Pets and Nature

Apr 14, 2020

20 Superstar Athletes With Amazing Pets

Pets help us release the stress of our daily routines. We feel comforted when we arrive home and our fluffy friends are waiting for us at the door. Well, the same happens to professional athletes who not only love competing for championships and trophies but also for their best friends’ love. Meet these 20 professional athletes and their surprising pets. Make sure to read #14, #10 and #3.

Apr 14, 2020

Golden Gives Birth To Litter Of Cow Pups - But Why?

On the brink of Halloween, this animal-loving couple decided to take in a shelter dog, a pregnant Golden Retriever who they named Rosie. They were expecting a litter of adorable, golden puppies, but when the day came and Rosie gave birth, they were left baffled. For some reason, Rosie had delivered a litter of… cows? For some reason, the pups really did look like tiny black and white cows! How could that be? Read this story and find out what happened! Photo: Courtesy of Instagram/@ourgoldenyears

Apr 14, 2020

Take A Look At These 20 Exotic Animals People Own

We probably all have begged for a puppy for Christmas when we were kids. I mean, all we wanted was a pet to keep us company, to take care of, and play with! Well, some people out there are a bit more adventurous than the average person. A dog, or a cat, or any domestic animal just wasn’t enough for them. You would be surprised to learn that one in ten American households possesses at least one exotic animal. Read on to find out some of the craziest pets out there! Photo: Courtesy of Best Life Online

Apr 14, 2020

21 Incredibly Rare Dog Breeds

Dogs have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years ever since the first civilization appeared on the face of the Earth. These animals are not only used as domestic pets but may also be used for hunting, as they were used in ancient times. There are many breeds of dogs that are widely known, but there are some breeds that are incredibly rare, and some of them have even been on the brink of extinction. Some of our favorites are #15, #7 and #2!

Apr 14, 2020

Couple Rescues Dying Dog From Liberian Village - Look At Him Now!

If you’re as much as an animal lover as I am, then you probably know that desperate, heart-wrenching feeling that runs through your body each time you see a helpless homeless animal in the street. Well, this is exactly what Jenny Desmond felt when she saw this abandoned puppy on the highway when coming back from work. The problem was that she and his husband, Jimmy, didn’t have enough space to take him in. Suddenly, Jenny came up with an unusual idea. If you like happy endings, don’t miss this heart-warming story! Photo: Courtesy of Coolimba

Apr 14, 2020

Grab A Tissue, Here Are The Most Beautiful Cat Stories That Prove Cats Are The Best

We all know that cats are amongst the most loyal and beautiful animals that we can have at home. In almost every family there is a cat that spends his or her whole life bringing warmth and love to the family. These stories about cats will warm your heart. Our favorites are #10, #4 and #1!

Apr 14, 2020

Owner Was About To Return Shelter Dog, Until He Read This Note

There is no doubt that dogs are among the friendliest creatures in the world, and adopting one can definitely lift anyone’s spirits. However, when this young man moved into town and adopted a stray dog to keep him company, things didn’t go exactly as planned. Training the pooch was way more challenging than what he ever expected, but just when he was about to return him to the shelter, he found a heartbreaking note from his previous owner. What did the note say? Did the man change his mind? Read the story and find out! Photo: Courtesy of Brides Blush

Apr 14, 2020

30 Most Beautiful And Rare Dog Breeds Of All Time

Dogs and people have been best friends since ancient times. Over the centuries, humans domesticated and cross-bred them, and ended up creating some of the most beautiful dogs in the world. Although all dogs are worthy of our love and affection, some breeds just make you fall head over pals. It’s hard to make a list of them, given that there are so many adorable ones, but we’ve put together some of the rarest and cutest dog breeds ever for you. But beware, you might suffer a cuteness overload!

Apr 14, 2020

20 Bizarre Animal Hybrids That You Won't Believe Are Real

We’ve all fantasized about seeing unicorns, centaurs or griffins at some point in our lives. Thanks to movies, illustrations and our own vivid imagination, we’ve got a clear image of what those creatures could look like if they were real. However, life can also be surreal. We’ve put together a list of 20 strange animal hybrids that look as if they came out of a science fiction movie. Be sure to check #17, #11 and #2!

Apr 14, 2020

Lion Exploited By Owner Is Rescued

One of the main causes of the animal rights movement is to stop animal mistreatment and exploitation in the entertainment world. In this sense, many animals that live in zoos or that work in circus shows don’t receive the care they deserve. However, another recent common trend is for wealthy people to buy exotic and expensive animals, just for social media buzz and publicity. Here’s a story about a man who bought baby lions and became famous by uploading pictures of them… until a group of animal caregivers decided to investigate whether the cubs received proper treatment. What they found out was truly outrageous and will leave you in awe! Photo: Courtesy of Ecophiles