These People Were Unexpectedly Betrayed - And It Hurt!

Inherited Debt

  1. u/xXDubXx

    After my father died a few years ago, we learned that he had taken out about 40k of loans in my name. We share the same Initials (and surname, obviously). He forged my signature, kept on applying for loans and credit, got approved and never paid a single dime back. Seeing as he was the main contact, no one ever called me to ask me why I wasn't paying my debt ... So only after he died we got contacted by institutions informing us that my father owes them money, just to find out it was actually on my name … So now my credit record is ruined due to years of payments not being made and I need to pay back all of these loans. Fun times right?

Sadly, these kinds of things are more common than you think. If this ever happens to you, you have to report the identity theft to the police, get evidence and maybe get a lawyer involved immediately.

Double Check Who You Email

  1. u/ginger-ghost

    I was copied into an email conversation where about ten messages earlier one of my employees had described me as an idiot and suggested to the recipients that they didn’t get me involved in the situation they were discussing. I’d always thought we got on well and it knocked my confidence.

It is unprofessional of an employee to write things like that about a coworker, and no one should be doing it, but people can be nasty sometimes! If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, take the chance to re-evaluate if you’re doing things correctly and don’t let work stuff bother you.

They Always Leave Hints

  1. u/CliffHanger99

    I found out that my father cheated on my stepmother with a much younger woman. When he broke up with my step-Mom he blamed the whole thing on her. He said she was selfish and had no time for him. He later married the younger woman. Years later, when I stumbled upon evidence of him cheating, I just felt sick to my stomach. He maligned an incredibly kind woman just to make himself look better. We don’t have much of a relationship today. However, I’m actually still really close with the former step-Mom!

It is awful to find out that your dad is that kind of man… The bright side of this story is that this person was mature enough to decide that he didn’t want to have a relationship with his father just because they’re related and chose to stay close with his step-mom instead.

Change Your Privacy Settings

  1. u/newthingso

    I saw two girls that I roomed with for a short time had been publicly posting on Facebook about how weird, annoying, and disrespectful I was. Their reasoning was that I was taking an 8:30 am class and only weirdos do that, and that I made a shit-ton of noise every morning and disrupted their sleep.

    It hurt because I tried really hard to not be disruptive. I wouldn't let my alarm go off, because I woke up naturally around the time it was scheduled and would just turn it off before it beeped (this was partially out of anxiety). I changed clothes in the bathroom, tiptoed everywhere, and wouldn't even EAT or ZIP MY BACKPACK in the room because I wanted to be quiet. As far as I knew, neither of them woke up any of those mornings - and they never said anything to me about it. :(

Living with other people can be difficult, so everyone must do their part to make it work. Finding out that your roommates are dissing you behind your back can be really hard, but if people can’t talk privately to you before speaking about you with somebody else, they aren’t worth stressing over.

DIY Love

  1. u/StopPanakinAnakin

    When I was 8 I decided to make my mum a paper maché crocodile for her birthday. I spent weeks on it, I’d get back from school and work a bit more on it, all in secret so it'd be a surprise when I gave it to her. One day I came home from school, excited to get to the crocodile as her birthday was coming up fast now, ran to the kitchen and saw my crocodile all screwed up lying in the kitchen bin. She'd found it and thrown it away. I cried so much.

This is one of the saddest stories ever! Who throws other people’s stuff away just like that? Anyway, she was clearly not worthy of this kid’s art, but someday they will find people who are, and they will surely appreciate it.

Traitor Sister

  1. u/Babyrabievaccine

    TI was in a horrible place after losing my unborn child. That’s the exact moment my ex-husband chose to sue me for full custody of the other child. My sister consoled me and supported me through it all. I thought she was on my side, until I realized just how deeply she had been betraying me this entire time. I don’t know if I can ever forgive her. EXT

    My sister talked my ex-husband into suing me for full custody at the exact moment I was unable to contest it, properly because I had just suffered a huge loss at month 9 of my pregnancy. She also foddered his case with lies to make me look like a terrible mother, while simultaneously patting me on the back and consoling me that he was a terrible man. He didn't win, but the case made things contentious for us for years and made it impossible to grieve with my now husband, because I was in survival mode to make sure I didn't lose my daughter.

