Child-Level Facts That People Learned As Adults

Mt. Rushmore Is Manmade

  1. u/fredrickthebird

    I just learned that Mount Rushmore is not naturally formed.

Wait…you all knew it was a sculpture, right? You don’t need to be a history expert to know it’s an artificial artwork – all you need is some common sense!

Corals Aren’t Plants

  1. u/Red_AtNight

    Coral is an animal! I always thought it was an undersea plant

This fact may come as a shock to many. I guess we can all agree on the fact that corals look very much like plants, right?

Roman Coke

  1. u/uuonderlust

    Depends what you consider a child I suppose. But in my mid 20s I moved up the food chain from server to bartender at the restaurant I worked at. Some one order a Roman Coke. I didn't know what was in a Roman Coke so I told him so and but that I would figure it out. I figured out that what I had been understanding as a Roman Coke my whole drinking life, was in fact a Rum & Coke...that, I knew how to make!

This is clearly the case of a rookie mistake. Imagine the confusion if they had said they didn't want Roman Coke but a Cuba Libre instead! Mind=blown.

Vinegar & Chips Won’t Kill You

  1. u/Angrypenguinwaddle96

    My mum use to tell me that putting too much vinegar on your chips makes your blood dry up so I’ve been scared of putting too much on. I’m 25 now and just realised my mum wanted me to save everything due to her being a single mum and in alot of debt.

Moms come up with the best lies in order to keep their children away from unhealthy eating habits. This Reddit user totally fell for the silliest lie ever.

Apples Aren’t Always A Death Threat

  1. u/CaptCapsize

    I was 23 when I learned I was allergic to apples.

    Someone was complaining about their throat closing up after smoking, and I responded with “oh yeah like when you eat an apple?” You can imagine how the conversation went from there.

Obviously, everyone in the room started staring at her in confusion. And that’s how she discovered that apples aren’t spicy or dangerous, but that she simply was allergic to them!

Never Put Metal In The Microwave

  1. u/Silversunset01

    I wasnt even going to post here but i HAD to after this! A coworker of mine years ago put a spoon in the microwave while making oatmeal, and when we literally flipped out at him in the break room he deadpan looked at us and said "I thought it was just forks that couldn't go in the microwave..."

This may come as a shock to some people but, if they’re made out of the same material, why would they be different?

Bed Bugs Are Real

  1. u/HotFudgeCookie

    I was well into my 20's when I came to the horrifying discovery that the old bedtime saying "don't let the bedbugs bite" was referring to an actual real bug! I honestly thought that was just a saying until you move into apartment complex where people move in and out constantly and track those evil spawns in 😕

She honestly thought that it was just a saying until she moved into an apartment complex and saw them with her own eyes. She learned it the hard way!

Pepperoni Doesn’t Grow On Trees

  1. u/glottal_t

    I had a friend who at 25 found out pepperoni was indeed not a vegetable.

    He ordered a meat lovers supreme. The waitress was both surprised and amused when responding to his concerns about why pepperoni was on this meat-only pizza.

Let’s just hope he never had any vegetarian friends, or else who knows what he made them eat!

The Alphabet’s Name

  1. u/Adryzz_

    That the alphabet is called alphabet because of alpha and beta, the first two letters in the greek alphabet.

After posting her late discovery on Reddit, she realized that many other adults didn’t know about this either, and some of them had even majored in literature!

Georgia Is Also A Country

  1. u/JMandMM

    Was living in Georgia, early 40ish. Watching news and they were talking about fighting and war in Georgia, and I was like what, is the South rising Again!!!! After some additional research, I learned Georgia is another country as well as the name of a US State.🙄

Tell me you didn't pay attention in Geography class without telling me you didn't pay attention in Geography class.

The Mystery Behind “10” Birthday Candles

  1. u/Cesh1001

    Why there are no “10” birthday candles in stores. I was complaining by about it with my husband and he said “you’re supposed to put 1 and 0 together” and that was the lowest point in my entire life.

I'm sure there are people out there thinking that it is pointless to have a 0 candle thinking "you don't have a cacke when you're born".

Alaska Isn’t An Island

  1. u/Educational_One7089

    I was in college when I learned that Alaska is not an island. I thought that because US maps always showed the continental US and then Alaska at the top like an island and Hawaii at the bottom as an island. (I am American.)

Have you ever realized that US maps usually show the continental territory, whereas Alaska and Hawaii appear at the top or at the bottom?

The MLB Logo

  1. u/goodbyeadvice

    I always thought the Major League Baseball logo was a human with a bird's head getting ready to swing at a pitch. I'm not sure why it never struck me as odd that the MLB would use a bird man in their logo. I just couldn't see it as anything else.

Well thanks, now I can't unsee it!

