No, They Didn’t! — People Around the World Share The JUICIEST Gossips in Their Lives

Double-troubled Marriage

  1. u/subtleglow87

    A friend of mine had two kids with a guy who worked in oil fields. He "worked" in 3 month long shifts where he would travel to another state then come home for 3 months then travel again. They were together 7 years, married for 5, when she was doing laundry and found a second cell phone in his pants. Turns out, he had been married for 10 years to another woman who he also had kids with in his "work" state.

    She decided to wait it out, filed for annulment on the basis that he was married to someone else, and filed for custody of their kids while he was gone for "work". Once she had it all worked out she called the first wife and told her that not only had he cheated on her, he married someone else, and fathered two other kids. The husband angrily drove for 11 hours back to her state to find the house empty.

    Unfortunately for her, her not-husband-anymore found her and beat her within an inch of her life blaming her for the first wife leaving him. She was in the hospital for several months and he is now in prison.

Can’t imagine the kind of deception it must have taken for this man to juggle two different families without them being the wiser.

A Sinful Pastor

  1. u/GSG2150

    Our pastor was having an affair with his cousin's wife. One day while giving a sermon the cousin storms into church, tackles the pastor and starts to throw haymakers at him. The cousin's wife is trying to pull her husband off the pastor. The pastor's wife quickly figured out what was happening, ran up and clocked the wife from behind, knocking her out. People are trying to separate everyone. Total chaos.

Cheating is one of the worst things that could happen to a marriage. This pastor’s motto must have been, “do as I say, not do as I do.”

Two Exes

  1. u/arnivold

    Just found out the other week through the grapevine that two of my exes are now together. My friends were coming to me like "hey didn't you used to date both of them? How did that happen?"

    One of them is very mild-mannered and relaxed and we ended it amicably because we were getting bored, the other one is hot-headed, impulsive, and motivated... That one ended because we both had trouble communicating our grievances in a healthy manner.

    Given my experience with both of them, I have no idea how they're gonna make it work, but I wish them both luck.

We’ve heard of friends dating exes, but exes dating each other? That’s a new one. Curious to know what created the bond between the both of them.

VERY Close Jess

  1. u/StraightOutBee

    I live with a married man. He and his family are VERY close to this lady we'll call Jess. They go on vacations with Jess, but in all photos, she is near the husband, not the wife. There have been rumors that the husband is cheating on his wife with Jess. Just rumors though, right? Recently Jess moved across the country. We thought that was the end of it. Nope. My dad helps people so they can get mortgages and he just got a call from someone. The husband. They're moving with Jess across the country.

    Edit: A lot of people are questioning if it's polyamorous and I get that it's possible, but I don't know for sure. They could be leaving this conservative neighborhood because that's the situation.

Sometimes, your first instinct is exactly right. Hopefully, this is not the same situation and we are all getting this scenario wrong.

What A Boss!

  1. u/Kittensi

    A girl I worked with accused me of getting extremely drunk while babysitting her child and told the entire building of people I work with. For starters, I don’t drink. She compulsively lies and everyone knows her for that, but I still can’t believe it. Oh, and she paid me $10 for watching the said kid and then stole it back and blamed it on one of my house guests. Wild.

Sometimes we don’t really know what’s been going on in someone’s head. Compulsive liars are the worst.

No Excuses For Cheaters

  1. u/SuperGirlfriend69

    My ex and I divorced because he came out to me 18 years into our marriage as bi. He thought if he could just try it once he’d get it out of his system. His exact words. I gave him a hall pass, knowing deep down this was who he was and he wasn’t going to “get it out of his system.” He ended up cheating on me with randos from Craigslist, etc. When we split, we told everyone we grew apart. My adult kids don’t know and I promised never to tell. Our friends don’t know. Just me. He’s now happily in a relationship with another woman but still hangs out quite a bit with a guy I know he’s been involved with. He says for him it’s just physical and he doesn’t ever want a relationship with a man. It’s been a tough secret to keep.

We sometimes struggle with our identity and having a partner who is supportive while we work out the kinks is a blessing. That doesn’t mean they should be repaid with cheating and betrayal.

