Doomed From The Start: Guests Share Wedding Experiences That Made Them Realize The Marriage Wouldn't Last

So Unnecessary

  1. u/WanderingRaindog


    My wife’s brother just got married this past May. Bride’s mother is a big DIY person and went a little nuts with extra flowers, table pieces, decorations, etc… Note I said extra, it was already decorated by the venue, she just took it upon herself to buy and add way more stuff.

    Anyway, a few weeks ago she sends my MIL (grooms mom) and email with receipts of all the extra stuff she bought ($7,000 worth!!! ) and asked that she pay half since it was technically set up in time for the rehearsal dinner for guests to enjoy. It’s causing a huge rift between the newlyweds since the bride is taking her moms side.

The confusion on everyone’s as they check-in must have been comical. Seriously, parents should do the right thing and not put their kids in the awkward position of choosing sides.

Fake Until Wedding Cake

  1. u/Kraken_of_BeverlyRd

    I was maid of honour. Me, best man and the couple went into a separate little room to do the signing stuff. Bride excused herself to go the bathroom and the groom started making pretty mean remarks about her cooking (sth she's passionate about) to the officiary. She came back, heard they were talking about cooking family meals together and gave him the warmest smile, thinking he had praised her. He scoffed awkwardly and changed the topic. That always stuck with me. He wasn't laughing WITH her but AT her, behind her back.

Mocking your partner, behind their back, with anyone who cares to listen has to be criminal in one of the several planets.

Cake Scene Went Wrong

  1. u/grubychild

    When the bride tried to playfully feed the groom some cake, pulling it back once it got close to his mouth. The third time she did this, he slapped it out of her hand and stormed off.

    In the ensuing awkward silence and wide-eyed staring, we all knew it wouldn't last.

    Surprisingly, they were together for nearly two years before the bride eloped away with her step-brother. No one saw that coming.

Eloping with the step-brother is an ending we never could have imagined. Kind of sours what could have been a celebration for her victory.

Invitation Of Your Ex? What Could Go Wrong?

  1. u/qwertyNopesir

    Wedding videographer here, I think my favorite moment was when I was sitting at the miscellaneous table with all the randoms and the girl next to me, the grooms ex, drunkenly admitted to sleeping with the groom a few months prior

That was insider information that could have benefited the videographer if he had set up a running bet on how long the groom would remain faithful before his true colors showed.

Married At 16

  1. u/sax_master225

    When they got married illegally in high school. Two 16 year olds from different states who had to lie on their certificate to get approved by the state. It was annulled when the father of the groom found out.

As sweet as puppy love is, you don’t do something as important as a wedding as an underage without telling anyone.

All Eyes On Me

  1. u/Stormaen

    My brother’s ex-wife. Throughout the exchange of vows, she was looking at everyone but my brother, making sure all eyes were on her. Later, she instructed the photographer (a family friend who was cheap) to “mingle” and get shots of people “being happy”. Within 10 minutes, she’d summoned the photographer back shouting, “Whose wedding is this?! I meant get shots of people being happy for me.”

    Edit: thought I’d add – they broke up when she cheated on him. Apparently, that marriage she was desperate for was only good while it brought her attention.

These were glaring signs that she was a selfish person. It is not surprising that she cheated.

“Responsibility” Wedding

  1. u/[deleted]

    When the groom started off his speech by saying, “we all know I didn’t want to get married but we’re here for bride and child we had together_.”

    1 year, 3 months later they were finished.

What a way to make your partner feel undesired and like a burden.

Nightmare With The Bride

  1. u/Unusual_Form3267

    My husband was the best man at a wedding. The bride was a nightmare. Not just during the wedding, but in general everyday life. All of the friends hated her, and she had no friends of her own.

    We knew it was doomed when: during the portraits, the bride was making everyone miserable as can be. The groom said (exact words):

    "I'll just send her to therapy. And, if that doesn't work, we can just get divorced."

You know the marriage was definitely doomed from the start when the groom was already making plans for a divorce before the ink dried on their marriage certificate.

A Toast Of Embarrassment

  1. u/cat9tail

    When the maid of honor professed her love for my brother during her toast at my brother's wedding... and her husband walked up to the head table, picked her up and carried her away before she could embarrass him further. They lasted about 3 months after that. My brother and his wife on the other hand are still happily married 20 years later.

The maid of honor was disrespectful to her husband, her friend, and her friend’s husband. It’s not surprising that the couple was unable to move on from such an embarrassing spectacle.

The Forgotten Bride

  1. u/GRC2772

    I was the maid of honour, they seemed like the perfect couple, together for nearly 10 years and had this big, expensive, beautiful wedding.

    Bride would have been happy with a small event but told me groom had a big family and had insisted.

    Alarm bells hit when I sat with her parents in the front row and realised the groom to bride ratio was so massively off. The groom had three best men, as well as ushers etc. His sister and one best man read something during the ceremony (and then all three said long speeches about him at dinner). It was all about him.

    The photographer was even his friends Mum, so she kept whisking away the boys for these ‘hilarious’ lads shoots.

    The bride was ignored most of the day and in the evening he got too drunk, spilt a drink over her wedding gown and danced with his friends. It felt more like a big birthday party than a joint event. I’d never seen that side to him, but I felt so sorry for my friend, it was like she was just there to be a prop to his plans and look good. Three months after the wedding he began being emotionally abusive. A month after that he admitted he’d been having an affair for years, then left.

    If I hadn’t seen the way he behaved at the wedding, I never would have guessed he had that in him.

    Edit: As so many people are being kind, I’ll update you. My friend hasn’t been able to trust or date again yet and it’s been 4 years. However she has become an amazingly brave woman, who’s travelled to some amazing places alone and is now retraining to change careers. I think she learnt never to be a backseat passenger in a relationship again.

    Honestly the way she handled the whole thing, with such grace and determination makes me so proud to be her friend. She basically told him when he left that he would never see her, or hear from her, or about her again. She dropped all friends that had a connection with him (after he left) and made sure he would always live his life wondering if he made the right decision and what she was up to.

    I really hope his dying thought is about her. And I know for a fact hers won’t be about him, she’ll find real love.

You should never treat your partner as an afterthought. No one should have to play second fiddle to the person they have made the centre of their universe.

Abused Groom

  1. u/Actuaryba

    I was the best man at a wedding a few years back. At the rehearsal dinner, his future in-laws were treating him like crap. They were bossing him around, making him do crap, and talking down to him. They didn’t let him hang out with his groomsmen afterwards while the bride went out and got drunk.

    They are now divorced.

    Edit to add a little detail:

    Yes he should have stood up for himself. His Ex’s parents were making him do crap for the wedding the next day and he was too nice to say no.

    For you youngsters out there, this is cliche, but you really do marry the family and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (a lot of the times)

When you notice that your parents are mistreating your significant other like trash, it is up to you to set them straight. They deserve that much loyalty from you.

Drama Guests Don’t Care

  1. u/sharplescorner

    My wife got invited to a client's daughter's wedding. The couple were both drama students. Many of the bridal party were drama students. The maid-of-honour's toast consisted of tearful declarations of unrequited love to the groom, along the lines of 'if it couldn't be me, I'm glad it's my best friend that's marrying you'. The best-man's speech was a lusty declaration of 'if it doesn't work out, call me, babe... like the previous time you called me.' Other toasts were similarly weird. A guy at the table I was seated at was a friend of the bride and said to me that he was 'this close' to standing up during the 'speak now or forever hold your peace' thing. I'm still not sure if the whole thing was a bunch of emotionally f*cked-up 20-year-olds, or one big piece of performance art.

This just screams a total lack of boundaries from everyone involved. A few lines would definitely be crossed during the short course of that marriage.

Gone To An Emergency Room

  1. u/blackhart452

    He ended up at the emergency room between the ceremony and the reception. He went out out the night night before with his sister and friends and got plastered. They had to hold a cold pak to the back of his neck to keep him vertical during the wedding photos. Marriage lasted 30 days until they had a fight, she left the house and he filled the U-Haul truck with everything but her clothes.

