

    I think I said "I love dogs but not that much."

Dogs are arguably the most precious creatures in the whole world. However, picking up their poop with no gloves or anything is a sacrifice that most rational people would not make. Why couldn't that guy just wear gloves?

Big Brother

  1. u/just_hating

    I worked at a family owned pizza place. They often did not come in, which sucked because I could use a second person there. They managed the place through the security cameras. We were also not allowed to talk to each other. The youngest daughter would often come in, call us idiots, take money from the drawer and leave.

Working under pressure isn't for everybody, and knowing that your boss are constantly watching you through the security cameras is not a good way to work. This probably made the employees nervous and less productive.

It's Better Not To Know

  1. u/Hickspy

    I once worked at a meat-packing plant.

    Never eat hot dogs. Ever.

This comes as no surprise but, at the same time, it's something none of us wants to think about. If we all knew what sausages are made of, we wouldn't eat them, so it's probably better to live in blissful ignorance.

Poor Management

  1. u/ZacharyRS94

    Not technically first day but second day. When I was 20 or so I got hired to be a temporary floor member for Forever21 during the holiday season. My training started a week before Black Friday so the store was already kind of in chaos. On my first day of training I walked in and the floor manager gave all the new hires a tour showing us the facility and layout of the store. After this I was assigned to a veteran floor member to shadow and get an idea of what my job was and what my duties would be. As soon as I was assigned the manager dipped never to be seen again.

    An hour and a half into my shift my shadowee got an emergency family call and had to take off for a week. When this happened I found some other floor manager and explained the situation and asked them who else I should shadow. The managers response was “just do what you can by yourself you’ll be fine, everyone else is busy.” Figured well OK, I’ll try…

    I don’t know if any of you have shopped in the women’s section of forever21 but during seasonal sales they will have multiple articles of clothing that all look almost exactly the same but with slight differences. The best part was these different items were often placed in completely separate parts of the store and it was the job of the dressing room to return the unpurchased items to the correct section so the employees could put them back on the shelves. Well, these employees sucked and I didn’t know if they were a part of my section or not so I’d spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to find where they go before realizing “wait this isn’t even my section I’ve checked literally every rack” so I’d put it back on the sorting rack and move to the next item. More than 50% of the stuff I was told to reshelf wasn’t my section. I just did as best as I could and got ready for my next miserable day.

    The next day I come in and the store manager pulls me to her office and tells me how slow I was the day before and if I want to keep working here I need to be very fast. I explained my lack of training and unfamiliarity with the store and she told me if I didn’t know where the clothes were in sections I should come in my free time and memorize where stuff was at. I spent the rest of my shift putting clothes in random places then never came back for a third shift.

    Worst job I've ever had!

Leaving a new employee alone to do everything in a huge store just doesn't make any sense. Good thing this person quit right away!

Free Discount

  1. u/Katy-L-Wood

    I used to work at a craft store as a cashier, but quit when I moved. Ended up going back a couple years later to make some extra cash, but this time in the framing department. During the interview they swore up and down I would only ever be a backup cashier because I said I refused to have full cashier shifts. First shift after interview is listed as framing, but I’m put on cash and told that actually most of my shifts would be cash since they’d found someone else for framing. I spent the next six hours giving everyone who came to my register 20% off of everything and then never went back.

Giving people free discounts is a great way to get back at a horrible boss. Hopefully, the store owners didn't make this person pay for it.

A Dangerous Place To Work

  1. u/MonsterKID-P

    My first internship was at a brazilian teen detention center (it's akin to a prison, but Brazilian law has some distinctions between crimes committed while as an adult or as a teenager - teens go through socio-educational measures).

    I was walking through a courtyard with my supervisor when some doctors came running flailing their arms and screaming while officers came running from the opposite direction. I get pulled by my supervisor who just tells me to run back to our office. These teens as young as 12 had escaped their block. A few minutes later an officer comes knocking on the doors of the offices and yelling for everyone to run outside because a fire had broken out. Some of the teens had set mattresses on fire in their cells.

    I didn't really quit, but my teacher did (she hadn't even been there that day). So i was forced by the university to choose another place to intern at. Oh well.

Of course, someone has to do this job - but that person should not be a student!

Hell's Kitchen

  1. u/zackit

    Wasn't exactly the first day but I didn't show up after the second shift. It was a rather popular cafe chain in my country. I was hired to work in the kitchen as a cook along with another, senior cook.

    Let's put aside the fact that I had zero cooking knowledge whatsoever, the senior cook was leaving the kitchen every five minutes to smoke. So there I am, alone in the kitchen, orders are printing FAST, and I'm standing there not sure what to do first, and the waitress comes over yelling at me to cook stuff I don't have any business cooking, definitely not on my own.

    Later on the senior cook told me they had at least two rats running around the kitchen. Showed me they pooped on a plate. I never came back and I'm glad the place got shut down.

It's no wonder that the place got shut down, especially considering the rat situation.

Instant Karma

  1. u/ContributionRoutine

    I was 17 and working pre-cast concrete. Refused to use a ladder that was completely covered in rust. Supervisor called me a coward, got up about 7 rungs before his foot went through one, heard his foot snap as he fell. I called an ambulance and walked to my car in the parking lot.