Cheating To Co-parenting

  1. u/CoolBeansKiddo

    A year ago my family member (26) discovered that his fianceé (29) of 7 years, who he has 2 children with had been having an affair with his younger brother, who just turned 18. His brother was living in his house rent-free at the time as well. So his fianceé left him for his brother and had a fling with him for a couple of months. The younger brother is basically homeless now, jumping from friend to friend to crash at their houses while working at a job that he makes minimum wage at ($7.25), while she is still living under her ex-fiance's roof.

    She then decided she wanted to work things out with her ex-fiance so they got back together and decided to reconcile the relationship which left the younger brother furious. Shortly after that, she finds out she is pregnant but does not know which brother is the father. Her fiance said he would raise the baby as his own even if it was not his. So she decides to keep the baby.

    This makes the younger brother more furious because she aborted the child before this baby that she knew was the younger brother. So the younger brother verbally attacks her for aborting that child and keeping this one because there is a chance it is her fiance's. She is unemployed during this time, so her fiance is paying for all of the expenses.

    9 months later, still unemployed

    She has the baby and it ends up being the younger brother’s child and they all try to do co-parenting. The baby is 3 months old now and my family member’s fianceé left him for his younger brother again!

It took him a long time to figure it out, even though the signs were glaring that she wasn’t the one for him.

14 Cheating Years!

  1. u/IWasA_Mistake

    My cousin has been together with his wife for 14 years and has had a girlfriend for just as long! Neither of them knew about the other. He got caught because of an image on Facebook. His wife’s sister posted a family picture which my cousin was in and got recognized by his girlfriend’s sister’s acquaintance.

    He got away with that for FOURTEEN YEARS!

Nothing remains hidden for long, especially in this age of social media where someone knows someone who knows someone.

A Lying Co-worker

  1. u/[deleted]

    I have a coworker I’ll call Jess, who always talks about her kids in detail and asks for favors because of her kids; i.e. picking up shifts, asking for rides, etc...

    One of our other coworkers' sons goes to the same bar as said girl (she doesn’t know who he is) and one night was spilling her guts about how she always takes advantage of her coworkers and that she doesn’t even have kids.

    She doesn’t know that we know

    EDIT: Thank you so much for all the comments, gold, and suggestions! I will definitely update everyone if anything interesting develops.

Taking advantage of people and their goodwill just because you can is one of the lowest behaviours you can ever pull. That said, why always Jess?

Trust Issues

  1. u/hammerkat605

    That my brother asked my mom for $1000 for rent, she gave him $1400 so he could also pay back a loan. Then he turned around and also asked my dad for $1000 for rent which he also gave him. He then turned around and used the money to buy tickets to the burning man.

    My parents aren't going to lend out any more money without talking to each other first.

Nowadays, trusting someone has been very hard. Almost everyone is out to get what they can benefit from you - even your kids.

Ghosted Girls

  1. u/UnpunctualAmetrine

    I started seeing a boy from my university around Christmas who ended up giving me the good ol’ ghost. About two weeks ago, I met a girl at a party through mutual friends. Through the drunken instant bonding that happens when girls pee together at parties, we discovered that he began ignoring me because he started seeing her, but had already abandoned her as well. We haven’t deduced who the next victim is yet.

Ghosting breaks something inside you and leaves you questioning your worth. Is it a mere coincidence that their paths crossed? Maybe there’s a guardian angel that wanted them both to learn about how pathetic this guy really was.


  1. u/lcotemi

    I know a guy like this. He will never get married, but dozens of women think he will. He plays the game very well.

    He will only use android phones because he can text a group and each person gets the message individually. He has a few groups of girls in his contacts. So, on a Friday night out with the guys, he prepares for one of these dozens of women to meet up with him later. He sends a generic “hey babe” text to a group. Whoever answers first gets the response, and gets to spend the night with him.

    It’s always very interesting meeting these women. I get kicked a lot, under the table. I have fun asking the woman how long she’s been dating my friend, and when she says “a year” I wonder aloud why we’ve never met. My friend thinks I’m going to spoil it for him, but I’m not. It’s just fun making him nervous.

Serial dating sounds really exhausting, it’s a wonder how anyone could find it enjoyable or how they could stand having to lie so much.

