These Are The Most Annoying TV Characters In History

Andrea - The Walking Dead

Andrea was one of the main characters on The Walking Dead for the first three seasons, but a change in her storyline made fans dislike her.

She basically abandoned the main group and decided to trust The Governor, who was clearly a villain. Her naivety got her killed in season three, and she wasn’t missed.

Brian Krakow - My So-Called Life

My So-Called Life is a teen drama from the 1990s that centered around Angela, an angsty teenager who is trying to find herself. In her journey of self-discovery, she pulls away from her childhood friend, Brian Krakow.

Brian is in love with her, but she doesn’t feel the same way. Instead of just letting her go, Brian is constantly trying to get Angela’s attention and is always getting in the way of her happiness. This made him the most annoying character on the show.

Debra - Dexter

Debra went from being the coolest character on Dexter to the most annoying one in the span of just a few seasons. It all started when she discovered that her brother, Dexter, was a serial killer.

At the same time, she fell in love with him. Sure, they’re adoptive siblings and are not biologically related, but the fact that she’s attracted to him just makes it all so weird. The writers quickly realized the audience wasn’t into it and abandoned the storyline, but the damage was already done, and Debra was hated by fans until the end of the show.

Ross - Friends

We can safely say that Friends had one of the best sets of characters of all time, but not everything was perfect. If there was one character who knew how to be annoying, it was Ross.

The biggest problem with Ross was that he judged everyone for their choices while never taking responsibility for his mistakes. He thought he was better than everyone, but he clearly wasn’t.

Jess - New Girl

It’s pretty rare for the main character in a show to be the most unlikable, yet it happens every once in a while. In the case of New Girl, Jess was the most annoying character in the whole show.

She kept making the same mistakes over and over and stagnated as a character. She remained the same for all seven seasons of the show, and by the end, she was just boring.

Carl - The Walking Dead

Carl used to be a minor threat in the early seasons of The Walking Dead, but he gradually became one of the most annoying characters on the show.

Sure, it’s understandable for a teenager to be annoying sometimes, but Carl kept getting himself in unnecessary trouble and putting everybody at risk. It was as if he forgot they were in an apocalypse.

Jenny Humphrey - Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is arguably the greatest teen drama of all time. While there are many great characters on the show, there are also several annoying ones who exist purely to create conflict.

One of them is definitely Jenny Humphrey. She slowly but surely became the most hated character on the show, forcing the writers to write her out of the show with the excuse that she was “moving to London.”

Healy - Orange Is The New Black

There were many annoying characters in Orange Is the New Black, but Healy definitely took the cake, mostly because he pretended to be a nice guy while being an absolute villain.

The writers tried to make the audience sympathize with him by giving him a sad backstory, but fans of the show hated him anyway. When he left the show, it was a relief for everyone.

Joffrey - Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones saw many villains come and go, but none was as despicable as Joffrey Baratheon. From the very first season, Joffrey proved himself to be a spoiled, evil child who would never change.

The thing that set Joffrey apart from other villains on the show was that he had no redeeming qualities whatsoever, as opposed to his parents who, despite also being evil, did have a human side to them.

Kevin - Bloodline

Bloodline centers around a tight-knit family of three brothers and one sister. Of all the siblings, Kevin is probably the worst one. While the show is pretty fast-paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat, Kevin just slows it down every time he appears.

Not only that, but he’s also very whiny and makes one self-destructive decision after another. Many fans believe the show could’ve done just fine without him.

Dean - Gilmore Girls

Dean started out as a great character on Gilmore Girls. He was sweet, charismatic, and had great chemistry with Rory. The two were an adorable couple until Dean started to change.

As time went by, he stopped growing and started holding Rory back from chasing her dreams. The worst part was when he wanted her not to go to college. Luckily, she moved on.

Georgina Sparks - Gossip Girl

Speaking of Gossip Girl, let’s talk about the only character who was more annoying than Jenny: Georgina Sparks. The character, played by Michelle Trachtenberg, had very few appearances on the show and was still annoying every single time.

She basically showed up for one or two episodes every season to create unnecessary drama for the main cast. Then, once the issue was resolved, she would vanish until the following season.

Dawn - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

We have to applaud Michelle Trachtenberg for her amazing acting skills because she’s very good at playing annoying characters that get in the way of the main characters’ goals.

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she played Dawn, Buffy’s sister, who unexpectedly joined the show in season five. It was later revealed that she was actually a demon, which explained why she was so unlikable.

Anika - Empire

Anika was Lucius Lyon’s love interest during season one of Empire. She was only slightly annoying at the beginning but, as the show progressed, she became more and more evil.

Her character was so unbearable by season two that the writers just had (spoiler alert) to kill her off. Most fans were actually happy with this decision, as her storyline had run its course.

