These People Were So Incredibly Lucky That It Seems Unreal

Nothing But A Scratch

This man was calmly driving towards his parents' home when all of a sudden the weirdest thing happened. For some unexplainable reason, a pole fell straight to the vehicle's window and pierced its way through the driver's seat.

While the driver almost had his head split in half, he came out unharmed with nothing but a scratch and a tiny hole in his T-shirt. Wow!

One Very Lucky Fish

To be honest, I never realized that jars could not only be used as flower vases, but also as fish bowls. However, the downside is that vases are so light that they can easily tip over.

While this man accidentally knocked his fish bowl, luck was on his side as the vase was stopped by the wall before hitting the ground and shattering into pieces. Saved by an inch!

Magic Toilet Paper Roll

If there's something that totally gets on my nerves, it's when a newly-opened toilet paper slips from my hands and lands straight into the toilet. Not only does the paper get ruined, but picking it up from the water is totally gross.

However, this magical paper roll has defied the laws of physics. The paper could've landed anywhere, but it chose to land in that tiny space between both seat covers. Not even the tip got wet!

Triple Egg Yolk

There's no doubt that the yolk is the best part of the egg. Yolks always come in handy no matter what you're cooking, whether it's a cake or a burger.

When this man bought this egg at the groceries, he probably didn't imagine it had fallen from heaven. When he cracked it open, he realized it had come with three yolks! That's enough to make a whole omelet!

Life Flashed Before His Eyes

Nobody wishes to have their car broken, but when you're that close to being killed, a car wreck doesn't seem like the worst tragedy ever.

This man probably saw life flashing before his eyes when this strange giant metal disk came flying towards him like a frisbee. Had it landed a few inches to the right. he wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

XL Avocado

Avocados are only like the best fruit ever, but isn't it annoying that their seeds cover up so much space? It's so unfair! Why can't they be the size of an orange seed?

When this guy bought this perfectly ripe avocado, he received much more than what he bargained for. When he sliced it in two, he realized that the fruit had come without a seed. That's basically like two avocados in one!

When Hard Work Pays Off

One day, the owner of a shop decided to give his employees a gift for doing extra shifts during the holidays, but when he got there, only one person was working late.

Instead of waiting till the following morning for everyone else to be there, the boss decided to reward the worker by giving him all of the presents. Working late on weekends finally paid off, huh?

A $50.000 Cheeto

It's quite common for popular food companies to come up with all sorts of marketing stunts in order to persuade customers into buying their products. But whenever they carry out raffles, no-one really knows whether the prize actually exists or if it's pure bluff.

When Cheetos announced this 50.000-dollar prize for whomever found a cheeto shaped like the Statue of Liberty, everybody guessed it was just a lie. However, this lucky lucky lady found the winning cheeto after all!

Pizza For The Whole Week

While the ordinary packages of the pizza brand Deliziosa comes with three pizzas, this buyer got extra bonus pizza he didn't expect.

To his delight, when he opened the package, he realized it contained not three, but four pizzas! Why doesn't that ever happen to me?

Bullet-Proof Coins

I know – this picture doesn't seem so striking without a backstory. Do you care to guess why all of those coins are either dented or damaged?

Believe it or not, these six coins saved a man from being murdered in World War I. He was carrying them in his pants pocket and when an enemy started shooting at him, most of the bullets hit the coins.

Merciful Screw

If you happen to own a car, then you must know there's nothing more irritating than having a nail or a screw puncturing your tire. Something that silly can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

However, this driver's guardian angel had everything under control: while he did run over a screw, he got saved from getting a flat tire.

The Inmortal TV

So many things don't make sense about this picture. For starters, why would anyone ever shoot an arrow at a TV? I mean, that's what archery classes are for.

Secondly, what are the odds of the arrow getting stuck in the USB extension instead of breaking the screen into pieces? I'm not sure whether the owner deserves to still have a functioning TV!

