30 Clever Ways You Can Use Coca-Cola To Make Your Life Easier

#30. Icy Windshields

Winter is many people's least favorite season because it comes with countless inconveniences. Snow in particular can be pretty nice to look at, but just makes everything more difficult, especially when it comes to cars. And for people who live in very cold places, it can be a very dangerous thing. Luckily, Coke is here to save the day.

A frozen windshield is the best way to get into a car accident, and scraping the ice and snow off can be an annoying task. Pouring some Coke over the windshield can actually make everything much easier because it does not freeze the same way water does. The drink will melt some of the ice on the windshield and make it extra easy to scrape away

#29. Jellyfish Stings

Getting stung by jellyfish is more common than people think, and the painful event can totally ruin someone's vacation. Going to the beach is supposed to be a relaxing activity to take people away from their stressy lives, and no one should let a sting change that. If you ever find yourself in such situation don't worry, you can count on Coke.

There is a horrible myth about how urine can actually take the pain away from a jellyfish sting, but it could not be farther from the truth. Movies may try to push this constantly because it provides a funny gag for their stories but in fact, urine can irritate the sting even more and cause more unnecessary pain. Your best ally in this situation is Coca-Cola because it has soothing qualities. Just make sure the drink is cold and you're good to go.

#28. Bake It

Not only can you drink Coke, you can also use it to bake. It sounds like something that would not taste good, but don't let your imagination fool you - this is actually pretty great. The surprising mixture is quite delicious, and it can help replace those artificial cake mixes you can get at the supermarket. Many things can be baked using Coke, and one of them is the staple of all baked goodies: cake.

There are hundreds of different Coca-Cola cake recipes, and the amount of the beverage required varies, depending on how much of a Coke flavor is desired. The standard recipe requires a Coke can mixed with butter and cooked on the stove. The mixture is then put together with flour, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla. After that, you just pop it in the oven and wait for the sweet mixture to bake. Cocoa can also be added to enhance the sweetness even more.

#27. Cleaning Coins

Cleaning coins is not the most important activity one spends time doing, but in case you ever wondered how to clean them, here it is: Coke. If you think about it, coins are passed from person to person every single day and there's all kinds of germs and grime on them that is just extremely disgusting. Luckily, Coca-Cola can get rid of all of that and make coins look brand new.

All that needs to be done is to drop the coin in a glass of Coke and let it sit there for a few hours to let the liquid work its magic. Coke can be pretty corrosive, and this allows it to get out all the dirt. Once you take the coin out, it should be good as new. This also works for metal jewelry, keychains, and similar objects.

#26. Removing Marker Stains

It is not rare to find kids playing where they shouldn't. When a kid has a marker in their hands, they can either create a lovely drawing of mommy and daddy, or destroy a perfectly good piece of furniture with it. The most frustrating part about this is that marker stains are really hard to remove, especially from places like a rug or a couch. Spending hard-earned money on calling a carpet cleaner is not an option for most people.

Luckily, good 'ol Coke is here to help. The delicious drink is known for destroying your teeth because it is corrosive, but the good news is that it also destroys other substances. In this case, it can break down the chemicals of the marker ink, making it much easier to clean. After the liquid has done its job, just wipe the rest with a wet cloth.

#25. Barbecue Sauce

Barbecue sauce is one of the most beloved sauces out there and it goes with pretty much everything. Because people love it so much, it tends to run out pretty quickly. If you ever find yourself without barbecue sauce when you need it don't worry, you can grab a can of Coke and make a hommade version of it in your kitchen.

BBQ sauce is sweet, and all the sugar that Coke contains will mimic that, along with the unique Coke flavor that is also kind of similar to that of the sauce. All that is needed is a cup of Coke, a cup of Ketchup, some garlic and onion flakes, and black pepper. It takes 20 minutes to cook on the stove, and the results are delicious.

#24. Using It As Fertilizer

Keeping a nice garden is a very time-consuming activity that not everyone can do. Not only that, but it can get expensive. Getting a hold of fertilizer can be difficult in our busy lives, and why even bother when you have some in your fridge ready to go? And that fertilizer, of course, is Coca-Cola.

The best way to use it is to dilute it because it may be too strong, and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Then, spray it on your plants, and watch the magic happen. The liquid will help plants stay bright green, strong, and overall healthy, and it works with all types of plants, from a cactus to a succulent. Don't overdo it though, just a little goes a long way. A couple sprays is more than enough.

#23. Removing Milk Stains

Although it depends on the fabric and the color of the clothes, a milk stain can be a whole lot of trouble to remove. Unfortunately, because it is a drink that children love, their clothes tend to be completely covered in it. Unfortunately for the parents, they have to spend precious time scrubbing them away. This issue can be helped by our good friend, Coke.