Holly - Power

Power had an incredible run for six seasons and was one of the most highly-rated shows on the Starz network. If there’s one thing to criticize about this show, it’s Holly.

Holly started as an anti-hero during the first two seasons, but then she fully developed into a villain. Many fans were happy when she was killed off in season three.

Julie - Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights was one of the highest-rated shows on television during its run. The show revolved around a high school football team in a small town in Texas, and the team’s coach, Eric, was the main character.

The coach’s daughter, Julie, was one of the worst characters on the show. She was childish, whiny, and kept making bad choices that created unnecessary drama.

Lady Isobel - Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey is a show purely built on drama, and that’s exactly what people love about it. But characters like Lady Isobel just slowed the show down.

She has strong moral values that often clash with her aristocratic family. While this would normally be a good thing, on the show, she just comes off as entitled and annoying.

Kaitlin Cooper - The OC

Kaitlin Cooper was a minor character in The OC until season four. When Marisa Cooper, played by Mischa Barton, was killed off, Kaitlin was introduced as a sort of replacement.

This did not sit well with fans, as Kaitlin wasn’t likable at all. Not only that, but the fact that fans missed Marissa just made things worse.

Paige - Pretty Little Liars

Out of all the main characters on Pretty Little Liars, Emily was the only one who did not have a good love story. The only real girlfriend she had was Paige, who also happened to be one of the most disliked characters on the show.

The reason for that was she was very controlling and toxic. Not only that, but before they became a couple, Paige actually bullied Emily because she was a better athlete than her.

Paige Jennings - The Americans

Paige Jennings started out as a harmless character on The Americans. However, it all went downhill when she found out that her parents were Russian spies.

Sure, that’s a pretty complicated situation, but ratting her parents out to Pastor Tim was foolish and unnecessary. After that, it was very hard for fans of the show to like her.

Rachel Berry - Glee

Rachel Berry was designed to be annoying, and during the first season of the show, it actually worked. But as the seasons went by, her diva antics got very old.

Characters are supposed to have growth, especially if they are the main characters, but Rachel barely had any. She remained as bratty and annoying as she was in season one.

Kimmy Gibbler - Full House

Kimmy Gibbler is yet another example of a character that exists just to create drama. While a show needs characters like that sometimes, there’s no need to make them unendurable.

Kimmy was constantly irritating, meddling, and loud. The writers made her a little too annoying, and it got out of hand.

Henry - Once Upon A Time

Once Upon a Time is a show about the magical world of fairytales and how it merges with the real world. One of the main characters of the show is Henry, who is a young boy at the beginning of the show and grows up as the seasons go by.

He was very cute at the beginning, but as soon as he transitioned into a teenager, he became insufferable. His temper tantrums added unnecessary drama to the show, and fans weren’t into it.

Marnie - Girls

Girls fans seem to unanimously agree that Marnie is the most annoying character on the show. Although every character has flaws, she just seems to be a little more flawed than everyone else.

The most irritable part about Marnie is how self-centered she is. She only cares about herself, and this causes her to be a bad friend.

Quinn - Scandal

Quinn was a strong character when Scandal started. She was sweet and ambitious, and that’s exactly what fans liked about her. Sadly, her character development took a turn for the worse in later seasons.

She gradually became very obnoxious. It was understandable at the beginning due to everything she was put through, but it came to a point where she was annoying for no reason.

Ana Lucia - Lost

Ana Lucia was one of the many characters from Lost who initially had potential. She was an ex-police officer who survived a vicious attack before arriving on the island, and this caused her to be very irritable and aggressive.

This was understandable until her constant overreacting became intolerable. She did not know how to live in a group, and this eventually got the character killed off the show.

Dana - Homeland

Dana was the most disliked character on Homeland throughout all seasons of the show, and the problem wasn’t that she was a dramatic teenager because, let’s face it, all teenagers are.

The issue was that all the drama going on with the rest of the characters was far more serious and engaging, and a hormone-filled teen did not match the tone of the show.

Skyler - Breaking Bad

All Breaking Bad fans can agree on at least one thing: Skyler was unbearable. Some people might have been a little too harsh on her; after all, finding out that your husband is a drug lord that has killed people can’t be an easy pill to swallow.

But Skyler’s obsession with control got old very fast. She was constantly complaining and getting in the way of Walter’s plans even before she knew his secret.

Grace - The Good Wife

Grace was the teenage daughter of Alicia, the main character in The Good Wife. From the beginning, it was clear that Grace existed purely to create more drama on the show, and she really didn’t bring much else to the table.

After listening to the fans, the writers tried to make her more likable on season three, but it didn’t work. Most viewers disliked this character throughout all seasons of the show.