Not Your Ordinary Embezzlement

  1. u/[deleted]

    Not recently but the biggest is that my aunt got arrested a while back for embezzlement, she didn’t do any jail time I don’t think just has to pay it back.

    This isn’t much of a surprise though because after the roof of the blockbuster she managed collapsed she stole all the candy lol.

Some of us can relate to having people we need to hide stuff we don’t want to get missing from. Someone should have noticed she had pinchy fingers from the start.


  1. u/Compulsive-Gremlin

    An ex-friend of mine from high school is now in the middle of the second divorce. Apparently, it’s because she cheated on her second husband with her now current boyfriend. This is the second time she’s cheated on her husband and I’m curious if she’ll marry the current boyfriend and then cheat on him.

Why marry someone if you’re still unready for a lifelong commitment? Marriage isn’t for everyone, after all, if you cannot be faithful, remain single and have all the flings you want.

Secretly Married

  1. u/knight_of_the_day

    Just found out that my brother, who divorced his ex-wife a year ago, got married to a new woman in secret. I mean secret as in that he hasn't told his own kids about it (10 and 12 years old).

    He hasn't told us either (rest of the family). My mother just accidentally said it to all of us. So now we know but are to pretend we don't know.

    None of us have met his new wife that we don't know is his wife but still know is his wife.

If he hadn’t kept the marriage secret, instead of asking why he tried to hide it, people would have been raising their eyebrows at the timing.

Chinese Mafia

  1. u/ahyanx

    My uncle told my parents that he needed money because he borrowed it from the Chinese mafia and they were threatening to kill him and his family or something. My parents sent him some money and then two weeks later he posted a pic with a new car.

    Edit: my uncle said the money he borrowed was to pay off his house. edit2: he did not actually borrow from the Chinese mafia. He didn’t even get a new house. more clarification: we are Chinese Malaysian. Most of our family lives in Malaysia while we live in the US. People usu ask us for money bc my parents started a good business here.

It would have been a smarter idea to borrow the money from the siblings before considering the mafia in the first place. Then again, his story doesn’t check out (but he sounds exactly like the kind of person that would make such foolish financial decisions).

A Trip To Two Courts

  1. u/Aaron_the_cowboy

    I know that feeling. I had the distinct displeasure of discovering that my wife had run up $80,000 on several different credit cards. She wasn't buying cool sht for me. She was buying, and hiding jewelry for her, big screen TV's (when they were expensive) for her friends and spending money on seeing her boyfriend. Yea, I was the last to know all this sht. Some of which I didn't even find out until after the divorce. Anyhow, this debt was insurmountable, so it was, sadly, a trip into bankrupt court and then a trip to divorce court.

    That was 7 years ago, and I have the bankruptcy all paid off, and every other bill paid off, as well as my house and vehicles. It's good now, but it really sucks to find out how far in the sh*tter your spouse can put you.

We can all agree that only a terrible person would not only cheat on their partner but also work hard to send them into the gutters by making them go bankrupt. Hopefully, this man was able to heal from both emotional and physical damage.

Cheating Biological Grandfather

  1. u/crazyrockerchick

    My grandmother told me a couple of months ago that around the time of her divorce from my biological grandfather, another lady in their small town had a baby. When grandma finally saw the baby, after friends suspiciously tried to keep her from seeing it, it looked exactly like her soon-to-be ex-husband.

    I was the first person to be told about this. My mom now knows, but my aunts and uncles have no idea they have another half-sister running around somewhere.

    Edit: my highest upvoted comment is now about my cheating biological grandfather. Cool. For those that have suggested trying to find her, my brother took a DNA ancestry test last year. I’ll ask him about the family tree part and what he found.

    Regarding telling the other family members, it’s certainly not my place. The problem is that my biological grandpa (who will be BG from now on) was a piece of sh*t. He was abusive, drank himself to death, and abandoned my mom. The other relatives want to just move on. He isn’t talked about anymore. Grandma is trying to respect that, especially my uncle, who didn’t speak to her for a long while because he felt like she wants just trying to turn the family against BG. If they accidentally find out through a DNA test, it truthfully would probably be less drama that way.

    Last note: the reason the baby was easily identifiable aside from suspicious behavior was largely due to BG being a redhead. There weren’t too many in town, apparently.