It’s either he was overly excited about his marriage and decided to celebrate, or he felt the noose tightening and decided to drown his sorrows. The latter option seems like a safer bet.

Pain Of Embarrassment

  1. u/Edavis050694

    Prior to my wedding I’d asked my husband to practice dancing with me because I’m uncoordinated, due to a disability. He blew me off and said we’d be fine. As we were dancing, he spoke in my ear, not even quietly. “What are you doing? What’s wrong with you? You’re embarrassing me!!” We lasted 2 years. Leaving was the best decision I ever made.

We all hope to have an understanding partner, not one that embarrasses you in one of the big moments of your life.

Complete Opposite

  1. u/Shababajoe

    I worked at a nice restaurant in Nola. Bride is lovely she is excited and very receptive to our suggestions on things in their budget. Groom is an insufferable know it all. Hes bargain hunting. "Crab cakes dont cost that much what if i buy them and you serve them,"

    On their big day im holding the door as they walk out the first time as husband and wife. W: "we got Married im so happy" H: "not really we gotta fill out paper work and file it with the state."

    Ive seen 3 week old balloons less deflated than that poor woman. I hope she got out of there.

Marriage to a partner that takes pleasure in raining on your parade will definitely not last long.

The Night Before The Wedding

  1. u/CoolHandRK1

    The ceremony was delayed, because the bride and groom were on the phone with the grooms mother (who refused to come to the wedding) trying to be talked into still going through with it. Apparently they had a huge and physical fight the night before. Their roommate at the time didnt come either. He told me what he saw in the house the night before was enough for him to know this wedding was doomed and they should not be dating, let alone getting married.

    EDIT in an attempt to answer some of these questions: First, this was about 20 years ago and we are all in our 40s now and have moved on with life since. So, I dont know why the mother wasnt there. I just remember thinking it was weird when I noticed she wasnt, and then later heard they were on the phone with her. The roommate was visibly angry when I went to pick him up for the wedding. Outright refused to come, and I think ended up moving out and basically disappearing after. He was a big dude who worked as a bouncer at clubs and my impression was he had to go into work mode the night before in his living room and wasnt happy about it. I never heard details and I wouldnt have felt right asking for them. I am still friends (in the sense that I see them every few years) with both the bride and groom, see my comment below for how they turned out. Happy ending considering. I should also add, the years in which they dated and got married, all of us were very heavy binge drinkers. We were in our twenties and worked service industry jobs. It seemed normal almost for this much drama to be around. Looking back I dont have the same opinions. No one involved ended up in rehab or prison and all live relatively normal lives now.

Hard to figure out what could cause a fight between a couple before their big day (a few scenarios come to mind, but none of them sound palatable). Anything that causes a massive row before the wedding bears some looking into.

The Unhappy Couple

  1. u/ambrosiadeux

    At my boyfriend's sisters wedding the groom got drunk before the vows and smoked weed after the vows. Was crossfaded as hell and made a fool of himself. When we went up to congratulate them after, she refused to be near him or take pictures with him. It was awkward.

    After the speeches basically everyone left. Family was still around and they opened gifts. Someone gifted nice champagne and the groom tried to open it and dropped it and it shattered. Bride stormed off screaming. Groom got upset and started cussing out the air.

    They still went to their honeymoon together in Florida and she got pregnant almost immediately. Maybe 7 months into her pregnancy she kicked him out because he slept with her roommate. They got divorced when their kid was 6 months old.

    But it's for the best, the dude is a pos and wasted a lot of their money by being selfish on their day

All the signs for the start of a rough marriage were there. It’s too bad they brought a kid into their mess before doing the right thing.

Hulk Smash

  1. u/BilobaBaby

    I was kindly included in a last-minute plus-one to the wedding of a family friend who I'd never met before. At the rehearsal dinner (or the German equivalent, the Polterabend) the guests smashed ceramic and porcelain items on the ground. I was fresh in Germany, so this was all pretty out of context and frightening, but my boyfriend explained that it's a tradition - reminding the couple that life is sometimes difficult and you have to work together to clean it up.

    The bride kind of half-heartedly motioned to the groom to sweep it up. He did a little bit, then just moved on to talk to his friends, leaving most of the shards strewn around the yard. Additionally, I don't think I saw the couple talk to each other once over the next three days of celebrations.

    It was a gorgeous wedding, and I'm so grateful that I was invited (a really good way to begin living in a new country), but it wasn't surprising to hear that they'd divorced a few years later.

If they couldn’t even work together to keep up appearances, there’s no way they could have worked out privately.

Fist-Fight With Father In Law

  1. u/screamingcaps

    Groom got into a fist fight with the father of the bride. Split after 4 months.

    Context- Groom and brides dad (actually most people in these families if I'm honest) have pretty aggressive drinking problems. Father in law has always hated him. I wasn't around for what actually set it off but it ended when the bride got in the middle, got an elbow in the eye and the happy couple left for the night. This was in rural Canada. Not Letterkenny, but basically Letterkenny. I'd say the father in law won the fight though.

If the family cannot even put aside their differences for the wedding to go smoothly, then the newlyweds are definitely off to a shaky start.

Who Are The Newlyweds?

  1. u/DrPeace

    The bride and groom did the first dance then spent the rest of their reception completely apart from each other getting sh*t-faced with their own separate friend-groups. The only other dancing all night was the bride dancing with her high school friends, the father-daughter dance and the mother-son dance, during which the groom was crying. The best man's speech didn't mention the bride at all and basically boiled down to "Groom, you're married now but our bond is older and stronger, all of our hunting and fishing trips together are the best thing in our lives, can't wait for more." Such a sad, desperate atmosphere. They made it a little over one year.

Sometimes you see a couple with absolutely no form of chemistry - they don’t even crave each other’s presence - and you wonder what brought them together in the first place.

He Was Blinded

  1. u/brookmachine

    This was my sister's best friend and it was a bachelorette party moment. Bride had been having an affair, everyone knew it. The groom's friends tried to tell him, but she convinced him they were making it up. I mean, at that point it was just sad. She actually had the balls to force fiance to apologise to the guy she was sleeping with for the accusations. The night of the bachelorette party she actually took all her bridesmaids back to the other guys house and spent the night with him. He came to their wedding. It was SO AWKWARD. Everyone knew and everyone was talking. The groom was told, but chose to overlook it. After the wedding she insisted the other guy come on vacations with her and her husband and included him in all their social functions. Now, if they're non monogamous, whatever, go crazy! But her husband was an absolute wreck about it for years and she just kept gaslighting him. No one could convince him to leave her. She told my sister that affair guy insisted he would never marry her and didn't want kids so she was using fiance to get them. They ended up divorcing two years later after their second child was born. She immediately moved in with affair guy and they did end up getting married.

    Edit: I wanted to add a little more context since this comment blew up a bit. Everyone involved in this story was really young, except affair guy. He had already been married and divorced and had a few kids of his own by then, but he was still well under 30. The original couple had been together since middle school and all this went down between the ages of 21-23. I think the husband was just really naive and invested in the relationship. Small town marry your high school sweetheart and live happily ever after bullsh*t. Affair guy did NOT go with them on their honeymoon, but he was included in group vacation plans before and after the wedding. Other people in the friend group did start refusing to go if he was involved. The bride had this really twisted power move that husband was not allowed to disrespect or offend affair guy. Any jealousy or suspicions were his own insecurities and anyone who said they were sleeping together just didn't understand platonic friendship. Affair guy was just a good friend, her best friend really, and husband needed to get over it. Bride and affair guy are still married and the second child is likely actually his. Groom married a girl they went to high school with and seems content.

The lies, gaslighting, and toxicity in this story will wreck even the strongest bond. How do people become comfortable taking advantage of your trust, love, and naivety?