Rocket Show In The Skies

Even though planes are way safer than cars or buses, flying can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. On the bright side, it's always fun to look out the window and gaze at the world beneath you.

These passengers were so lucky that they spotted the SpaceX Falcon 9 as it was being launched. Considering that rocket ships travel at 7.9 km per second, what are the chances of seeing one during a take-off?

Saved By A Bird

Even though this man was caught speeding, he avoided getting a ticket for the funniest of reasons. Can you tell what happened by looking at the picture?

Curiously, this random bird flew by the license plate in the exact moment that the camera snapped. How lucky is he?

Almost Smashed By A Bridge

You can hardly call yourself lucky if you're driving under a bridge and the whole structure instantly collapses. However, instead of being smashed to death, this driver was saved by a miracle.

By sheer luck, the car was placed in the only spot where the bridge didn't fall. In other words, had he been driving a few inches to the right, the story would've ended in tragedy.

Cars Saved By An Inch

Hurricanes are America's most common natural disasters and we've all heard stories of people having their vehicles crashed by a falling lamp post or tree during a powerful storm.

If this isn't luck, then what is? When a hurricane ripped off the tree's roots from the ground, it fell right in the middle of a street, landing in that super narrow space in between those two cars. For another storm survival story, slide to #1!

Always Wear A Helmet

How many times have you been told to "always wear a helmet" without giving it too much thought? It's highly unlikely for something to fall on top of your head while inside a building and this is probably why we usually underestimate the importance of helmets.

I bet this person learned to value helmets the hard way. When a giant chunk of metal fell from the roof and landed on his or her head, it got stuck in that thick layer of polycarbonate plastic. Yikes!

A Shredding Miracle

Paper shredding machines are super fun to use, but I doubt this woman was amused when she realized she had accidentally shredded an important receipt.

But by a stroke of luck, the machine didn't obliterate the strip that had the total amount written on it, which was precisely what she needed.

It Could've Been Worse

OK, we can either see the glass half empty or half full. If we see it half empty, how dumb do you have to be to derail and fall into a river? How was it even physically possible for the car to end up in that position?

However, if we see the glass half full, how lucky was the driver that the car got stuck in that random set of stairs? Why are those stairs even there? He or she must've ended with a few bumps on the head, but that's not half as bad as drowning!

She Almost Lost A Toe

I don't know about you, but just looking at this picture gives me the chills. Can you imagine how painful it must be to step on a nail and have it tear open your toe?

Miraculously, when this woman stepped on a nail, it went through the tiny space in between her toes. Her toe was basically saved by a fraction of a millimeter!

Hanging From A Cliff

While most of these pictures are outright hilarious, this one is truly spine-chilling. If you look at the photo above, you can tell that a truck lost control and fell off a road. But that's not all!

It's not until you see the second picture that you can fully appreciate just how lucky these people were. Had they fallen off the cliff, there would've been no chance of them coming out alive.

Hanging By A Thread

Here's another driver who was inches away from death and destruction. Parking is a tricky business and if you think differently, I guess this picture will change your mind.

This driver almost fell off a building why trying to park his car in a multi-storied parking lot. Luckily, he was saved by a thread... literally!

Two Bullets Colliding

Bullets travel at a whopping speed of 2,600 feet per second. In other words, if someone shoots you, there's no chance you'll manage to dodge the bullet as you only have a fraction of a second to react.

However, whoever was in the middle of this bullet situation should be officially crowned as the luckiest person on earth. Given the speed at which they travel, what are the chances of two bullets hitting each other midair?

Storm Survivor

As we've said, hurricanes always bring about destruction. In fact, getting your car smashed by a fallen branch is the lesser problem that some families face in the event of a storm. While there are worse tragedies than having your car smashed, how lucky was this guy?

The tree's giant branch magically broke an inch before even touching the vehicle. To make things even more impressive, the driver was actually inside the car when it happened! Not only did he cheat death, but his car survived scratchless!