It must be heart wrecking to be walking around town and bump into a kid that suspiciously looks like your partner and your own kids. That’s physical evidence of how much your partner has no respect for you.

Pastors In Disguise

  1. u/[deleted]

    My friend, who shall remain unnamed, has been trying to get with his stepsister’s boyfriend. Well not so much trying to get as trying to get in a relationship with. Cause the video he sent me of stepsisters boyfriend bent over told me he already "got" him.

    But wait there's more. Boyfriend is a very influential local pastor's son, the same pastor who drives around town with stickers all over his car like "God will punish sinners, only through Christ can you be saved".

    But wait there's more! Pastor is cheating on his wife with a friend's mother.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The father-son bond activities must center around ways to cheat on your partner without them being the wiser.

Rollercoaster Of Emotions

  1. u/bethel1998

    Some girl in our year at school posted on Facebook the other day how her boyfriend had supposedly cheated on her. They had a full-blown argument in the comments just on Facebook for everyone to see. Yesterday she posted a picture of some keys tagging her boyfriend in it saying "just bought our first house together!"

It used to be that you would work very hard to get juicy gossip details, but now social media makes it easy for you to be in everyone’s business.

Thankful For Friends Like This

  1. u/GrouchyGirl

    I just found out that the guy who sexually assaulted me 10 years ago in college had the crap beat out of him by some of my male friends a few days after. They never said anything to anyone at the time because they could be expelled for it.

    Edit for those wondering: there were multiple witnesses to the act.

This experience was definitely devastating but grateful for those friends who got your back 'till the end. They are surely heaven sent!


  1. u/nwvrie

    Apparently, for years my parents have told my teachers I have a learning disability. I didn't know I had a learning disability. I don't think I have a learning disability. I asked them why and they said it takes about $1500 off the cost of my university tuition from some government grant so I guess I have a learning disability.

    Update: I asked my parents more questions about this and I apparently got tested when I was young and have a legitimate learning disability diagnosis. My parents aren't committing fraud, they knew all along that I was diagnosed and I just recently found out about it.

It must have come as a shocker to learn what the parents had been hiding. Good intentions, bad delivery.

Juicy Family Stories

  1. u/meeeehhhhhhh

    One November day, my mom took my sister and I put so we could help her pick out gifts for our kids. I asked why a cousin of ours who adored children never had any of her own. This led my mom into a deep trail of juicy family stories. The most unexpected was about my grandma. Apparently, a married man had pursued her, and they started a short affair that left her pregnant. She was the teenaged daughter of devout Catholic, immigrant parents, and they essentially hid her in the basement the entire nine months and forced her to give away the baby. They also threatened the dad with the mob to get him to stay quiet and pay for medical care.

    My grandma lived most of her life depressed over what came of that child. My mom took an ancestry DNA test about a year ago and found the woman. She had been adopted by loving parents who have since died. She’s started coming to our family events, and my grandparents are more than pleased to have her in their lives. My grandpa has called her his daughter on multiple occasions. Also, both of my sisters have cheated on their husbands with guys they met at the gym. My husband is only very stressed by this trend.

    Editing to add: don’t worry, y’all. I run for exercise, and I mainly use it for alone time. And to eat more pizza.

Surely, every family has stories like this one. You never know what secrets your old, sweet grandparents are hiding from their pasts.

Shell Shock

  1. u/MajorMustard

    One of the girls in our group of friends has never really gotten over her ex that left her 3 years ago. She will often bring him up when drunk and it has really hampered her dating life.

    He lives thousands of miles away, and today he posted a picture of him sitting with an attractive dude getting coffee. They are holding hands and their legs are touching.

    We were all sitting around the TV hanging out when she saw the picture. Shell shock is the best description of her face.

Three years is a long time to still be pining over the one you lost, especially when that relationship was the classic embodiment of “it’s not you, it’s me.”


  1. u/PerslaysaKay

    The 32-year-old happily married general manager of a cocktail bar owned by the restaurant I work for was just very publicly outed as a child predator.

