Redditors Share The Weirdest Things That A Classmate Did

The Beetle

  1. u/crixux27

    He put a Christmas beatle up his nose while we were at the local pool for swim lessons. We then had to all leave early on the bus so the principal could drive him to the hospital to get the beetle out.

    A week later he did a small speech at the Friday school assembly about his beatle nose experiences and showed off his beatle in a jar. This was around grade 5 or 6 from memory. So 11 or 12 years old.

It must have been hard for him to go to the hospital and get the beetle out. He seemed to have enjoyed the experience though and kept the beetle as a memento of this funny memory.

Blood Collection

  1. u/jedadkins

    I know a kid that ended up in a mental institution over something very weird. His parents bought him a new mattress and while removing the old one they found multiple mason jars full of blood, no exaggeration 2 gallons total. There was a police investigation and turn out it was all his blood, his only answer as to why was "just in case".

Thank goodness it was not the making of a serial killer. The Redditor later pointed out the kid in question joined the Marines and seems like he turned out okay.

Malicious Compliance

  1. u/StudJBagel

    When I was in 7th grade, one guy didn’t have a pen/pencil for the test and the teacher wouldn’t give him one (“you need to be prepared, blah”). Yeah, the dude took out a paper clip, straightened it out, stabbed himself, and started doing the test using his blood as ink. He was quickly sent to the nurse’s office.

Teachers should be considerate when it comes to dealing with kids because they are very fragile, but props to the kid for being quick to think of a solution although it was dangerous!

The Fanatic

  1. u/BambiMontclair

    There was this really mentally messed up kid I could probably write a book about. He went through a phase where he was obsessed with JFK, printed out pictures of him and taped them to everything, his binder, truck, locker, etc. idk what happened but later that year all those pictures changed to pictures of Hitler. He referred to this as the time that “the devil overtook him with evil”. He did this same thing with William Shatner and a teacher at our school, but the bizarre satanic Hitler obsession takes the cake.

    He was also banned from the computers because the library lady caught him watching adult videos.

Kids go through phases where they idolize somebody, and that’s usually OK. However, this kid picked the worst possible person to worship.

My Name Is Booger

  1. u/pepperspaceship

    At an all-school assembly during my freshman year, a motivational speaker posed an easy rhetorical question to the crowd, and the weird kid in my grade unnecessarily shouted out the answer, to every bored person's sudden delight.

    For some reason (trying to maintain his authority?), the speaker asked our weird kid, "What's your name, son?" Without pause, weird kid stood up from his chair and loudly proclaimed, "MY NAME IS BOOGER."

    This announcement was met with raucous applause and laughter from the entire student body.

    It was gloriously random and weird. From then on the weird kid was known only as Booger in our small town. It fit him better than "Shawn," and he owned that name until graduation.

Weird kids have an unusual way to liven up a dull moment, and in this case, it was Booger’s sense of humor that saved the day.

The Cookie Monster

  1. u/gozba

    There was this huge guy, tall and wide, in our classes. To support his impressive body, he ate a lot. He’d bring an entire roll of cookies (like 20+) and stack them on one side of his desk. Then he would take one bite out of cookie number 1, and put it to the other side of his desk. Then he would take one bite out of the next cookie and place that one on top on cookie number 1. He’d go through the whole stack, until all cookies were partially eaten and in a neat stack on the other side of his desk. Then he would do it again, take one bite of the top cookie and place that on the original side of the desk, bite the next cookie etcetera. After maybe 15 minutes of biting and stacking, the whole lot was gone. Now we weren’t even supposed to eat in class, but he always got away with it somehow.

Growing kids need plenty of nutrition and being a kid with a frame larger than others probably required him to eat more. It could have also served as entertainment to his classmates and teachers watching him neatly eat the pile of cookies, so they just let him be.

Multiple Identities


    I had a very eccentric schoolmate who always got into trouble for her quirkiness. She dressed like the Queen of England (hair, shoes, and everything) from Elementary to Middle, then dressed like a doll for a year, tried to hook up with everyone. One day, she got kicked off stage at a talent show for doing a burlesque routine. She would also work her sexual prowess into every oral report, and her last year she came to school 2 times in just a mini skirt and bra.