Honeymoon But Alone

  1. u/Short_Perspective72

    When she went alone on her honeymoon, because she booked a trip to the caribbean despite her newlywed husband having a severe sun allergy

    Edit, because this kinda blew up and I saw some mean comments about her: She was a good friend and they had been together for some years. They married young and it didn't occur to them that it would be strange if she went on the honeymoon and he stayed behind. He was a good guy and just wanted to see her happy and she really wanted to go on this vacation, because she had never left the country. They seperated half a year after the wedding and my friend, the bride, told me, that the marriage had been a way to prolong the relationship despite both of them knowing that it was already over some time before they got married. Kinda like a couple gets a baby to save a marriage. It really was just sad because they were a nice couple, but they stayed friends after seperating. And I can guarantee that she didn't cheated on him while away, they were both really loyal.

    About his sun allergy: he had red hair, a really fair skin and burned up within minutes. And I mean really bad sunburn, the kind you have to go to the hospital for. He always had to wear sunglasses, longarmed shirts and a hat, even on cloudy days, so the vacation was not for him.

A honeymoon is for BOTH partners to enjoy and consolidate their new marriage, otherwise, it just becomes a vacation. A little more thought should have gone into choosing their honeymoon location.

Photographer STORIES

  1. u/the_heff

    Wedding photographer here, I can think of a few….

    Full blown row during dinner, had another couple fist fight during a first dance.

    An infamous one for me was leaving a venue late one night and as I’m walking to the train I can see the bride down an alley, on her knees with the best man.

    I was the wedding photographer for a reality tv show. End of the night I’m having a few drinks with the film crew and the groom has come up to me and one of the producers and says “I think I’ve made a big mistake” So we’re trying to be reassuring and telling him it’s natural to second guess such a bit decision to which he replies “no I mean I think im gay” I had them both on Facebook, the drama the next week was mesmerising to watch unfold I’ve got a ton of these stories Edit - since you asked…

    Was working with a video guy who had the bride and groom on radio mics. Sat around waiting for the evening action to kick off and the video dude called me over and said “listen to this!” Groom was talking to one of the bridesmaids about how they had to end their affair now he’s married Not a “how could you tell they wouldn’t last” but shooting in an old church on the hottest day of the year. Watching the groom wait for the bride and he’s swaying back and forth. Next thing he’s fainted, fallen forward and slammed his mouth into a stone step. Smashed his front teeth out, blood everywhere Had a bride and groom on a trampoline for photos, grooms heading downward, brides about to go up, he lands on her dress just as she goes up and she pops out the top of the dress, boobs flailing around in the air.

    Shot a traveller wedding which erupted into a massive brawl

    Watched a drunk usher knock over a wedding cake

    Weddings are amazing, I’ve been doing this for about 12 years and seem some sights, but I still love shooting them even now

Who better to have a wide range of wedding disasters than a wedding photographer?

A Huge Mistake

  1. u/wannabe_pineapple

    while they were planning the wedding, the bride came to me and asked "is it normal to realize that getting married is a huge mistake but still go through with it? Do you think we can still be happy?" I tried to talk gently to her about everything and she admitted that her and her groom had already had sex and that if she didn't marry him, nobody else would want "used goods" and she would go to hell. They got married.... worst part is, they'll probably stay married forever because they are VERY religious and God doesn't allow for divorce. It was real hard to watch the bride cry as she walked down the aisle. Not happy tears either.

    Edited to add:

    Just want to make it clear that I do not agree with what she felt! I tried to gently explain that her not being a virgin does NOT make her “used goods”. Her response was “well, you’re a bisexual Christian, so God isn’t happy with you either. But at least you married a man so you can hide it.” This poor girl was raised to believe the worst that Christianity can offer. She was 17 when she was getting married to her 18 year old groom. It was just a devastating wedding

Perfection is a myth. It’s okay to make mistakes and everyone needs a safe space to realize those mistakes, learn from them, and grow. Sadly, not everyone gets it.

Poor Groom

  1. u/theradiomatt

    It was mine.

    Ex-wife had a taste for theatrics and wanted a choreographed dance number for the first dance. Wanted the whole wedding party involved, but there was no interest. I'd never danced (not even at a club), but was willing to take lessons with her with the understanding we would do something together so she could have her dream wedding. I sucked, but got through a few lessons of slow dancing. I can now awkwardly shuffle around, but don't expect anything crazy. The dance school wouldn't choreograph anything for us, so she promptly gave up.

    When it came to choosing the song, she decided she wanted 'I Want You To' by Weezer (my favourite band and the song had just come out recently), which has like a jamboree feel to it. It is not a slow song to slow dance to. I suggested we choose something else, but she insisted we would just slow dance to it. I made her promise she wouldn't change her mind.

    Sure enough, 30 seconds into the song she backs up and starts dancing a jig. I just stood there in disbelief fuming while she kept shouting and motioning for me to dance in front of all our guests.

    To boot, we had set a budget, she exceeded it, then her parents decided to chip in 5K, and rather than use it to offset what we were over budget, she decided to spend more.

    In retrospect, that should have been a huge clue that she didn't respect me at all. Cheated on me and ran off with some guy like a year later. Got 'remarried' before we were legally divorced. Her parents never did hand over the 5K, because they'd put a provision on it that we had to go up north for a weekend and take some stupid Christian financial planning course their friend ran. My ex was also an atheist and didn't want to do that, but knowinglu spent the money we didn't actually have. Ffs.

Maybe the bride should have taken the course because it sounds like she needs intense financial reprogramming.

Stall The Wedding

  1. u/brbdead

    She told me two days before that she found her fiancé annoying and that she didn’t like him and that he was AWFUL in bed.

    She was visibly, endlessly uncomfortable at the rehearsal wedding/dinner combo.

    Then she sobbed the ENTIRE morning, day-of. She ended up not getting any makeup done cause she wouldn’t stop scream-sobbing and refused to get dressed, stalling the wedding ~35 minutes.

    She then said 45 minutes of “vows” that she had prepared (9 pages of things like inappropriate vows to friends and family, his parents and sisters, none of them her husband), and then ALMOST didn’t say “I do”. Managed to get a, “uh, yeah, okay, yeah I do” out of her almost a full 60 seconds after she was supposed to say anything.

    I could go on for HOURS, but it was the most painful and awkward wedding I’ve ever been to. I’ve got my money on 10 months. We’re 1 month in.

    EDIT - 2.5 month update — I’ve distanced myself from them completely. She is really clingy and likes to gossip about how awful her husband is and I really don’t have the time. She’s also told me they’re in couples therapy after I expressed negativity towards some extremely concerning things she said regarding their relationship + lack of communication. But, I’m still betting on 10 months because she believes it’s all his fault and truly believes his parents and sisters are exactly the same (news flash, they’re all lovely people).

Surely, if she was comfortable spreading her husband’s flaws to anyone who cared to listen, she should have taken moments to try to communicate those flaws to the person that mattered the most.

Call Anyone But The Groom

  1. u/TomppaTom

    I was at a wedding when a phone went off during the ceremony. In the middle of exchanging vows. It was the grooms. He took the call.

    They are divorced now.

    Edit to add: I believe it was a cousin calling, to ask if they were late for the wedding.

Unless you are the one who gets to make the final URGENT decision on whether someone lives or dies, there’s no reason you should be picking up calls in the middle of your solemn vows.

Unsure Wedding Day

  1. u/themightybearorrist

    The bachelor party and the Bachelorette party were in Vegas at the same time. Across the hall from each other. The bride and groom got in a huge fight on the last night of the trip and when I was leaving I said "I'll see you guys at the wedding" to the groom and he replied "I'm not sure there's gonna be one."

    There was a wedding, but they were divorced within 18 months I believe.

They probably would have saved a lot of money and stress if they had called it quits right there on that spot.

Who Among The Two Of Us?

  1. u/hernes63

    Portuguese wedding. Fist fight broke out at the head table during the reception. Between two groomsmen. They were arguing about which of them had slept with the bride first. Groom was oblivious.

    He came home from work early one day two years later and caught her in bed with another man. Surprised it took that long.

    Midnight buffet was amazing though.

Unreal scenes when your own groomsmen (possibly made up of your close friends) get into a fistfight over who did what with your wife first on your wedding day. The disrespect was very glaring, sadly he missed it.