    Turns out he had been caught by a local vigilante group targeting potential offenders. They posed as a 14-year-old girl and messaged him for weeks and on the night he agreed to go to this “girl”’s house, they dropped the curtain and revealed that it had all been a sting. He insisted he was being framed but was almost instantly removed from the company with no leniency. Meanwhile, his wife works with me at our restaurant! Her world is totally shaken.

It’s insane how seemingly upstanding members of society have so many skeletons in their closets. Secrets that even their closest confidantes are unaware of.

Juicy Life Anecdotes

  1. u/DisenchantedPeitho

    Cousin’s wife finally caught his cheating a. 3 years he’s been playing her for a fool, but she actually knew. She just loves him too much.

    Heard that the ahole who got me fired got fired because of the email that I sent to the company’s vp. (Honestly wish I went with filing for a labour case tho.)

    Apparently, I’m adopted. Not really sure if the ancestry thing works. I want to find my biological parents.

    So much stuff is happening. I don’t even know anymore lol

Imagine being in this scenario where you don't know where to focus anymore. If we had to rank these issues according to their importance, then number three is definitely a high priority.

BIG Red Flags

  1. u/sensitiveinfomax

    This woman I know is dating a very shady guy. She's nearly 40 and desperate, so she overlooks a lot of the red flags.

    - All her friends think he's an ahole.

    - He claims he disappears every now and then because - get this - he works for WikiLeaks.

    - He is married to someone. He claims that they got married only for visa purposes and they only fd like a few times. He has citizenship now, but they aren't divorced because of some paperwork stuff, involving - you guessed it - WikiLeaks.

    - He vacillates between having her attend his family events and declaring that he doesn't believe in marriage and kids. Though, of course, he's married already.

    He recently suggested they be in an open relationship. She has always wanted marriage and kids, so it surprised me she got on board this relatively easily. I suspect it's because she wants to hold on to him.

Is this the perfect example of "love is blind"? No one makes excuses for irresponsible partners like a desperate woman in love.

Mr. And Ms. W.C.

  1. u/AshleyMegan00

    Something similar happened when I was in 3rd grade. My teacher, Mrs. W, was married to 6th grade teacher Mr. W. who taught at a neighboring school. Well, my teacher would often spend time with the other 3rd grade teacher, Mr. C. One time at lunch I saw them across the courtyard sharing a Diet Coke and what looked like holding hands. Even in my little mind I thought that was weird because I knew Mr. W, they were a well known couple in our small community. Fast forward in the year their affection becomes more blatant and it comes out that my teacher left her husband for Mr. C. They got married and had a baby. Later in high school, Mr. W was teaching a class and it turns out he never remarried and I always thought he seemed sad. But I could totally just be making that up in my mind.

Stories like this make a villain origin story that will rival anything Marvel or DC has ever done. It secretly makes you anxious and worried that your partner could fall out of love with you. Or worse, cheat on you.

Toxic Relationship

  1. u/nochedetoro

    My SIL is pregnant, again, by the same guy she’s been in a (two-way) abusive relationship with for the past six years. Despite constantly moving in and out of his house, filing restraining orders against each other, and accusing each other of cheating every day, they PLANNED this one.

    Edit: SIL is my husband’s sister, sorry for the confusion. Also CPS has been to their house. My MIL takes the baby often so she isn’t in the house.

One of the worst things you could ever do is to bring a child into a toxic relationship. That’s like slapping a bandaid over a festering wound and hoping it heals. The kid will only suffer for actions that were beyond their control.

Find Someone Like V

  1. u/phantomhatsyndrome

    My sister is pregnant with her third child, third guy. The first father, V, is awesome- he has custody of both their child and her second (no biological relationship to him). The second baby-daddy has apparently been threatening my sister and V after learning of the third child and that V took her in. V and my sister still have a functional platonic relationship at this point, and due to fear of reproach from the 2nd (and maybe the 3rd) V has taken both kids, my pregnant sister, and his own SO with him out of state to make sure there's no reproach from 2 or 3.

    V is one of my favorite humans. He treats the second child like his own, despite no longer being in a romantic relationship with my sister (since 2010). Dude is as good as they come, in my opinion.

We all want to meet someone who’ll take care and fully accept our imperfect selves. If you found a V or several Vs (it doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship) in your life, hopefully, you see them for the gems they are and hold on tight.