While we will not always know the truth of why some kids do the things they do, most of the time it is rooted in what they have been exposed to at home or their surroundings.

Wolfman & Goosebumps

  1. u/Catsindahood

    So, there was a guy at our school when I was a freshman that everyone called "Wolfman" who was weird in all the bad ways. He claimed to have superpowers: teleportation, DBZ like energy creation and what not. All the girls said he would just stare at them if they had class with him. He hung around us freshmen and did his best to "flirt" with the girls. For an example of his "flirting" he once told a girl that while astral projecting, he saw her face on Jupiter. Needless to say, girls stayed away from him.

    He graduated though, and his brother started at the school. Now, "wolfman" wasn't a tall guy by any stretch of the imagination, maybe 5 feet at most, but his brother was a good foot shorter than him. He looked like he belonged in 3rd grade (he never got any taller). It didn't help that he always wore a child's goosebumps jacket, that made people start calling him Goosebumps. He was even more "convinced" of his powers than his brother, but at least he was less sexually creepy, but that's all he had going for him.

    One memorable day I was in math class, and he started shaking violently, people ignored him, so he started flapping his arms around. Wondering if this was an actual seizure the girl next to him put her hand on him and asked if he's ok, he growled back "take your hand off me, this power is too much to contain!" She started yelling at him for faking a seizure and he went back to normal death stare forward grumbling about his powers.

Kids have a very active imagination and love to play pretend. It was probably these brothers’ way to get away from reality for a while and destress, or just to have people give them attention.


  1. u/_mattsredditaccount_

    One girl in my grade (at high school so 4 years from age 12 through 16 ) cut herself to fill a vial with her own blood and wore it around her neck. Also wore cat ears and a tail to school and would chase people around meowing and hissing and trying to scratch them. She was freaking fast too, especially when she'd climb upstairs on all fours. In hindsight, maybe some psychological issues were at play, but she wasn't ever part of the special needs classes, just a regular student like the rest of us I guess.

She probably liked cats or imagined herself as one because she was fascinated by them - a furry as the internet calls it. Hopefully, it is not a case of a personality disorder.

The Show Must Go On

  1. u/CalcifersMyHero

    During my 6th grade graduation, our class sang a song. Weird kid is standing next to me on stage and suddenly projectile vomits and some of it landed on my shoes. Impressively, he still kept singing while I stood there wide-mouthed in horror and disbelief. I'll never forget all the gasps from the crowd.

Kids are incredibly confident and have almost no sense of shame sometimes! Despite the mishap, the show must still go on…

The Cock Is Coming

  1. u/mynewbrain

    A few days before a pep assembly, the weird kid anonymously posted signs all over school that said “the cock is coming”. Teachers and school administrators were obviously concerned but clueless.

    Smuggled a live rooster into the assembly and partway through the opening speech at the assembly, whipped it out over his head as it went crazy. Entire gym full of kids stood up and started chanting “Cock! Cock! Cock!”

    He was not seen at school for a few days after that.

Very impressive wordplay. They probably were not expecting a literal rooster would come out. It must have been an unforgettable day for everybody.


  1. u/tonfx

    The weird kid in our school was part of our friend group so 15+ years later we still give him trouble about it.

    During assembly one afternoon, a few weeks from ball or prom, he went up on stage while our entire year was filing into the auditorium and taking our seats. He was part of the A/V club (surprise) so his responsibility was making sure the microphones worked so nobody questioned why he was up there tinkering with the mic.

    Anyway, 90% of our year has come in at this point when he starts singing Jumper by Third Eye Blind over a karaoke version of the song he found on Limewire and he's changed the 'my friend' part of the chorus to the name of the girl he wants to ask out to prom. He gets about halfway through the song before one of the teachers realizes it isn't a joke and gets up on stage to drag him out.

    Everyone is just sitting there going wtf- half the kids don't know the song and the other half is wondering why he chose it to ask someone out.

    Turns out the girl he was asking wasn't even in the auditorium yet so didn't hear his little number. He got detention for a week for being 'disruptive' but since then we just call him Jumper as a joke but then it stuck and I don't think anyone in our friend group has used his name since then. Even during his wedding, you could tell who he went to school with since they'd ask where Jumper or Big J was.

It is a strange song choice to ask a girl out for prom, but all of us had an emo or hopelessly romantic phase at some point in our lives!