This is so messed up! You never expect your family to betray you like that when you’re at your lowest. It can be one of the most horrendous experiences ever, but someday it will be just a bad memory, and it won’t hurt anymore, and you may be able to forgive her for what she’s done.

Friendship Jewelry

  1. u/isthisonegoodenough

    In 2nd grade, I gave my best friend one half of a best friends necklace. At recess that day, she came over to me and asked to see my half to show this other girl in our class. She gave my half to the other girl and we never spoke again.

Ouch. That was just cruel. It’s good that she realized that the friendship wasn’t worth it after how she treated her. Remember, you can always make new friends!

Pity Party

  1. u/plurpdurp

    In 3rd grade, I was invited to the birthday party, but she made me leave at 5:00 pm and pretended that was the time the party was over. The party was a sleepover. I only found out because I saw her dad driving home in his truck with a fancy cake while my mom and I were driving home. That and some of my other friends at the party felt bad and told me the next day.

Here we go again! Another story shows us that children can be really cruel when they want to. I’m glad her others friends told her the truth. The kind of friendships where you can be honest are the best!

Well-poisoned Diet

  1. u/Delicious-Hot-Dog

    My oldest sister went on a bit of a poisoning streak several years back and we pretty much told her that either she needs to stop, or she's officially kicked out of the family. Mom and grandma were kind of tough to sell on this sort of ultimatum, though. They even told me that they don't mind the stomach problems and barfing. They said it was good for our figures. Hard work, dedication, exercise, a non-poisoned diet, that's how you're supposed to lose weight.

    But yeah, so my sister apparently would be spreading salmonella and E. coli into our drinks and food whenever she could. Me and my dad broke into her apartment (well we had a spare key and went in when she was out doing something) and her fridge was full of uncovered raw chicken and it wasn't even cold. The whole fridge was unplugged.

    She admitted to us later that before she'd come to hang out with us, she'd rub the slimy, rotting chicken all over her hands and face and then spray on a butt load of perfume to mask the odor. I always thought her perfume just smelled bad, but I guess it was always because she had the putrid scent of rotten meat all over her skin. Then, for whatever reason, a reason that she couldn't or wouldn't explain, she'd take her disgusting hands and rub the rims of our cups or glasses and lick and spit on our food when we weren't looking. Who does that?

    Of course, there was tons and tons of mold growing everywhere in her place as well. Every little crack and nook had something growing in it. Her neighbors were either really old or really foreign, so I'm not sure if that's why they couldn't smell the sharp sting of decaying flesh and thriving fungi or if there was something else going on, but I left her place fully willing to just cut her out of my life.

    When we explained how disgusting her place was to mom and grandma and they just kind of refused to believe it even though they each always had painful, urgent stomach problems every time my sister visited. They didn't even want to drive over there and see for themselves.

    Me and dad were sick. Luckily, not too long after this near tipping point, my sister got arrested after a security camera caught her reaching into her pants and touching a bunch of different food at a CiCi's Pizza Buffet.

    Before her court hearing, we had a chance to speak with her. It was a short conversation. We were all wearing Nitrile gloves and face masks. She had this disgusted look on her face like we were the weirdos. My dad simply told her she was no longer his daughter and that she's not welcome in this family any longer. I haven't seen her since and that was over 8 years ago.

I can’t believe this is a real story! This is simply twisted. Poisoning your family on purpose sounds like something a villain from a horror movie would do. She could have killed a member of the family! Sounds like she’s out of her mind, so it’s great that they’re no longer in touch.

Soap Opera Fan

  1. u/just-another-cat

    When sitting my dad and stepmom down to tell them I had cancer. "Are you sure? You're always over-dramatic like your mother. She watched too many soap operas". Then the following months after treatment and a major surgery they told people I didn't have cancer and I faked it. They were there for the major surgery and the treatments… So I get asked by family " did you really fake cancer?".



We all deserve to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about us and our well-being and not by insensitive people who don’t care about other people’s feelings.

Canceled Invitation

  1. u/SquilliamFancySon95

    A friend texted me asking to hang out in a group, then texts again after I'd already gotten ready, saying I can't come anymore because another person she invited doesn't know me and doesn't want to hang out with me.