The supervisor got what was coming to him right then and there. That's what happens when you're an irresponsible boss...

Child Endangerment

  1. u/i_mormon_stuff

    My first ever job. I was thirteen and I would be delivering phone books from the back of a van through peoples letterboxes. So I'd be in the back of the van with the phone books and there was an older guy driving slowly while I went back and forth to the van/houses with the books. At one point the van was getting quite empty so there was more space to move around and we had finished the delivery in the street we were paid to deliver to and he drove to another.

    While driving there he drove lets say aggressively and I fell inside the back where the books were. I wasn't sitting in a seat as the van had no seats in the back. As I put my hand out to steady myself I accidentally laid it across a portable radio that had its antenna extended but the antenna was also broken half-way and razor sharp.

    It sliced the palm of my hand clean open 3-4 inches. I can only describe what I saw as gruesome. I said to him to pull the van over and I needed help. He saw my hand and just threw me a plastic bag, the kind you'd get at a supermarket and told me to wrap my hand in it.

    Then .. he continued with the deliveries, at-least he delivered the remaining books himself. I should have been taken to a hospital or at-least home to my parents. I quit after that and never showed up again. As you can imagine my parents were quite angry at him.

This child's parents could've even sued the driver for treating their child this way. Unbelievable!

With His Bare Hands

  1. u/csudebate

    Summer job working for a landscape architect. Got to the job site and he asked me to dig a hole in some rocky dirt. I asked for a shovel. He didn't have one. I asked for a hand spade. He didn't have one. He told me to just dig the hole with my bare hands and then he drove off to another site leaving me completely alone. I dug for a little bit and then said 'screw this' and left.

    Had the job specified that I needed to supply my own tools I could've but it didn't and I wasn't going to work for somebody that expected folks to dig through hard, rocky soil with their hands.

This is beyond unprofessional. How can you work in landscaping and have no tools?!

Not Good Enough

  1. u/gkemball

    long time ago, not long after getting my papers as a chef I had an interview at a hotel for a position in the kitchen. The Executive Chef and I chatted in his office for about 20 mins, at the time I remember him coming off as very arrogant which is quite common in this field, I didn't think much of it at the time as the pay was decent and the shift was what I wanted.

    As I was leaving his office I turned to leave through the dining room (the way I had come in) which was closed at the time it was another hour or so before service started and he says to me "No not that way, go through the kitchen, you're not good enough to go through the dining room." I was so surprised by what he said, I just did what he asked without a word. Later on after I had got home I phoned him up and said that after having a close look I decided that his menu wasn't good enough and that I wouldn't be accepting his offer.

It's crazy how the executive chef thought he could say that to somebody and still expect them to take the job.

Getting Nothing In Return

  1. u/HeyItsTheShanster

    Got what was supposed to be a prestigious political internship that came with a security clearance and everything. Found out at orientation that the “part time” internship was really 40-60 hours, unpaid and that no intern had gone on to work with the organization and weren’t really given a leg up for other federal posts. We were supposed to facilitate meetings with heads of state, coordinate conferences and assist the actual employees with composing published research papers for which we would not be credited.

    They were definitely drinking their own koolaid so I bounced right on out of there.

These people were overworked, didn't get credit for their work nor a job after the internship and, on top of that, they weren't getting paid? How is this even legal?

The Live-In Maid

  1. u/battleangelred

    I answered an ad for a baby sitting job. I was already working on a casual basis but it was sporadic so I thought some after hours baby sitting would be welcome extra cash. The couple were both in the military and proceeded to tell me that I would be staying in the spare room and looking after their 6-month-old child around the clock as well as doing the housework.

    I would have one day off every two weeks. They said it is cash in hand so I could sign onto the dole (unemployment benefit) to make up the rest of the money. I left on the spot. They wanted a live in housemaid and nanny not a baby sitter and they were not able to pay for one. Why they thought it was up to me to illegally collect the dole to subsidize them I don't know.

You can't just hire someone to do a job you can't pay them for! How delusional was this couple?

Coin-Activated Microwave

  1. u/CaptainArmhol

    I quit when I found out the microwave in the lunch room was coin activated.

The fact that they don't let the employees use something as basic as a microwave for free lets you know everything about the company.

Always Watching You

  1. u/pocketradish

    I got a job at a Build A Bear knockoff at the end of a mall that wasn't very busy. My interview with the owners, an old couple, was interesting.

    . My first day, one other girl was working, and she didn't really talk to me. I had basically no training and she disappeared into the back. I was standing at the register area, which was underneath a giant storybook mushroom. A mother and her young son walk in and start to look at the bear skin options. I greeted them and left them to look around. They ended up leaving after a couple minutes and my coworker reappeared from the back with the cordless phone and handed it to me.

    It was my boss. He told me that when a customer walks in, he wants me to come out from under the mushroom to them ("come OUT! from the mushroom!"). After he finished speaking to me, I hung up and went to my coworker and asked about the phone call. She said the place has cameras set up and the owners watch them from their house and call in a lot. I did not come back to work after that day.