Anger Issues

  1. u/WestNileCV

    Weird kid, Dan, was obsessed with cute girl, Kasey, for several years, She rejected him for several years.

    On the bus to a field trip I sat next to him & he was drawing. I glanced over & he was drawing Kasey falling off a cliff onto a patch of spikes below.

    Years later in middle school he also got super mad & threw a desk across the room in English. Not a small desk either. One of those that’s a desk/chair attached hybrid. Just yeeted it across the room. I was so terrified. There’s a litany of things he did, but those stand out to me.

People can have anger issues that cannot be expressed with words, so sometimes they tend to take it out through drawings, writings, and/or violent reactions.

Lab Experiment

  1. u/P0rvari

    We were getting DNA samples in biology. Most of the class used spit but he tried to squeeze milk out of his nipples. MILK! After that didn't work out he attempted to get pimple fluid from his pimple. When the teacher noticed and questioned he answered "I got some out just this morning".

    This was when we were 14-15

He probably didn’t know yet that men don’t have mammary glands but curiosity often leads to learning! Can’t really blame the kid if he wants to see what’s inside the pimple.

Check This Out!

  1. u/Fewer_Daffodil

    This is going to sound ridiculous but during my senior year of high school someone took a huge, and I mean inhumanly HUGE, dump in one of the girl's bathroom toilets that was far too big to be flushed away. Some kid mentioned seeing it and in no time somehow the entire school was made aware and gathered around the bathroom trying to get a look at this monstrosity. Picture 50+ high school kids skipping classes just to try to squeeze into a small women's room to stare in awe at an infamous turd. The crowd got so big and unruly that the administration finally caught on and banned people from that particular hallway for the rest of the day under threat of suspension. I like to believe that all of us were that "weird" kid on that day.

Kids are entertained by the smallest things, and that’s just a part of the wonder that we call childhood.

Dr. Strange

  1. u/Bernie_Bro_Canada

    In grade 8 this kid would bring a bar of soap with a hole in it and hump it in class. We would whisper to him, “Pssst! Hey, how was it?” He’d give us a grin and a thumbs up while we giggled. That was 32 years ago. Recently found out he’s a big shot neurosurgeon in England somewhere. Who woulda thought.

It just goes to show that crazy habits we acquired as a kid can be broken as we mature and grow up. Who would’ve thought this weird kid would become an important neurosurgeon!

Creepy, Much?

  1. u/cheshire_shiki

    My friend(female) was sitting in the library when the weird kid (male, notorious for preying and making girls uncomfortable) saw her. They had never spoken or met at that point. He sat with my friend, started trying to hold her, and kept talking to her (at one point asked her to join his math club).

    My friend immediately became uncomfortable. She knew where I was eating lunch that day and left to go find me. He followed her.

    When she found me(also female), I knew something was up because of the look on her face and the fact a guy I’ve never met was following super closely and talking to her while she gave really clipped answers. My friend sat next to me and the guy sat somewhere else in the room. But then the guy tried to sit between us and ended up sitting on my lap while trying to flirt. I don’t remember what I did. I think we both ended up moving seats.

The weird kid had the guts to sit on an unknown stranger’s lap just to flirt. Let’s hope he didn’t grow into a creepy adult.

No Turning Back

  1. u/FleaJam

    I remember once in high school we were on a school camp which included some low level spelunking. About 60 of us had to squeeze single file on our hands and knees through a narrow part of the cave which was about 100 metres long. There was a small section about halfway along which opened up a bit to allow 2 people to sit shoulder to shoulder.

    Anyway, weird kid got to this section and decided he really needed to poop. Not sure what he had been eating, but it was a runny one. He was at the front of the column so we all had the pleasure of crawling through the mess he made, because we'd come too far to turn back. Combine that with poor lighting and poor ventilation and we had a real mess on our hands.

Imagine having to battle claustrophobia and add a dose of nausea in the mix. They literally had a real mess on their hands!

Words Of Wisdom

  1. u/Horticorti

    He was generally very weird and erratic. One day he extracted a huge slimy booger out of his nose, turned around to me and a friend and told us full of glee: "guys, look!" Then he stuffed it back into his nose...