From Best To Worst

  1. u/hungrypendo

    My friend got married to her boyfriend of 15 years, it was an urgent wedding because her Mom was dying of terminal cancer - she was given a few months to live and died two weeks after the wedding. The wedding was beautiful, and also was a funeral. My friend found out later that her husband had been cheating on her. He is the one person I've known who I may struggle to ever forgive.

If after 15 years, your relationship hasn’t moved to the next stage, you should probably start asking questions.

Married Again

  1. u/InsideOut2299922999

    This would be the wedding of my own parents. They had been divorced for many years, but told us (the kids and their spouses) they were planning to get remarried, and would we like to go with them to Las Vegas to witness this event. We were all still in our twenties, so we thought Hell Ya!

    Flash forward to two days into the weekend and there has been no word of a wedding. The kids all had a conversation: What should we do? Should we ask about it. That should have been our first clue that it wasn't a good idea for them to get married. But lack of perspective made us oblivious to the obvious.... So we pressured them.

    Hey! You told us you were going to get remarried, when are you going to do it?

    Anyway, then we suddenly found ourselves in a courtroom, speaking to the judge! He was wise, and asked to speak privately to my parents, and I am sure asked them: Why are you doing this, are you sure? Well, I guess they gave him the correct answers, because he did it!

    Long story short, they ended up divorcing AGAIN! (not long afterwards).

They were probably driven to make that hasty decision out of loneliness. Maybe the third time will be the charm, who knows!

Swinging Things The Wrong Way

  1. u/lilmidjumper

    Friend's wedding back in 2016, somewhat nice affair for us given we were in our early 20s and all. I was a bridesmaid and really hadn't met the groom much prior. He was nice but quiet.

    Day before wedding the bride, a long time friend, asked me to help babysit one of the groomsmen because he was a nightmare. Asked me, other bridesmaid, DJ, the works to help cut him off from alcohol before the ceremony, not to allow him to make a speech, keep him from hitting on girls, the works. He was an alcoholic douche with 6 kids and 2 DUIs but was the absolute best friend of the groom. Day of the wedding, best douche breaks into the bar, gets hammered, has to be dragged down the aisle, gets the florist drunk while they pretty much make out on the dancefloor, and makes what I can only assume to be a speech during the father/daughter dance.

    The bride was annoyed and stressed as well trying to get things to not be a total disaster. Groom blocked us from keeping him in check, wanted us to just let it go while he did everything the bride asked he not do. It was like a weird purposeful or intentional self sabotage thing. Douche also broke into the groom's private stash of homemade mead he'd made special just for the wedding, stripped his clothes, and ran through the parking lot hiding in bushes at 11 p.m...

    Same night the couple text me asking if I'd want to be their third in their open relationship, which I find out later was mostly the groom's idea. I also found out later they got married pretty quickly because she suddenly needed medical benefits all the while he had been asking for an open relationship for the complete duration of them being together but she'd only acquiesce if he would marry her as well. Divorce finalized a year and a half later.

It’s a sad situation overall. Luckily, the bride realized she didn’t need to be in that relationship and divorced her husband a year later.

Auctioned Off

  1. u/j0y0

    It was an Appalachian wedding in West Virginia. At the reception, there was a dude in the bathroom looking super depressed. He told literally anyone who asked that he was sad because the night before the wedding, the bride told told him that was the last time they would be together.

    People were super drunk by then, so it was a fight. Ever see those fights on Jerry Springer where everyone's fighting, and Steve can't even hope to break it up? That's what it looked like. The next morning everyone goes to breakfast together at Bob Evan's (because of course they did). Bride and groom are there.

    After a bit of awkward small talk followed by silence, someone's like "So... are you getting divorced? Or....?" They said they decided to stay together, since she technically didn't cheat on him. She proceeded to cheat on him in the most spectacular ways (she literally auctioned herself off in a BDSM "slave auction" thing a couple years later).

It’s a mystery why they never got a divorce after that first day. The signs were already there.

Pepper Spray

  1. u/mendoza327

    My cousin got married probably a decade ago and during the wedding it came out that the groom was not the best to my cousin while dating. The bride's brother did not take this well and during the after party a shouting match became a brawl between the two families. Next thing you know the police show up and literally pepper spray everyone. Including my grandma, kids and anyone near the area. I don’t remember if anyone got arrested but the story got on CBS the early show for the international news. Lol they did not last long to say the least.

It’s sad that the bride had to find out about this on her wedding day. This is where ignoring red flags gets you.

Shady Bride

  1. u/southdakotagirl

    I was at a wedding. I was a plus one for my date. The bride sat down drunk at our table and started talking to us. She then told me that she slept with her ex right before walking down the aisle. She also slept with her ex in her wedding dress in the bridal suite. She then downed the last of my drink and went off to the dance floor. I was left speechless. I didn't know anyone but my date. Less than a year later the bride and groom were divorced.

Well… it was all clearly doomed from the start. So sad for the groom!

Invited For A Reason

  1. u/whittlingcanbefatal

    I was invited to a high school friend’s wedding. The night before the wedding she asked me to join her future husband’s bachelor party. He had no friends and it was only he, his brother, his father, and I. They were not thrilled with my presence. They wanted to go to a strip club, but thought I would rat them out. We to a bar, but I could tell I was the turd in the punch bowl, so I went back to the hotel and they went to a strip club.

    My friend called me after I got back to the hotel. She asked me why I didn’t go to the strip club and I told her that it wasn’t my thing. She asked if we could hang out and catch up. I said “sure” and she came to my room wearing only a robe. It was obvious there was nothing on under it. We watched a movie and she fell asleep. At some point in the night she left.

    The next morning at the wedding I was sitting next to a mutual friend. This friend was encouraging me to object and looked disappointed when I didn’t do it.

    They lasted five years, but lived together less than two.

It was obvious that the bride didn’t want to get married and only sent her friend to spy on the groom.


  1. u/WithinTheMedow

    It wasn't at a wedding, but it was the first time I really sat down to talk to the couple. They came to town about a year after the wedding, and my wife (cousin to the groom) and I met them for drinks at one of the "cool" parts of "cool city". One of the first topics of conversation was what we knew about the lifestyle scene - a word which in this case means swinger.

    Afterward, I pointed out to my wife that the bride seemed to have been rather openly and boldly flirting with her. My wife shrugged it off because I'm often pretty terrible at that kind of thing.

    We met one more time, this time for a funeral. After the ceremony, we were hanging out in a hotel room drinking. The bride again seemed to be pretty openly flirting with my wife, and this time was going out of her way to show off her talent for bedroom knots. Again, the groom is there in the room.

    I pointed out all of this again, and this time my wife tacitly agreed.

    The two would divorce soon after. The bride, it seems, only discovered - or accepted - that she was a lesbian after she'd gotten married.

Imagine spending all that money, time, and emotions on a marriage, just for it to be your partner's method of exploring their sexuality!

Museum Catastrophe

  1. u/lacrimal_

    I worked at a museum that also doubled as a wedding venue in the summers. As part of the wedding package, the museum would stay open after hours for the guests only so I’d just sit there and greet people basically. One wedding got particularly rowdy. Almost everyone was drunk, people were jumping into the fountain, someone vomited in said fountain. At one point, the bride is crying. Turns out the groom and one of his groomsmen were screwing upstairs in one of the bathrooms. A fight ensued between the groom and the father of the bride and cops were called because it really got ugly. Entertaining for me but I felt so bad for the bride.

Who thought using a museum for a wedding venue would be a good idea? Luckily, no artifacts were broken.

Here Comes The Brat

  1. u/alsothebagel

    Not at the wedding itself, but I used to work at a David's Bridal. Bride came in with tons of friends, we did the ‘Say Yes To The Dress Thing’, and an hour later she's standing there in $3,000 worth of stuff and doesn't have any money with her or in her account. She decides she wants to apply for the store credit card, I run it through the system, and she gets denied.

    She then calls the groom for his info (which, to be fair, people did all the time), and he tells her no. She threw a huge fit on the phone with him, standing on the bridal stage, literally demanding "why not? why?! why!!" like an actual child over and over again. I've never seen a 30 year old age backwards so quickly.