People have to understand that they can’t play with their friends like that! If you want to invite someone else to hang out with your friend group, ask them if they all agree first. It’s so mean to invite someone and then back out as if they don’t matter at all.

Best Friends Forever

  1. u/Osito509

    Friends with a guy for years then he made a move. He has a serious girlfriend, but he thought we could be friends with benefits. I don't know what hurt more, the fact that he admitted he was never really interested in my friendship or the hobbies we shared, and that he was always thinking about how he could get me into bed (for 7 years!?) or the fact that he thought I'd be happy to be his side piece and that we could deceive his girlfriend together.

This is bad in so many ways! This man doesn’t deserve her friendship, and he doesn’t deserve his girlfriend either! Unless she’s aware of the situation or they are in an open relationship, he was planning to cheat on her, and that’s selfish and just a nasty thing to do.

Internet Friends, Internet Fail

  1. u/SubnautGames

    It's not much but years ago I found a "friend" online playing Minecraft. We played for years and then out of the blue he destroyed my base on a Minecraft server I introduced him to (over 500 hours into the server), stole everything inside, killed all my dinos on Ark (it had come out recently), and much more. Insult to injury I had bought him a game like a week prior, and for my jobless self, the 30 bucks was a lot of money. The dude just wanted to see me suffer I guess.

Some people may not understand what it feels like to have hours and hours of work destroyed in one instant. It must suck! The stealing and destruction are painful, but, not knowing why he did that has to be the worst part of it all. He was probably jealous of what he had.

Wearing Black To A Wedding

  1. u/crruss

    The first person in my high school group of friends to get married asked everyone except me to be a bridesmaid. She claimed her fiancé didn’t have another friend to ask but it became pretty obvious that was a lie. My other friends in the bridal party said they “made sure” I was invited to the bachelorette party and when I got there the maid of honor (the bride’s sister) had made matching t-shirts for everyone except me and then claimed they didn’t know what to put on mine since I wasn’t a bridesmaid. So I wore black to the summer wedding and pissed everyone off because they claimed it ruined the pictures.

Weddings seem to cause all types of drama. If you’re going to get married, try to think about your whole social circle to avoid this kind of mistake. She should have worn white to really piss off the bride, though.

Find Your Group Of Friends

  1. u/imrsrk

    Used to have a single “friend” after my friend group dissolved in middle school, and we were the only two left. She and I found our own groups to hang out with, but she would often guilt me when I’d spend time with them over her.

    I didn’t realize how isolated she’d made me until I went out with her and her friends, she told me to sit at a different table, and nobody said anything. Good times. I still stuck around until graduation because I’d alienated everyone else. I talked with a therapist a few years after and she connected the dots between my current aversion to friendship/relationships and my past lol. Before then, I couldn’t even explain why I don’t trust people now.

Abusive friendships are so hard to identify and talk about. In cases like this, it’s crucial to find a therapist who can understand you and help you understand yourself and how your past can affect your present relationships without you noticing.

Lack Of Space

  1. u/Sighborgninja

    Asked two of my friends if they wanted to live together in college. Then one of them asked another person in our friend group if he wanted to join in as well. Then they asked another...and another.

    And then once there were so many people for one apartment, they dropped me out of it. No longer "friends" with any of them. Was kinda a wake-up call though because I definitely gave way too much of myself to those people not knowing that I was the most expendable one. It really taught me not to put others on a pedestal and respect myself more and has since led to me developing far more healthy relationships that bring me a lot of happiness.

What a horrible experience. Developing healthy relationships is key for a healthy and happy life. We have to learn to use these experiences as growth and to be more careful with our future relationships.

Definitely Not Turning A Deaf Ear

  1. u/EllPeas

    A number of years ago, my sister's phone was super glitchy and would randomly call people. Once it called me and after I stopped singing and goofing off into the phone trying to get her attention, I just stopped to listen. She was complaining to her mother in law about me.

    I honestly can't remember what exactly she was saying, but just the fact of who she was saying it to! This woman barely knows me! If it was one of our other siblings who we're close with, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. So I promptly called her back and chewed her out.