    One day I asked him why he was so weird and he told me with the straightest face: "The jester's cap affords one many liberties."

    So I don't know if he was just weird or a secret genius, maybe a bit of both.

Guess we now have the answer to why weird kids do the weirdest things.

Pulling A Hudson

  1. u/atheniah

    Okay so one kid got dared to put a protractor in his mouth and he did it curved side first so naturally it then got stuck and he got sent out of class had to go to the school office.

    The same kid got dared to shoot a staple gun at himself so he went ahead and staple gunned his arm and had to be taken to A&E to get stitches.

    There were loads of other things he did that I can't remember now, but it got to the point that if someone did something totally stupid and/or dangerous kids in our year began to refer to it as "pulling a Hudson" after him.

Kids are naturally curious and are brave to do strange yet stupid things. This kid took it too far, however.

5 Years Later

  1. u/Acoasma

    in 6th grade the weird kid climbed up a tree and threatened to jump down. No teacher was nearby and all children around (me included) were like "sure go ahead." "or what do you even want achieve by that?". He was just 3, maybe 4 meters above the ground, so no one really expected a more serious injury. After the students lost interest in him and some hesitation on his side he climbed back down.

    So no big deal, right? Wrong! fast forward 5 years. The same guy climbs on top of a 12 story building and this time actually jumps. I always felt a bit guilty, as our reaction when he climbed up that tree might have encouraged him to do it properly this time. The guy actually survives by hitting the electricity cables from the tram, which softens his fall, but is in coma for nearly a year with multiple surgeries until he finally wakes up, but will be impaired for the rest of his life.

Poor kid must have had something difficult going on that he was not able to let go of growing up. It would be nice if people could be more aware of the cries for help displayed by children in trouble.

Hook Anthems

  1. u/Tomb_Brader

    Andrew hooker - made an album of electronica called “Hook anthems” and each one was a soundtrack for different mundane tasks of his life. He sold only one copy to a maths teacher - and it’s also one of my life regrets that I didn’t buy one too.

It would be nice to hear the compositions he made about his mundane task. It makes you wonder what the math teacher thought of it. Something cool comes out of being strange sometimes!


  1. u/Clumbum

    I'm not sure if he did this with anyone else but he drew a picture of Spongebob and Charizard brutally killing me and my friend and then willingly showed it to us. I couldn't help but laugh but it was actually very well drawn. I liked that kid.

Child artists are sometimes labeled strange for the way they perceive things through their drawings, and we cannot really tell what is going on in their minds. Good thing the Redditor liked the weird kid’s art and nobody was actually harmed by the Pokemons.

Scary Twins

  1. u/SgtTryhard

    I had an autistic friend, and he was afraid of a particular set of twins. He was minding his own business in the corridors, and each twin was walking towards each other at different ends of the corridor, with him in between. Frightened, he did what no one would expect: jump out the window. He was on the 3rd floor.

    Thankfully, he wasn't hurt that bad. When my teacher asked him why he did that, he said 'My life was under grave danger, and I only did what was imperative to be done.'

    To this day, I don't know why he was afraid of them.

Doesn’t this remind you of a scene from The Shining? Hopefully, the kid outgrew whatever was traumatizing him.

Taco Crime

  1. u/sykemol

    I'm from a small town. There was this weird kid who was a year older, but he was so weird that even the younger kids would pick on him. I didn't really know him, but I put him in the weird but harmless category. He graduates, and then decides to rob the local Taco Time with a shot gun. Well, it is a small town. The kids working at the Taco Time all know him, and pretty much everybody in the Taco Time also knows him. He got two years.

Apparently, not everyone who we thought was harmless as a kid grows up to be harmless as an adult.

Pencil Stabber

  1. u/atomic_quarks

    I always had to sit next to this kid in 3rd grade because I was the only one that tolerated him. He just constantly stole peoples' things off of their desks in full view of everyone. I would apparently just steal them back instead of getting upset. The teacher decided this meant I was designated as his seat partner forever. One day he was a bit more violent than usual and stabbed me in the upper arm with my own pencil when I tried to take it back.

    I didn't even tell the teacher. I think I may have just hit him and taken the pencil back. She only found out when I asked for a bandage a few minutes later because I couldn't get it to stop bleeding. She asked what happened and I casually told her. The kid didn't get much punishment for whatever reason.