If you're going to be managing people like that, you should at least be present at the store.

Several Red Flags

  1. u/Stevie-Avail

    Went into an Italian restaurant for my first day of work and I got 3 red flags on the very first day.

    1- The manager said he had lots of hours for me and getting shifts would be no problem. Every single other employee told me that they were struggling for hours and that they had no idea why they hired me.

    2- Everyone said the manager was awful. Even the customers.

    3- It was my first day there, and I actually had to teach the woman training me how to do one or two things.

The first and third reg flags may indicate that this person was hired to replace someone who was about to be fired... but who knows!

Deja Vu

  1. u/Ismygrayshowing

    I was hired at a chain restaurant to be a hostess. I was so excited because my last job was washing dishes and because of my eczema, I had to quit. It was too painful to do that job. So, I arrived at my new job dressed up to be a hostess and they took me back to the kitchen to do dishes because the dishwasher just quit. I noped out of there real fast!

This is what happens when you're dishonest when you're hiring someone. Employers would save themselves and their employees a lot of time and money if they were just honest.

Unacceptable Terms

  1. u/fetusofdoom

    I "interviewed" at UPS as a truck stocker back In the day. I was already working a part time job and renovating homes, this was just gonna be a part time gig since the hours worked out (4 to 7 am a few days a week.) When I showed up they told me that it was unacceptable to have any other work priorities because this was going to be my number one priority.

    Got up and immediately left as she was still going through her introductory speech.

What do these employers expect you to do with the rest of your time when you're working part time? It makes no sense!

Creepy Boss

  1. u/EmbalmMeDaddy

    Had two interviews to work housekeeping at a hospital. Got a call the night of the second interview at around midnight from the guy saying "I was just so excited I wanted to call and tell you I'm gonna call you to offer you the job tomorrow". Should have taken that as the first red flag but I needed the job.

    I go in for my first day of training and he has print outs of my Facebook wall and my boyfriend's. He started asking me how long we had been together and made it clear he knew everything so not to lie to him. It was so uncomfortable.

    I leave his office and do some training. We break for lunch and he sits with me in the cafeteria asking how it's been going so far, etc. Then tells me he expects to see me at his church Sunday. I haven't gone to church in like ten years at this point.

    We all have a quick meeting in our main room and I stay back after everyone had left. I put my badge, keys and walkie on the desk and walk the fuck out. I felt bad but it was no wonder why they can't keep anyone.

    He call the me for MONTHS afterwards asking what had happened, he was worried sick, he deserves answers, blah blah blah. I had called their HR the day after I had walked out to tell them I quit and why so they had to have told him. He had no reason to keep contacting me.

It's good that she got out of there fast, because her boss was a total creep.

The Biggest Disappointment

  1. u/Professional_March54

    They hired me to work full time. I had interviewed to work full time. I was trying to quit a horrible job, and this job was on the other end of town. I needed enough money for the bus pass, and to make up the difference and more of quitting my old job. They hired me and showed me my schedule.

    I showed up for my first day, things are going good, then my manager called me in, sat me down, and explained that they'd have to cut me down to 15 hours a week because they'd hired too many people. I explained, painfully, that I had to take a bus an hour each way and wouldn't be able to pay rent or food after that. He said I could always hold out and hope people quit. I told him he could start with me, took off my apron and stormed out in tears.

It's really sad how they wasted this person's time. Not cool!

Floor Pie

  1. u/Shutinneedout

    My very first job was at a buffet restaurant that was popular with senior citizens and known for their desserts. I was asked to get another coconut cream pie from the back and as I was getting it out of the fridge, another employee bumped into me and I dropped it on the floor, pie side down.

    This employee’s (someone who’d worked there for years) solution was to just scrape off all the whipped topping and replace it. I was horrified they served pie that had been on the extremely dirty floor and never went back.

It'll be hard to go to a restaurant again after reading all these stories...

Playing With Knives

  1. u/The_hangry_runner

    My S/O worked at Subway for one day. They had just started training him when he walked into the back, looked up, and saw a dozen or so knives hanging from the ceiling. As his trainer was explaining the hilarious game they played of making the knives stick in the ceiling tiles, another employee walked through the doorway and “WOOSH” - a knife fell down and pierced straight through the bill of their hat.

Who in their right mind thinks a game like this could be fun?

A Filthy Workplace

  1. u/tvoegeli

    I was hired as a cook in a country club in Miami Florida back in 2002, it was the grossest kitchen I have worked in in the US, I have been through worse in the US and around the world.

    Most of the food in the coolers was rotting, there were ants on the cutting board they had me work at, the guy training me picked up a towel off of the floor to push the ants out of the way so I could work. Many of the food that should have been refrigerated was left out. The walk in freezer door would not close because there was so much ice build up.

    I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time I was there. I made it through the day then did not come back for my 2nd day, the chef called me and I told him that I would not come back, he threaten to call the culinary school I went to and tell them I walked out on him, I told him that was fine and called the health department and reported their practices, they called me a year later to follow on the claim and had time to go check it out(what a joke.) I stand by my choice to quit with no notice and reporting them.

It's unbelievable that places like this continue to exist with no consequences.