Islands Don’t Float On The Ocean

  1. u/Diamondogs11

    My 31 year-old girlfriend thought islands don’t touch the bottom of the ocean

Apparently, she had thought all along that islands don’t touch the bottom of the ocean but that they’re simply giant chunks of earth floating in the water. Come on, who was her high school geography teacher?

Reindeer Are Real

  1. u/Impossible_Cats

    Reindeer are a real animal. When I found out about Father Christmas I thought that meant reindeer weren't real. I was very much an adult when I was very confused (and excited) to see one in real life.

It’s not until third or fourth grade that kids usually realize that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy don’t really exist. And no, flying reindeer don’t exist either.

Narnia Is A Christian Allegory

  1. u/momofwon

    The Chronicles of Narnia (which I read over and over growing up) is a big fat Christian allegory.

    I was in college when I learned this.

The story is supposed to symbolize the triumph of Christianity. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe suggest that if people reject Christianity, the world will be marked by suffering.

The Truth Behind The Dandelion

  1. u/foamingturtle

    When I was about 30 I found out that the white puff ball dandelion and the yellow flower dandelion are the same plant. I saw a time-lapse video of the yellow flower turning into the puff ball and it blew my mind. So naturally I shared it on facebook and said "guys, you aren't gonna believe this." I'm still teased about it to this day.

The funniest part is that she posted her discovery on Facebook guessing everyone’s minds would be blown.

Black Market Isn’t A Physical Place


    As a kid I used to think the Black Market was an actual place like a bazaar where all the criminals would regularly meet up

I’m pretty sure every teenager in the world knows what “black market'' means, either because they heard it in the news or because they read about it in history books.

Raisins Are Actually Grapes

  1. u/tslover4

    I recently learned raisins are just dried grapes

In her defense, grapes and raisins look nothing alike. I wonder whether she knows that sundried tomatoes come from tomatoes, too!

Gorilla War

  1. u/headshotscott

    I was about six years old in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and would watch the evening news. They reported on the guerrilla war we were fighting in Vietnam, and I thought for several years that we were fighting actual gorillas.

In her defense, both words do sound alike.

Horses Don’t Have Toes

  1. u/BronNatsPulisic

    Horses don’t have toes inside their hooves. I was 24.

As silly as it sounds, she had always figured that hooves were “horseshoes” that they wore in order to avoid tripping.

Major Historical Misunderstanding

  1. u/spacecadetcyan

    Thought the former leader of North Korea was Kim Jong the Second for an embarrassingly long time. I somehow managed to avoid hearing his name said out loud. Or... written in a serif font, apparently.

It’s impossible to know the names of all of the world’s presidents by heart, but there are certain names that are simply common knowledge.

Banana Republic Is Not A Republic

  1. u/Kulaid871

    As a kid, I thought banana republic was a place. Was mercilessly mocked during high school because it was the name of a clothing store....

    Learnt later in college that banana republic was actually does refer to a places, and the story behind it is messed up. I wonder why BR named themselves that?

I can only imagine how much she was mocked when her high school friends... But wait until they learn about banana hammocks...

Why Does Water Freeze At 0°?

  1. u/demikky

    For ages, well into my twenties, I thought what an amazing coincidence it was that water freezes at 0 degrees centigrade and boils at 100 degrees. Never occurred to me that they might have used those temperatures to set the scale.

In her defense, it’s not such an obvious fact, and I'm sure a bunch of readers is now realizing the same thing.

Hibernation Isn’t A 4-Month Nap

  1. u/Midachasm

    Hibernation doesn’t mean they sleep for 4 straight months. They just, like, do less.

Technically, bears or turtles don’t sleep non-stop during hibernation; they simply stand still and barely move, making it look as if they were sleeping.

The Pilot

  1. u/m333ejm

    My sister thought it was a coincidence that so many series started with an episode called 'pilot'.

She had always guessed it was an eerie coincidence when it’s actually pretty clear that they're called that way because they’re a “test” episode.

Cat Milk Isn’t Cat Milk

  1. u/leworthy

    The cat milk we buy is FOR cats, but it does not come FROM cats.

    I have a master’s degree :-/

Interestingly, there are several people realizing just now that milk for cats is an actual thing.

The Meaning Of Goodbye

  1. u/cosguy224

    Goodbye is short for “God be with ye”

“Goodbye” is probably the most common word in the English language, but can you all honestly say you knew what it meant? Crazy, huh?

Women Grow Body Hair

  1. u/EnnuiDeBlase

    I was like 17+ when I realized that women grew body hair too, they just had to shave it all.

So you paid no attention to your biology teacher, did you?

Anonymous Isn’t A Poet

  1. u/rocketshoe21

    I used to think ANONYMOUS was a name of a poet.

Did you know that there are hundreds of thousands of books, stories, and poems made by anonymous writers? She was probably amazed by how many poems the mystery artist had managed to write!