Do You Wax Your Eyebrows? Prevent This Annoying Reaction

Why Can You Get Ingrowns?

You can get ingrowns anywhere you have hair follicles—including your eyebrows. Basically, ingrown hair appears because the wisps of hair can become trapped underneath the skin as it grows, and that can result in a tiny, pimple-like mound.

They usually appear if you have coarse or curly brow hairs or if you regularly choose to have an eyebrow wax or threading session. All of this, plus sensitive skin, is a perfect recipe for ingrowns.

Tweezing Is Your Best Option

Tweezing is the most precise hair removal method because you can pluck out one strand at a time and control the direction, so you can make sure you fully remove the hair without breaking it.

Of course, you can choose a brow wax or thread, but you may want to opt for tweezer touch-ups if you're susceptible to ingrown hair. Also, try grooming your brows after showering because hot water softens the area and opens the pore, making hair removal a little bit easier.

Use Astringent Products

If you frequently have ingrowns, cleaning the area with a bit of astringent will help tighten pores and reduce irritation. You can soak a cotton swab with witch hazel, which has natural astringent properties, or diluted tea tree oil, which is antiseptic and antibacterial.

Then trace the brow area, and if you feel that your skin is irritated, apply aloe vera to soothe and hydrate the skin.

Try An Ingrown Treatment

Although prevention is everything when it comes to ingrown hairs, a gentle exfoliation can treat them once they appear. Try choosing a product with chemical exfoliants, like salicylic acid and lactic acid.

And it will be even better if they also have hydrators like aloe vera, which will simultaneously soothe the skin. The idea is to apply the product for a few nights until the hair rises to the surface of the skin.

Please, Don't Go Digging!

Ingrown hair can be uncomfortable, especially on the sensitive skin near the eyebrows, but you shouldn’t mess with them before they're ready. Otherwise, you'll only cause more irritation and inflammation, which may even lead to scarring.

Be patient and wait until the ingrown has broken through the skin. Then you can use a tweezer to remove the hair. Do this only if the hair is visible—don't go digging for it!