Wow! Imagine being a fly on the wall to listen to that conversation. Hopefully, the sister had a good explanation. If someone does that to you, you have to speak out, no matter how you and that person are related.

A Screenshot Is Worth A Thousand Words

  1. u/cbrown80

    I screen-capped photos from my wife's lovers Facebook and sent them to the school administration because he was a teacher and posting pics of your student's test then making fun of them is not cool at all. He was fired at the end of the year. After his dismissal, I divorced her and got her removed from her position at a daycare because it was a church-based facility with morality clauses for employment. All it took was a conversation with the pastor and she was phased out at the first available opportunity.

This is not only justice; it’s a genius move! Also, posting your students' grades without their consent should be illegal. Even though they shouldn’t be able to fire someone because of their personal life, this guy used the system very well and got the revenge he deserved.

When I Grow Up…

  1. u/Jah_sac

    I was on the ride home from school and my mom said “what do you want to do when you grow up.” I said in reply “Maybe an author or something like that.” She replied with “That is so dumb, that is the stupidest thing, (my name) you are smart and you have the whole world at your fingertips, and you want to be an author, that’s dumb, you can be a scientist or a doctor but you want to waste your life being an author.” A few weeks later she asked the same thing and I told her what she already said and she denied the whole thing but said she agreed with herself.

This is a big “I’m in a toxic family” moment. Is there anything worse than parents ignoring their children’s dreams? Authors are as important as scientists and doctors, and most importantly, you should be able to choose to do whatever makes you happy for a living. At the end of the day is your life, not your parents’.

Haters Gonna Hate

  1. u/__Calotropis__

    He [a friend] got all my friends against me, every single one of them hated me. I tried to find out what I did to him but I got nothing. It got to the point where I'd end up physically hurt. All the friend groups I had ever been in had just left me. I was glad when I moved schools.

Why does this happen? Going to school is awful when you don’t have friends. Imagine when that happens because someone you consider your friend is talking badly about you behind your back.

Real-Life Sociopath

  1. u/Reversethecurse20

    I'm pretty sure a friend of mine is dating a sociopath for various reasons I can't go into. He is the kind of guy that seems like he read a book about how to manipulate people. So creepy. He was flirting with me right in front of her, but not in an obvious way where I could call him on it. No one in our group likes him. We just feel bad for our friend.

    Like anytime he would walk to go somewhere in the house we were hanging at, he would make an effort to place his hand on my lower back or shoulder. Even though there was plenty of room not to do that. He did that with everyone. Even the guys. At the end of the night when we were leaving, he touched my husband’s cheek. My husband told him to never touch him again, and he just laughed...

It is unacceptable when people touch other people without their permission. Also, it’s so difficult when someone is doing this kind of thing to a friend, and you can’t do anything to stop it. Everybody should get away from people who play games like that.

The Worst Game

  1. u/Xilophony

    We had to pick partners for dodgeball in like 5th grade, so I went to ask my "friend". He told me "Hey, wait a second, I just gotta check something" and then asked literally 5 other students until one finally accepted to pair with him. I had to play with the teacher on that round.

We had to pick partners for dodgeball in like 5th grade, so I went to ask my "friend". He told me "Hey, wait a second, I just gotta check something" and then asked literally 5 other students until one finally accepted to pair with him. I had to play with the teacher on that round.

Family Of Geniuses

  1. u/merakidevon

    My friend was born super premature, but she ended up completely fine (like you would never know unless you saw the pictures of when she was born). Anyways when she was around 8, she was at the top of the stairs, head peeking through the banister, secretly listening to her parents argue downstairs about how her dad was too hard on her brother for his grades. Her mom says “well why aren’t you that hard on her?? She doesn’t get straight A’s either!” And her dad responds “She was born premature, she’s probably retarded.”

Putting yourself in those shoes at that moment - stab in the heart. Can you imagine a parent talking like that about their own child? Imagine how this girl felt when she heard that.

Garage Sale

  1. u/Permalink

    10 years old, moving. In front of my eyes, all my toys in one box is sold in front of me for 7 dollars.