    She was just a brat. Literally stomping her feet in front of me, all her friends, and the other bride in the store. I was embarrassed. At the end of all of that, she hangs up on him and her friend is like "I'm so sorry you can't get your dress" and the bride stops crying instantly and just goes "Oh I'll get the dress. I just have to do this at home and when he gets mad enough he'll come get it for me so I'll stop."

    Speechless. Sure enough. Girl came back two days later with her man and he applied for the credit card and bought the dress. He was livid and silent, and she was smug as hell. Can't imagine they're having a happy marriage if they are still together.

We can’t imagine them having a happy marriage either!

Birds Of A Feather

  1. u/Drakkarim411

    Source: My Wedding.

    We'll start three days before. The wedding was a ren-fair style wedding outside at a large gazebo and the Maid of honor had promised to purchase a stylized dress for my bride that they had agreed on. three days before the wedding she calls to tell us she had no money and was embarrassed to admit we literally hand-sewed it together in 24 hours. In my opinion, it turned out pretty nice for what we had...

    The bride's mother was supposed to pick up the cake in ATX and drive an hour south for the wedding. She left her house 30 minutes before the wedding to pick it up. When she finally showed up (hour late) the cake was destroyed....she put it in the back seat and drove like hell all the way down, just slamming it against the box with every turn.

    During the one hour delay, there was almost a fist fight between two groomsmen because....well the MoH showed up, in the dress that she was 'unable to afford'. Obvious attempt to upstage the bride. The same MoH during her speech after the ceremony started it of by saying 'When we all met, I did not like Drakkarim411 at all, however I found that he grows on a fungus.'

    Needless to say my entire side of the family was super cold to all of this.

    Since all of these issues were on her side of friendships or families, I was told to suck it up and we'll discuss later. I sort of assumed that a lot of these 'friends' had just shown themselves the door. Quite the opposite. In fact, two years later when I accepted my first well paying job out of college, it became an issue that it was an hour and a half out of she decided to just stay in ATX to be with her friends.

    ...I mailed her the divorce papers and since she couldn't be bothered to even show up to the hearing....I've never seen her again.

Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Looks like the bride was just like her friends!

Cheap Trick

  1. u/erik_working

    I was at a wedding where the groom took the stupid cake thing to an extreme. The bride had given him his bite, and mushed a little on his chin or nose. He then took a piece and MASHED it into her face so hard that I was expecting her to end up with a bloody nose. Cake and frosting got up her nose, in her eyes, down the front of her dress, etc.

    The bride had to go get cleaned up, had her makeup re-done, and was ugly-crying within an hour of saying, "I do." He didn't have a care in the world.

The math of deliberately sabotaging your partner’s happy day is not really adding up.

Apart From Each Other

  1. u/Purplehairedhussy

    I used to be a wedding singer and I played a wedding that I knew was doomed from the start. We had a hard time figuring out who the groom was because he was never anywhere near the bride. The first dance was delayed because the wedding planner had such a hard time getting the two of them in the same place at the same time. Afterwards they both stayed on opposite ends of the ballroom. In the 6 hours of the reception I don't think they ever spoke to one another.

Maybe they had a fight right before the wedding? Or did they just want to bond with the guests? Nevertheless, it was THEIR wedding day, weren’t they supposed to be together? Sketchy…

Compromising Never Ends Well

  1. u/KTFlamingo

    My best friend always dreamed of her wedding day, having children, etc. We had been friends since we were 2, lol, So I know. We talked about it a lot and we vowed we would be each other's Maid of Honor.

    A boy came into her life and she was head over heels for him. But he never really seemed to be the romantic type. Long story short, they got engaged, and all of a sudden she didn't want a big wedding, she wanted an elopement with no bridesmaids. Then the talk of children came about and she didn't want children anymore.

    I know that plans can change as we grow older but this wasn't her. Nonetheless, I supported her. They did have a big reception (My only guess is that this was the compromise). At the reception, I remember the groom just not being around at all. He just drank and hung out with his friends and barely spent time with his wife! In my heart...I knew it wasn't going to last.

    Welp...5 years into the marriage , this jerk of a man child cheated on her and broke her. It took her a while to recover from it but today she is so much better off with a man who is treating her right and she is happily talking about the wedding she has always dreamed of and children :)

Guess you have to kiss a few toads to find your Prince Charming.


  1. u/PhiloPhocion

    Not a wedding moment as much as a bachelor party moment but my ex got married to a woman two years ago from a super conservative religious family.

    We were still friends for the most part and I was surprised he asked me to be a groomsman but I figured, hey, always good to be able to stay friends with your exes - that feels like mature growth and closure.

    He got really drunk at the bachelor party and at one point asked me if I ever had any regrets about us breaking up. And I said I had loved him but no - we had made the right decision in the long run. And then he told me that he sometimes wishes that we were getting married the next week and how his fiancee's family will never accept him. And then after an awkward pause, he said, "what if we just run away together?". Laughed it off as a joke and said we should rejoin the group. Then he said it again later again in a joke tone. And then a third time later in the night. We had been friends for years but only dated for like 6 months.

    Turns out he asked the same thing to another one of his exes who wasn't a groomsman but was attending the wedding.

    The couple is still together technically but separated.

Looks like someone was looking for some last-minute interlude before tying the knot. Your bachelor party is pretty much too late for you to be getting cold feet.

Trouble In Paradise

  1. u/RamsesThePigeon

    The couple in question had been married on some tropical island or another, and since the majority of their friends and family hadn't been able to attend the ceremony, they had decided to throw a "lavish" party upon their return. This had prompted the pair to spend borderline-absurd amounts of money on what might very well have been the tackiest celebration I've ever seen.

    Imagine renting out the cafeteria at an elementary school, then hiring a celebrity (who happens to be a half-blind orangutan) to decorate it. Commission the services of an expensive caterer, but require them to serve only the sort of slop that you'd find at a low-rent county faire, citing the fact that "nobody likes fancy crap." Finally, enlist a disc jockey whose idea of an appropriate "first dance" song is "Freaks of the Industry" by Digital Underground.

    I'm exaggerating, obviously, but that really was the song that they chose.

    Now, everyone has different tastes, and it might seem reasonable to assume that the newlyweds were getting exactly what they wanted.

    That was what I had been telling myself, anyway... until shortly before the "money dance" (the announcement of which was the first time that I'd ever even heard of the tradition), when I overheard a suggestive piece of gossip: The couple had apparently already argued about the amount that had been spent on the reception, with the bride claiming that the whole thing was a disaster, and the groom insisting that it was "classy as heck."

    He had been so certain of this, in fact, that he had used his new wife's credit card to pay for it.

    She had reportedly been rather upset when she'd found out about that, and had temporarily kicked him out of the house... which had prompted him to stay with an old girlfriend. Something untoward had allegedly occurred during the man's exile, but details were lacking, and his spouse had decided to forgive him. That was already bad enough, but the the rumor – at least as I understood it – was that the aforementioned "money dance" was supposed to help them recoup their financial losses, with the implication being that the future of their marriage was riding on them receiving upwards of thirty thousand dollars in a four-minute period.

    As I considered all of this, and as I mentally added up the amounts being pinned to each partner, I found myself thinking "Yeah, this isn't going to last."

Essentially, their entire reception was a test to prove how badly the groom would fare as a husband. Wonder why she took him back in the first place.

She Said What She Said

  1. u/dramboxf

    Had a buddy (this was almost 30 years ago, btw.) whose girlfriend told him that if he mashed the cake in her face, it was O-V-E-R. She told him at least 10 times in my presence.

    Day of the wedding, his "buddies" had gotten to him by making the whip noise and saying he had to show her Who Wore The Pants.

    She fed him his piece, he mashed her face, she walked out and had the marriage annulled.

The bride said what she said several times, and the groom chose not to listen. It’s funny because the groom got what he deserved. It might be unreasonable for some, but it’s important to set boundaries and stick to them.