It has to be done very carefully though, because covering your clothes in Coke will certainly not improve the situation. It is enough to put some of the liquid on the stain and let it sit for a while before putting the clothes in the washing machine. The machine will then wash everything away with ease thanks to the Coke, and the clothes will be as good as new.

#22. Cleaning Tiles

Another thing that unfortunately has to be done every once in a while but everyone hates doing is cleaning tiles, specially in the spaces between them, which are the parts that usually get the dirtiest. But as we've mentioned before, just as Coke can destroy your teeth, it can destroy a lot of things. It can even help dissolve gum, which is one of the most annoying things to remove from any surface.

Therefore, Coke is your best ally for cleaning those pesky tiles full of grime and all kinds of nasty stuff. All you need to do is let the liquid sit for about half an hour before wiping the surface clean. It needs time to work because the acids in it take time to break down all the dirt you are trying to get rid of, so be patient.

#21. Making Meat Tender

Coke has proven to work wonders not only when it comes to cleaning, but also in the kitchen. There are thousands of things that can use a little Coca-Cola to taste better than they already do, and if you have time time in your hands and some Coke in your fridge, don't be afraid of doing a little experimenting. This next hack is not related to flavor, but it will still make your life easier.

The acidity of the soft drink will help tenderize meat to make it extra soft and delicious. For those who prefer tender meat, it is worth taking the time to do this. Just drop the meat in a bowl with Coke and let it sit for a couple hours. After that, the meat will be much more tender than before, and you can smack it a little bit to make it ever better.

#20. Destroy Rust

Coke can destroy a lot of things and among them is rust. Rust can be very annoying and difficult to get rid off, especially when it appears around areas like bolts or on important items like a bike. Rust happens when an object is exposed to air and moisture and a layer of iron oxide is created on top. This layer can get increasingly thicker, so it is important to act fast. Don't worry though, because Coke can work its way even through the heaviest rust.

The acids in the Coke and the carbonates eat away the rust in a matter of hours. The object in question should be submerged in Coke and soak for 24 hours, and if the object is too big for that, you can saturate a sponge with the liquid and scrub the rust. You can also use a piece of crumbled aluminium foil soaked in Coke to scrub the problem area until it's all gone. Make sure you remove all the rust or it will spread again.

#19. Removing Skunk

Breing sprayed on by a skunk sounds hilarious when it happens in a movie, but when it happens in reality, it can be truly awful. After all, skunks are biologically designed to spray predators to save their own lives, so the liquid they produce is essentially horrific. To remove it from your skin, just a bath will do, and some say that cleaning yourself with tomato sauce will also help. For your clothes, however, you will need Coke.

It is important to do it as soon as possible, before the clothes completely absorb the stinky substance. Add a full can of Coca-Cola to a bucket filled with water and dish soap. The dish soap will clean the shirt while the Coke breaks down the smell particles that make it smell so incredibly awful. If there are skunks in your area, make sure you always have some Coke in stock.

#18. Curling Hair

Sure, it may look ridiculous and also sound ridiculous, but it is actually a great idea to curl your hair using Coke cans. There are several reasons for this. First of all, out planet is in danger, and recycling is always a great idea. Why waste money in plastic curlers when you can have a cool drink and then use the can to make yourself look gorgeous? The most important reason of all is that the curls come out great.

Cans have the cylindrical shape required to make curls, and because of their diameter, it can give you very big, lavish curls you can otherwise get at a beauty salon. You can blow dry your hair while you have them on, and if you have time in your hands, you can just leave them on until your hair dries naturally. This way, you avoid damaging your hair with heat.

#17. Cleaning Windows

Window cleaner is not something that runs out that often because, let's face it, we all clean our windows once in a blue moon. But when your windows are so disgusting that you are basically forced to clean them, it is a good idea to have some Coke laying around. If you don't have any window cleaner, Coca-Cola will do the exact same job, probably for cheaper.

By now, you can guess how that is possible. As we've mentioned before, the acidity of the Coke is a great cleaning component that can get rid of all kinds of grease and dirt. Think about it, if it can remove rust, it can basically get rid of anything. Just spray some onto the window or wet a rag with it and go to town. You can then wipe the window with some water to remove the syrup residue.

#16. Getting Rid Of Flies

We are all human, and we all sometimes forget some food out. Before we know it, there is some pesky crawler or a fly going to town with out leftovers, and the more we let the problem grow, the worst it can get. It only takes a couple hours for your house to be filled with bugs, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Lucky for you, Coke can help with the problem. Even though it is liquid, because of the high amount of sugar it contains, it can get very sticky. You can spray Coke on flies or other pesky bugs to keep them from running away, as they will stick to the surface. Then, you can take them out however you like. Don't use too much Coke or else you will be stuck cleaning everything up afterwards.