Imagine being in this kid’s shoes. It must have been heartbreaking having to say goodbye to your toys just like that like they were worthless. Maybe his mother thought he didn’t want them anymore, but why didn’t she ask? This is probably the coldest thing you can do to a child.

Let’s Take A Taxi

  1. u/Cyanora

    He knocked on my door one night and said 'Let’s go for a drive". This wasn't that odd since I love driving to cool my head. So we start driving and maybe 10 minutes in, he starts directing me on where to go. He asks me if I mind making a quick stop. I'm annoyed but say sure.

    We end up at this sketchy house in the middle of nowhere and my buddy goes inside but tells me to wait in the car. Almost 45 minutes later he comes back out and says we gotta go to the bar. It takes me about 10 seconds to realize he went inside to get some illegal substances and was already high. So I tell him that I'm not feeling it tonight and drop him off at his place. Spoke to him once after that when he wanted to hang and I told him I'm nobody's errand boy. Didn’t care if he got the message because I haven't spoken to him since.

It was so nice of this guy to wait outside for so long when his friend used him as a cab only to get his stuff without telling him what he was doing. Ghosting people isn’t right but let’s be honest… this man completely deserved it!

Health Is What Matters

  1. u/Lurking_monkey

    11 years ago my husband had a bone marrow transplant. While we were in the big city for this (3 months) we had friends and family taking up donations and paying our bills with them. One of these "friends" kept the money for herself and let our bills go in arrears. When I found this out my husband was basically fighting to live through the worst part of the recovery process of a bone marrow transplant. Made me sick.

It sounds like it has to be illegal. It sure was hard to discover, but hey, now they know who they can trust and who they have to keep away from their money and lives. Be careful with who you trust with these kinds of things, or you can get in serious trouble, and then you are going to have to pay.

At Least They Were Honest

  1. u/starghost95

    My friend, who had been complaining about having to spend two days with her boyfriend, asked me for my opinion of them moving in together. Me "I mean, you got annoyed with him after two days into your vacation, so.." Her "Well I get annoyed with you after two hours so". I flinched. Our friendship never recovered after that.

This girl wanted an honest opinion and then couldn’t take it. She didn’t like the answer, so she decided to be hurtful towards her friend while she was just being sincere! The thing with this kind of people is that they don’t realize how badly they can hurt someone because they have no filter at all.

A Good Thief

  1. u/EvilGargamel

    I had one "friend" that would steal from friends pretty regularly. One time I had a small social gathering (6 or 7 people) and my new smartphone went missing. This guy helps me look for the phone in my house for over an hour, later on, I see my phone in his room on his desk. I just took it back, no words were exchanged. I just stopped talking to him altogether after that.

    Later, he was at a mutual friend's party. Her 80GB iPod goes missing. I and some other friends were suspicious that it was him, so the next day we called up the local pawn shop and described the iPod. The pawnshop guy said he got one that day. Sure enough, it was under our “friend”'s name. The pawnshop owner offered to call the cops.. we declined. We approached this guy and told him we knew. He tried to deny it, but we managed to shame him into admitting it. Forget people that steal from friends.

Forget people that steal. Period. This guy has to be thankful their friends didn’t call the cops, especially after the second time! Friends mean trust, so it’s pretty messed up when someone you consider a friend does something like this. It’s just ridiculous.

Everybody Wants To Steal My Girl

  1. u/Atheizt

    Best mate from school decided he liked my girlfriend. Her phone went off while it was sitting in front of me one day and I noticed it was from him so I glanced at the message… "I'm so in love with you too, I just don't know what to tell him but I guess it’s his problem, not ours babe".

Picture yourself having a good time with your girlfriend and suddenly reading this, and then immediately realizing that the message was sent by your best friend of years.

What Happens In Vegas

  1. u/Deleted

    Just got on a flight in London headed to Vegas. Sitting next to my girlfriend and she wants to show me something she has planned for the trip so gets out her phone. It opens to the Messages and shows a chat with a guy (I know him) saying how much she is gonna miss him and how she doesn't wanna go away with me anyway. The doors close on the plane and that was a really fun 10-11hrs…

Finding out that your significant other is cheating on you is always hard but imagine doing it just before an eleven-hour flight... that must’ve been horrible.