Rude Groom

  1. u/insane__knight

    I know a photographer who was offered to shoot a wedding on the Gold Coast, Australia. If you're from Australia then you know the Gold Coast while beautiful has a lot of jersey shore types living there, it's kind of like Miami but no celebrities and very very trashy.

    My friend is getting shots of everybody getting dressed up at the same time because the groom, groomsmen, bride and bridesmaids are all getting ready in the same room. The groom decided to have his bucks party (bachelor, stag do) the night before so they're all very hungover and snorting line after line of coke, something that is making my photographer friends job hard because she can't get any nice shots of the groom or groomsmen without these illicit drugs in view.

    The energy in the room is getting uncomfortable so the bride asks if they could take it easy on the coke and get a couple of nice photos. The groom yells "Shut up, witch" and keeps snorting. The girl who got my friend the gig said they divorced like 4 months later.

    Another friend of mine was pressured into marrying his girlfriend of like 8 years because she dropped an ultimatum, propose to me within a year or we're done. He does so they get married but of every wedding photo she posted on facebook, neither one of them looked happy. They divorced barely a year into their marriage.

Not a good beginning for any wedding. Little wonder the marriage didn’t last.


  1. u/-eDgAR-

    When I was in college I went to a wedding with my girlfriend at the time during one summer. She and I had only been together for a few months, so it was actually the first time I had met the bride and the groom, and most of her family for that matter. I didn't really say anything to my girlfriend at the time, because I didn't know them at all aside from stories she told me, but I had a feeling like they wouldn't last very long.

    At the reception, she spent most of her time just talking with her friends and didn't interact much with anyone else at all. He went around and tried to get time with everyone, but every so often I would see him with her and she would kind of not even acknowledge that he was there very much. When I walked passed her one time on the way to grab a beer, she was bragging to her friends about how much money the dress cost her and how he wanted her to get a cheaper one, but she wouldn't have it.

    At one point of the night, I was outside smoking with some of the other guests and he came out the back and asked to bum a cigarette. He was one of those types of people that only smokes when they are drunk, which apparently wasn't that often for him since he was doing his residency at a hospital, so he was always really busy. The entire time he kept looking at the door and whenever it opened and someone came out, he quickly moved his hand holding the cigarette behind his back, because he thought it was her. It was like he was deathly scared of her and not like in a playful way.

    It didn't surprise me when about a year later they got divorced. Apparently, she just kind of was taking advantage of him, staying home all day (she didn't work) spending thousands of dollars ordering clothes and shoes online using his money and credit cards she took out in their names.

The moment you have to sneak around to do something behind your partner’s back, you need to reconsider your choices.

Unsure Bride

  1. u/Faglerwagen

    There's this couple I know. They have been in and out of their relationship for several years, sometimes only a few weeks in between breakups. They're constantly fighting, and the girl is a manipulative witch. It took them 3 years between deciding to get married and actually doing it, because she kept toying with him, breaking up every time they got close. He's not much better either; the type of guy who gets drunk and aggressive picking fights for the fun of it. She used to have a crush on me and vice versa, and I thank god for dodging that bullet in the end. I just feel bad for their kid who has to grow up in such an environment...

If you are unsure about the marriage, it’s better not to go through the wedding because it probably won’t work out.

Another Side To Her

  1. u/ac2162

    After the wedding my friend's new wife (who was fairly quiet in public) was screaming at my friend's family telling them it was the last time they would be seeing them and how terrible they were. It was hard to watch.

    Two years later, my friend walked in on her and a dude. That was that.

There must be a reason why the bride had such a public outburst. But still, it was disrespectful. Well, the cause of their divorce is not quite surprising.

Two Crazy Wedding Stories

  1. u/irrelevant_usernam3

    One of my good friends got married and I'd never met her before the wedding because "she's just shy." On the wedding day, she was belligerently drunk before the ceremony even started and couldn't even get through the lines she was supposed to repeat (i.e. "I promise to love you"). She ended up slapping the groom, spilling champagne on her dress and then crying under a table while he tried to comfort her. They lasted about 4 months.

    Another one was my wife's friend. She's a very conservative, religious white girl who married a black man. Most of her racist family didn't approve of the marriage and didn't show up. But she planned the whole marriage around race. Like a vanilla cake for her and a chocolate cake for him, the wedding colors were black and white, and even the meals were white meat for her side and dark meat for his. It was extremely uncomfortable as a guest. They lasted 2 years (but broke up because he was abusive and almost killed her, rather than the weird racial tension).

These two weddings are both crazy and so are the brides! But the groom in the second story is also crazy. It’s true that they were really doomed from the start.

Intense Reception Moment

  1. u/aussydog

    After the wedding at the reception, the newlyweds took forever to show up. They were nearly an hour late. When they did arrive they were arguing loudly the entire time. They got "introduced" and we all clapped as per tradition and they sat down at the main table in a huff.

    Sometime between the appetizer and the main course the argument started again. The groom stormed off and my girlfriend and I were nosey so we went to see what was up. He ended up in the hotel lobby on his cell phone. We thought nothing of it and we were about to go back when the wife shows up still obviously in her wedding dress and continues to ream him out.

    Now for the first time, we can hear what the argument is about. He had invited his ex to the wedding. She showed up to the ceremony and threw the bride off. Apparently, also...he had cheated on the new wife with the ex-girlfriend several times with the last time being only about a month prior to the wedding.

    Additionally...the ex/girlfriend/mistress was on her way to come to pick up the new husband to take him away from the new bride...cause she was "Acting crazy." according to the groom. After a couple of minutes of watching this train wreck of an argument, a terrible rust bucket sedan shows up with the ex-girlfriend in it. The groom gets into the car with his ex or whatever the heck she is and they drive off. Last words went to the bride though who screamed at him as he tore off, "Well I guess I'm going to go back to sleeping with your brother then you jerk!"

    Sooooo....they're no longer married now…

So, apparently, both cheated on each other. Still, leaving your own wedding to go with your ex-girlfriend is beyond unacceptable.

Drunk Mother-In-Law

  1. u/zacktyzwyz

    My cousin runs a popular upscale marriage venue and always tells the story way better than this so here is a rough overview. The groom's mom was a heavy drinker and got belligerent when she drank, so understandably the bride wanted the groom to try to limit her drinking. The afternoon before the wedding the bride arrives to see the groom's mom smashed with the groom himself giving her beers. Next thing my cousin knows (she was there to oversee preparations) the bride and groom are in a straight-up fistfight which leads to an Anchorman-style street fight between members of both families in the parking lot.

    Apparently, they recently scheduled a new day for it. I can't imagine the tension there.

It’s really obvious that the groom’s mom is a mess and this led to the fistfight between the couple. Too bad the groom enables her.

Embarrassing Mom

  1. u/VTArmsDealer

    I used to be a photographer. The first wedding I shot was one where the mother of the bride was a heavy drinker. At the reception, she was pretty drunk and went up to give a speech. She started out with, "when my daughter told me she was getting married, I knew it was to one of two guys, and I'm glad it's you, John." John was not pleased.

Most of the stories are related to the mothers-in-law ruining the wedding! Is this a trend? This pattern is very worrisome. Watch out for your mothers-in-law!

A Fake Wedding

  1. u/gaqua

    A friend invites me to his wedding. He and his fiancee are fairly poor, have lived together for years.

    They're both semi-disabled (his is PTSD, hers is physical) and on fixed incomes, and live in a somewhat expensive area. They have three gift registries (Target, Macy's, Crate & Barrel) and a HUGE invite list - over 300 friends/family members. All the stuff on the registries is standard stuff like towels, coffee cups, flatware, etc.

    Anyway, people fly out, get ready for the wedding. Two days before the wedding, there is a Bachelor party and the friend gets drunk and admits that she's not really his fiance, they are just roommates and they have no intention of getting married, they just needed the stuff. They're going to cancel the wedding tomorrow and keep all the gifts. Had to protect him from getting his butt kicked by about two dozen people. Then had to have the fiance come clean to everyone since he was too hungover.