#15. Fading Hair Color

So far, we've looked at many cleaning hacks, but this one has to do with beauty. A trip to the hairdresser's can be a pretty penny, even for the smallest of work. While you will totally get your money's worth, that's money that many people don't have. In that case, you can use Coke to help you with your hairstyling needs.

If what you want is to fade your hair dye, make sure you bend over a bowl or the bathtub and pour down some Coke over your head. The liquid will strip your hair from dyes and will help it look more similar to your natural hair color. Removing the sticky Coke from your hair will take one or two rounds of shampoo, but getting the color of your dreams is totally worth it.

#14. Massage Cream

If you ever wanted to give someone a massage or receive one but there was no lotion to be found, you should've used Coke instead. It sounds completely crazy to use Coca-Cola to replace body lotion, but it actually works - and on many levels. However, be careful and only use a little bit unless you want to soak someone with the drink.

The sugar in the drink acts as a moisturizer, which will leave the skin feeling soft and looking smooth. The acids in the Coke will destroy dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin, giving it a small little peeling session. Lastly, because it is sticky, it has a great consistency to help hands glide and give a perfect massage. Just make sure your partner is OK with it before you pour Coke on them!

#13. Washing Dishes

Again, Coke can clean pretty much everything. It is ironic how we wash a glass of Coke after we are done, yet we could be cleaning the dishes with the Coke too. The delicious drink also works specially well with very greasy, sticky pans, and all you need with it is steel wool to scrub all the dirty off.

Soaking the dirty dishes with Coke will help break down all the sticky grease and food residue and make it very easy to just scrub away. The drink can dissolve all the bad stuff and leave your dishes looking brand new. Just make sure you rinse off the Coke or otherwise, everything will be sugary, sticky, and of course, smell like Coke (which is not necessarily a bad thing, but well).

#12. Composting

Composting is a great way to improve the way a garden looks and also saving the planet. Gathering all organic trash and bringing it into your garden is an amazing thing to do, but of course, it takes time and work. But, if you care about the environment and about how your plants look, you can start doing this very ecological activity and boost it with the help of Coke.

Because Coke can break down pretty but anything, it will help the compost decompose faster and therefore, get you that fertilizer your plants are craving. Not only that, but as we've mentioned before, Coke is an awesome fertilizer, so it will boost your plants and leave them looking amazing. Just poor a can of Coke into your compost and watch the magic happen.

#11. Getting Rid Of Paint

At this point, it is very clear that there is nothing Coke can't get rid of. It can eliminate stains, dirt, bacteria, and you can even use it to light a fire, if you ever need to. This drink is the most powerful drink of all, and nothing can escape its mighty power, not even paint. Wiping the wall with Coke and letting the liquid sit there for at least an hour will help dissolve the paint and all that needs to be done afterwards is to wipe it clean.

Staining things with paint after a painting session is incredibly annoying and hard to clean, but luckily Coke helps with that too. Again, wipe the surface in question with a rag soaked in Coke and let it sit. If it's your hands that are stained, dip your hands in a bowl of Coke and scrub them clean.

#10. Removing Oil

Coke contains many acids that are able to dissolve countless substances. This does not mean that any of these ingredients are harmless for the body, which makes it even more incredible. Drinking Coke will dissolve nothing inside of you, yet it well get rid of blood, rust, paint, and even oil. How is that possible?

Well, it turns out that citric acid, which Coke has, is also a popular ingredient in cleaning products. Phosphoric acid is the one that dissolves everything, which is why drinking too much Coke will damage your teeth (but it won't dissolve them, don't worry!). This last ingredient is also great for cleaning up oily surfaces and spills, no matter the oil you are trying to get rid of. If it doesn't work on the first round, you may try to do it once more.

#9. Cleaning Blood Stains

No, we are not encouraging you to cover up a crime, but knowing how to get rid of blood stains is a very useful thing. We don't know when a small accident at home is gonna leave our couch, carpet, or clothes with awful blood stains, so it is good to be prepared for that situation. And for that, you just need a little Coca-Cola of course.

The cure-it-all liquid has to be diluted with water. Then, you just need to dip a toothbrush or a rag in the mixture and scrub the stain away. Leave it alone for about an hour and then rinse it off. All water you use should be cold because hot water helps the blood stain set, and that's the opposite of what you want. It may take two rounds to get it all off, depending on how bad the stain is but don't worry, Coke's got your back.

#8. Changing A Photo

With the rise of digitalization, fewer and fewer people are actually printing their photos. But if you want to go the old-fashioned way with photos, why not go all the way? Instead of modifying a picture with a filter on an app, you can change a printed photo with the help of the magical, sugary goodness that is Coke.

Sepia photos give an image that old, nostalgic feeling that we all love, and much like black and white pictures, they tend to look more flattering. If your color photo has some unflattering lighting or you just want to see how it looks with this effect, dip the photograph in the drink and watch as its acids turn the colors in your picture into a caramel wonder. Let it dry, and then show your incredible DYI skills to everyone.