Parents, teachers and authorities should learn how to discipline kids for their bad behavior. Having no accountability will teach these children that the wrong things they are doing are not okay.

Call Of Nature

  1. u/n-a-box

    This was at University, which makes this even weirder.

    I studied Geology so we went on a lot of field trips, one time we went to Spain and I noticed this rather strange girl had a tally chart in the back of her notebook. Now, this girl was odd, she wore all black clothes that were clearly not washed very well. She had bright ginger hair and would hair HUGE spiky plastic jewelry that was usually bright orange. Like big spiky plastic necklaces or bracelets. She would pick her nose aggressively in class kind of girl.

    So.. one day we had a day off to relax and do what we wanted, so everyone agreed we would go to Madrid for the day, so we all get on a big coach and set off. The drive is like two hours. 30mins in, she starts mumbling to herself about needing the toilet, everyone around her going quiet as she became more agitated. Eventually she jumped up and waddled down the isle to ask the driver to stop. After a bit of arguing and Spanish shouting from the driver, we pull over.

    The bus doors open, she walks back up the isle and gets off using the door half way down the bus. She takes three steps away from the door and starts digging a hole like a freaking badger in heat. Now at this point I think deep down I knew what was about to happen, she's about to take a massive piss right here in front of everyone as the ultimate win or screw you to her classmates she clearly hated.. but boy I was wrong.

    She finished digging her hole, it was quite impressive given how dry the ground was.. she turned herself away from the bus, dropped her trousers and took a squat over the hole.. what is this, I thought? Maybe she's too shy for a stand up piss.. nope. Out comes the most horrific dump from her pasty white bum. Like gallons of it, I've never seen so much. The hole she dug, whilst impressive was not sufficient for the brown mass that spewed forth. She finished, wiped her butt with a small piece of tissue she had in her pocket and got back on the bus.. with the same maniacal grin I saw her have with the wild piss.

    And casually as anything.. she turns to him and says "The bus ride was too long, I pissed myself" ... "a few times"..

    At this point Im losing my mind, what the fudge lady. You stopped the bus so you could decimate the landscape, you couldn't have pissed then? you might as well have, I mean everyone saw your massive dump i don't think a quick piss would have bothered anyone. Seriously.

    Anyway, two girls took pity and carted her off to a public toilet. The rest of us went to a few museums and had a great day but it was hard to enjoy to be quite honest. Madrid's Natural History Museum didn't have the same jovial atmosphere after watching a grown woman take a dump and piss herself.

She could be conducting personal tests of how urine will mix with the Earth’s surface, after all, they are Geology students… But after seeing what they’ve just seen, being one with nature could have a different connotation now.

Wham, Bam, Thank You, Desk

  1. u/saroshsidhva2

    He humped my desk for a solid minute while maintaining eye-contact with me, and then said, "thanks" and just walked away.

    I'm a guy, this was 15 years ago, on my first day at this new school, and I was just eating lunch at my desk, and this dude just walked up and went to town. No context, no introduction, nothing.

    Didn't even buy me dinner first. Just wham, bam, thank you desk.

Definitely a strange introduction. It is surprising that the writer still was able to finish his lunch after the encounter!

A Fart to Remember

  1. u/crunchyfunyons

    There was also a girl in my elementary school who never wore shoes and was known for her impressive farting skills. I’ll never forget the day when our class was sitting on the library floor during a lecture by the librarian how to handle/read/fold a newspaper (the 90s were weird). It could not have been more boring when all of the sudden out of nowhere the girl unleashed a massive fart that kept going and going, and kept getting louder and louder to the point that the entire class was in full blown hysterics while the fart continued to rage on. The hero we needed that day. Legend.

This girl learned at a young age what control is, in the form of a fart. Who would have thought that a fart would save a boring day?

Kindness And Grace

  1. u/kfc_chet

    Girl in my class who was extremely unfriendly and quiet; many of the popular boys made fun of her; after high school we found out one of her brothers abused her during that time and finally went to prison.

    Lesson: show kindness and grace when you can, there's usually a hidden reason behind these "weird kids"

We do not fully know what goes on in the lives of every person, which is why it is important to always show compassion because they might be going through serious stuff.