    They ended up returning most of the gifts to people - but a surprising number of people let them keep the gifts. As his grandfather said, "If you needed these things that badly to lie like this, you must have been very desperate."

His grandfather was right, fooling people just for the sake of gifts shows the desperation of the couple. The question is, how did they expect people to be OK with this?

A Clever Bride

  1. u/ShalomRPh

    There's a story that goes around, I can't vouch for the truth of it or not. Call it an urban legend.

    First of all, if you've never been to a Jewish wedding, the way it goes is, first they have the reception (with the bride and groom in separate rooms), then the ceremony, then the family goes away to sit for pictures while the guests sit down to eat, then the bride and groom come in and the dancing starts. In between the ceremony and the pictures, though, is what's called "Yichud" which doesn't really translate, but it approximately means "isolation together": the bride and groom lock themselves in a room and are observed by two reliable witnesses outside the door to have stayed therein long enough to have consummated the marriage (although nobody actually does it there: it's considered declasse). This is what actually solemnizes the marriage. (well, one of three things: the other two are signing a marriage contract, called a Ketubah, and transfer of a piece of chattel property (traditionally a ring, though it can be other things) from the groom to the bride.)

    So. After the yichud, the bride comes out and announces, "Sorry everyone, the wedding's off. We'll be getting a divorce, and we're returning all the gifts . . . except for the bedroom set, where I caught my new husband trying it out with my sister last week."

    So? There are far worse stories here in this very thread. What makes this one noteworthy? Well, think about this. She knew about the episode before the wedding. Why'd she go through with it? Because under Jewish law, if you've once been married to a woman, even after divorcing her you aren't allowed to marry her sister at any time until your first wife has died. By going through with the ceremony, she in effect locked her sister out of ever being able to get together with her soon-to-be-ex…

The bride was very clever to vent out her anger after the wedding because of this tradition! Even if you don’t agree with her actions, you can at least understand them.

Bachelorette Party Gone Wrong

  1. u/slightlydainbramaged

    One of my best friend's wedding was canceled when he learned she slept with a stripper after her bachelorette party. Like three days after.

    He is happily remarried now with a kid.

    The worst part was that it was a destination wedding/honeymoon and he couldn't get a refund so we all went anyway and he was super depressed the whole time. His family was all there too.

It’s fun to celebrate with your friends before the wedding, but you have to stay faithful while having fun. What a waste of time for the groom.

Liar, Liar

  1. u/deleted

    The Sister of the groom chatted with the sister of the bride. Just casual conversation but it came to light that almost 100% of what the bride had said besides her name was a complete lie. Sister of the groom calls him up and says he really needs to figure out if this is right. A few fights and some long thinking later the groom leaves her and leaves town. It got worse though, turns out pretty much all the bride's friends had been lied to as well. They all stopped talking to her.

    The worst part was that these lies were completely silly and unnecessary. Just the normal details of a person's life. Where she went to high school, instead of a boring suburban school it was an expensive private school. Claimed her family had a ton of money she was set to inherit. Claimed they had a home in Hawaii. Faked knowing people in the same industry. Small to large, didn't really matter, almost all of it was fake from what I heard.

    I didn't really know her, but we were at the same company. People I worked with used to work in her department so I just heard most of it second hand. And no idea how she thought this would work for the rest of her life. I honestly think she had a mental condition. From what I understand she tried to rekindle the friendships but quickly started to lie again and that was it. She quit the company shortly after all this went down.

There are many people out there who can’t help but lie. It’s probably true that the bride had some sort of mental condition that made her lie compulsively.

Caught in The Act

  1. u/Showckwavepulsar

    While working the night before a wedding at a hotel, the staff and I heard a loud scream from upstairs. Cue the bride screaming and sobbing shouting "The weddings off!!!" while storming out the place followed by the groom stark naked covering his nether regions with his hands apologizing profusely. Turns out she caught the mother of the bride and the groom having sex. Safe to say we had an easy shift the next day as we didn't have a wedding to cater for.

The fact that it was her own mother sleeping with her fiance just makes it ten times worse. Poor girl!

Red Flags

  1. u/Robot_Warrior

    I've got a pretty good one. Not mine, but a friend of my wife. Destination wedding in South America (we live in the U.S.) Because it was a destination wedding, they both had their bachelor/bachelorette down there. The bride-to-be went looking for the groom the night before the wedding. No one knew where he was...eventually found the dude locked in a bathroom with some local girl doing coke.

    The bride was obviously pissed, but they went through with the wedding. Cut to a few years later, we randomly went out to dinner with just me and my wife with the bride...turns out she never mailed in the wedding certificate. All this time they haven't been married.

    She said she had too many red flags to go through with it. The dude has no idea they aren't really married, even though they have been married for years and have two kids together!

Her actions were understandable but they’ve been “married” long enough for her to know whether or not she wants to be his wife. She should come clean at this point.

A Strange Coincidence

  1. u/Slowhandpoet

    I'm a musician. I work on an infamous street for drunken revelry and debauchery. One night, a bachelor party came in around the same time as a bachelorette party. The show I work with does special things like funny songs for special events, so I bring them both up at the same time to do something special. In the middle of this, on stage, they start making out. And they Do. Not. Stop. I finish my routine as best I can and get them offstage.

    Later, as I'm looking around the audience, my eye catches on them again. They're in the back corner just going at it, while their respective parties hang out up near the front of the stage. And they are really getting into it. Hands down pants and up skirts. At some point, they disappear. I take a break and head to the restroom. It's locked. I hear a woman screaming from within. Not moaning, not sighing. Screaming. I sit in the lounge area outside the bathroom for about 10 mins. The bachelor and bachelorette come out, looking a bit disheveled, but not too bad. They see me, and immediately want to chat (for some reason, people always want to get to know the musicians here.) There's curiously no guilt on them at all. I have to piss like a racehorse, but this is too good to pass up.

    Come to find out, they both are getting married to other people, but know each other from having lived in the same small town of about 5,000 all their lives. They ran into each other for the first time since high school graduation at our bar and old feelings emerged that neither had ever attempted to act on. They don't stay long, and as they leave I hear the bachelor say "I have my own room, let's go there." The rest of the party stays till the show is over, partying hard and having fun. Possibly the best bachelor/bachelorette party I've had. (Usually, bachelor parties get too drunk and bachelorette parties devolve into crying fits and arguments)

    Anywho, I wind up seeing the "bachelor" and "bachelorette" together at our bar and out in the street every night for 4 nights. Always holding hands and/or getting frisky.

    They came back a little over a year later. They got married here in our town to each other instead of who they were engaged to that fateful night. Most of their respective bachelor/bachelorette shows up for the event. With this story, I always feel torn. Did I participate in the destruction of two relationships, or did I facilitate the meeting of two soulmates?

This is too much to process. However, it is clear that this Redditor was not to blame for anything. It was all a big coincidence that these two met that night.

Abusive Bride

  1. u/the_creature_walks

    I was at an engagement party of a long-time friend the other day, everything was good until afterward. As soon as we got back to their house (I was crashing at theirs) they had an argument and she punched him in the face twice and said "If you tell anyone I did this I'll say you're abusive and assaulted me" and then said "...but if you leave me I'll hurt myself" He said he was done with her, and she was supposed to be getting sectioned the next day, but she didn't and somehow the wedding is still on. I'm supposed to be the best man, but there's no way I am condoning the wedding in any form, that includes going to the thing.

    My plan is to get in his ear about this and try and stop him somehow, but it's hard to convince a victim of abuse that they're a victim! Hopefully, I can help him see the light before it's too late.

Well, this is a serious matter that needs to be addressed before it gets worse. Hope the man is safe.

Disappointed Father

  1. u/mgoode87

    Buddy's bachelor party. Bachelor got super wasted and the Father of the bride was shocked and did not know the well-mannered/polite young man marrying his daughter was in his eyes a "..raging alcoholic..". The bachelor got so drunk, he began to let some secrets slip about his relationship with the bride. The FoB was a bit old school in his thinking. The Bachelor let the following slip:

    1. His daughter was basically living with him since Junior year of college and her apartment in college was for show for the FoB.