#7. Keeping The Lawn Looking Great

Many people nowadays have a beauty routine. Every routine has its essentials, but when our skin needs a boost from time to time, we may try a mask or a serum and make our skin glow and feel even better. Well, the same logic can be applied to your lawn and Coca-Cola, if that makes any sense. Coke is like a face mask to a lawn, basically.

Like we've said before, Coca-Cola and plants are best friends. Coke will give your lawn a great boost and make it look stronger and greener. However, we don't want to see our best friends too often, and the same thing happens with this mixture. You should only pour Coke on the grass once in a while, because overdoing it will have adverse results. A little goes a long way, and the thing your lawn needs the most is of course, water, and Coke is not here to replace it.

#6. A Boost Of Caffeine

Aside from all the sugar and acids, Coke is a great source of caffeine. In fact, it has almost as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, so you might want to go easy on the stuff. That may explain while kids get so excited when they drink it, so try to limit their intake to just one glass at a time. Sometimes we do need a good caffeine boost, and Coke works even better than coffee because sugar also helps wake you up and make you feel energized.

For people who suffer from asthma, Coke can be great. A good dose of caffeine can help keep the lungs open and let them receive all the air that they need. Coke is also an awesome cure for when you're feeling dizzy or your blood sugar is low. Of course, drinking too much Coke won't make you healthier and will actually give you new problems like tooth decay, so again, you have to go easy on it. But in the right amount, it can actually be a good addition to your diet.

#5. Removing Gum

Gum is a delicious gift from the gods, but it is also a curse. Once that things sticks to something, it never lets go. If you step on gum with your favorite shoes, or someone sticks gum on the table, your day can be ruined. The absolute worst place where to get gum stuck, however, is your hair.

Many people just don't even want to deal with it and just decide to chop off the affected strand of hair because removing the gum is such a complicated task. Yes, it is complicated, but not impossible, and Coke can help you. Thanks to the carbonation in the drink, the gum becomes softer and much easier to disentangle. Once it has been soaked with Coke for a while, you can carefully remove it from your hair and then hop in the shower to get rid of the rest.

#4. Cure A Stomachache

This trick has actually been many people's family recipe against stomachaches for generations. There is no scientific proof, however, that Coke actually helps against this problem, but many people swear by this trick. And even if it doesn't make it go away, who doesn't want to treat themselves with some delicious Coke when they are sick?

The good thing about Coke is that its sugar will help replenish your body from the glucose it lost while being sick. If the stomach is too upset, it would be a good idea to take some of the fizz out of the drink so that it's not so aggressive. One glass should be enough, and it is important to stay hydrated with water. Even if it doesn't work for you personally, drinking some Coke is not a waste of time anyway. After all, it's delicious.

#3. Getting Rid Of Hiccups

Hiccups are incredibly annoying. You don't know how good your life is until you get the hiccups and you wonder "what did I do to deserve this?" Then you hear horror stories about people who lived with hiccups for twenty years and you wonder if you will be the next one to break the record for the longest hiccups, but don't worry, Coke is here to help you recover from this horrible torture your body is putting you through.

Hiccups happen due to an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, which is a muscle in your chest. What you need to do is help relax that muscle so it stops contracting, and that's where Coke comes in. The sugary mixture will help the muscles relax and make the hiccups stop sooner. All you need to do is gargle it for a few seconds before swallowing. Don't drink too much though, just do it sip by sip.

#2. Cleaning Glasses

When you think about it, it makes total sense. If you can clean windows with Coke, you can technically clean any glass surface with it, and that of course includes your glasses! Instead of trying to wipe your glasses with a cloth and just smudging all the dirt on the lenses instead of actually getting rid of it, look no further than your fridge and grab a can of Coke to get rid of the issue. The results never disappoint.

The key thing is to dip the cleaning cloth in Coke and then wipe the lenses with it. Then, let it dry, because you may leave finger prints on them if you touch them. Once the glasses dry, they will look good as new. We know that Coke is great for removing all types of dirt, and you can try it on any other glass object you own and see how it goes (no electronics though!).

#1. Cleaning The Toilet

Coca-Cola is the true elixir of life, so it seems like a waste to just pour it down the toilet. However, it is quite the opposite, because it will leave the toilet looking brand new. Cleaning the toilet is a very annoying activity many people hate to do and therefore, end up neglecting their toilet. The result? Something gross, obviously.

Thankfully, a can of Coke will not only get rid of all the dirt and stains, but also any smells your toilet has. Pouring some Cola in, leaving it there for a few minutes and then flushing will do the trick, and you can also wipe the seat with a rag soaked in Coke. The seat will be sticky afterwards, so make sure you also wipe it with water afterwards. The Coke acids will loosen all bacteria and dirt, and the flushing will take it all away.