    2. Even though he is drinking a lot, his future wife can out drink him 2-1.

    3. His future wife has a cute tattoo on her inner thigh and that all his/her friends had seen it when they went skinny dipping at the FoB's lakehouse.

    4. We had a massive graduation party at his lake house when he and his wife were in Europe for two weeks.

    5. The bride is into some kinky stuff.

    That drew the line. The FoB declared there would not be a wedding, where has he gone wrong raising his daughters. Then he said his life is screwed. He has four daughters total and this was his oldest and who he considered his best behaved.

Seeing his reaction, it is understandable why they decided to keep this a secret from him.

Groom Went Overboard

  1. u/deleted

    Was at a bachelor party in Vegas. The bachelor went a little overboard on everything and ended up running off with an escort. When he got back no one said anything, then he ordered another escort and locked himself in his room. The next day his fiancée's brother one-shotted him and left him unconscious on the ground. The party was over, but he stayed and continued doing drugs and escorts. The wedding was off.

After reading these stories about how bachelor and bachelorette parties go so wrong, these parties sound like a terrible idea.

Way Too Drunk

  1. u/negativeonthewedding

    The night before the wedding, rehearsal dinner is at a distillery. Everyone gets hammered. I mean everyone, even the grandparents, all extremely intoxicated. The groom's Dad was so drunk that when he tried to give his speech to the couple-to-be, he couldn't even talk, nor stand up. After the rehearsal dinner, the whole wedding party decides it is a good idea to go out drinking some more at some karaoke bar.

    At the bar, the groom's little sister, who was in high school at the time, randomly decides to get on stage to try her hand at drunken karaoke. However, instead of singing a song, she just starts talking about how she wants to sleep with all the groomsmen. Promptly her family rips her off stage and takes her home.

    Later in the night, everyone is having a great drunken time, but then the bride drunkenly tells the groom that she is not sure if she loves him anymore. The groom becomes enraged, leaves the bar, attempting to walk (stumble) back to his hotel, which wasn't anywhere near the bar. The groom's brother runs after him trying to calm him down and the groom ends up getting into a huge fistfight with his brother/best man.

    The next day, the groom and best man look like they had both been hit by a truck. For some reason, the wedding is still on. The groom's mother decides the only way to fix things is by trying to cover the wounds with makeup. So now, you have the groom and best man looking like Casper the friendly ghost up on the altar, and then, in walks the bride...drunk off her butt. They end up both saying "I do", but weeks later, as expected, they get divorced.

    Turns out that before the wedding while the groom was on his bachelor party weekend, they met a bunch of girls who were going to the same place for a bachelorette party. The groom hooks up with one of the girls he meets. Long story short, now he is married to the girl who he cheated on his ex-fiance/wife with, and has been for the past 7 years. It is always funny to think back on how much of a crap show that wedding was.

So many things happened in this story. After all, it’s funny how the groom reacted when the bride told him she’s unsure about her feelings anymore when in fact, the groom cheated on her!

The Dealbreaker

  1. u/ballantiner24

    My cousin was a young, newly-minted US Marine and was set to marry some girl he met at a gas station near base. She had no job, no real aspirations, and seemed only interested in his benefits, but she was puttin-out and he was happy. Nobody in the family wanted this to happen, but we were all afraid to push too hard and risk alienating him, so we all, including his parents, just went along with it figuring that it would fizzle-out well before the wedding date. Well that didn't happen, until the actual day of the wedding.

    On the morning of the wedding, she informs him that her best friend will be coming to live with them for the first year in order to help her acclimate to living on her own. He tells her that there is no way that this can happen because he lives in base housing and there are strict rules against it. Apparently, this was a deal-breaker and she backed out, with not too much protest from him. We later found out that he had been having misgivings but was too scared to call it off himself.

    The reception was bought and paid for already, and my cousin's family were all very relieved that the wedding was off, so anyone who felt like sticking around after the non-ceremony had a swell time. Even though the non-bride's family weren't there, I think we still drank almost all of the booze.

Poor groom, he must have really loved the bride to let this happen to him. Anyways, there are lots of good women out there, he just has to be careful next time.

Ignoring Her Calls

  1. u/TA704

    This happened several years ago. My ex was the best man at a wedding for his best friend. The night of the bachelor/bachelorette party the men and women each had their own get together, and then were supposed to meet up with each other later that night at a bar downtown. I was with the ladies and after our party, we got into the party bus and headed down. Bride called the groom and told him to leave to meet us there.

    We waited and waited. Groom is a no-show. Bride demanded that I call my then boyfriend and find out where they were. Boyfriend reports that they made a pit-stop at a strip club (Bride and Groom had an agreement that he would not). Bride obviously flips out and grabs my phone and demands that my ex order everyone to leave the club. Ex tries to explain that it is not going to be easy to get 40 highly intoxicated men out of the club when they had already "started". Meanwhile, Groom is still ignoring the bride's calls. Bride demands that we all leave. Bride and Groom's sister get into a physical altercation and have to be pulled apart. Bride is screaming that she is cancelling the wedding.

    Ex and I hightailed it out of there as it had escalated into a 2 family brawl. The next day Groom calls ex and asks if we want to come over to watch movies with him and Bride. They got married weeks later and are still married.

It’s quite surprising that they still went through with the wedding even after what happened.

Married Because Of A Baby

  1. u/10thplanetwestLA

    Friend knocked up his girlfriend. They weren't planning on getting married, but friend's dad is a pastor and pretty much forced them to get married ASAP. Wedding and bachelor parties were quickly planned. Week after the bachelor party (week before the wedding), his fiance had a miscarriage. Since this was pretty much the only reason they were getting married, they called it off.

Having a baby is not good enough of a reason to get married. People used to think that way, but that’s an outdated way of thinking.

A Bad Bride

  1. u/Abraxas_Templar

    A Buddy of mine was getting married. We went out for drinks (his wife did not permit him to have a Bachelor party). We drank and he told me about the abuse and how she masked it all as BDSM play (Dom/sub lifestyle). The wedding was 2 weeks away. Only, he hated it and only did it because he had low self-esteem.

    She was really aggressive--she had come on to me the year before and I said no. She went so far as to wake me up by sitting on me naked on the couch when I crashed once at their place. I was drunk and still thought I was dreaming at first but came to my senses before anything terrible happened. I told him about it later, but he chalked it up as just her Dom personality. He didn't seem to care, even though I knew better.

    Anyway, we come home from the bar and sit in the living room and watch tv.. I'm not really that drunk, but tired, so I fall asleep for a bit in a chair watching an old MacGyver rerun. He goes off to his fiancée. About 30 minutes later I wake up to my buddy putting stuff in a backpack. He says he is going to go to a hotel, he cannot stay here with her anymore. Says he will drop me home. That's when she comes out in full crotchless leather Dom gear with some guy on a leash. Starts yelling at him and doing some fairly familiar Dom commands. He isn't having any of it and leaves while yelling at her for cheating and also leaving me there.

    Then, she yells at me for not trying to stop him. I just say, "You are the one with handcuffs." And I walked home. The wedding was canceled by him and she spent the next month saying crap about how he was intolerant of her lifestyle over MySpace. (Yeah, I am old)

    All I cared about was my buddy getting out of an abusive relationship. He is now married to one of the best women I know. So, a happy ending!

That was a very crazy story. Glad to hear the groom is happily married to someone else now.

A Double Life

  1. u/Surfguitar

    My mom had a female tenant, engaged to a local guy whom I kind of knew. She's in an out-of-town bar one night, meets a girl, starts talking. The conversation turns to their fiances: How weird, they're so similar, like the same stuff, drive the same car, the same ethnicity...."btw, what's his name?". Enter the "oh crap" moment. This dude was engaged to two girls, both for over two years. They started comparing; he was at my family's on Christmas eve, oh, mine was Christmas day, and so on. Girl #1 calls him up from the bar. Invites him down to meet a long-lost friend. Hilarity ensues. Two weddings are off.

It’s crazy how some people can live double lives. In the end, these liars are always exposed.