People Shared Their Best ‘You Have No Power Here’ Stories On Reddit

Worst Manager Ever

  1. u/its_gandhi

    I used to work for a super annoying manager when I worked at McDonalds. This guy was horrible to us. He was constantly bullying us, badmouthing us TO CUSTOMERS, and doing everything in his power to make us miserable. Well, so many people complained about him that he ended up getting fired.

    New manager was great. He was super chill and understanding with us all. A couple weeks after he took over, the old manager comes in and starts talking about how terrible the store looks, how our service is worse than ever, and how much this store needs him. The new manager looked at him and said "If you don't leave, then the cops are gonna make you"

    When he didn't move, new awesome manager stuck to his guns and called the cops. He is no longer allowed on ANY McDonalds property in the city and has a restraining order against him.

There's nothing more annoying than having a terrible boss, and seeing them get fired must be the sweetest revenge.

I Have No Time For This

  1. u/sunshine2632

    The first time I had dinner at my parents house after I got my own apartment. My dad was giving me grief as usual. Finally, I stood up and said, “ I don’t live here anymore. I don’t have to put up with you this way any longer. I’m going home.” And walked out. Most liberating moment of my life.

When you're a child, you have no choice but to listen to your parents. However, if your parents want to keep treating you like a child once you're all grown up, you have to let them know you won't let it slide.

A Desperate Ex

  1. u/NeverCallMeFifi

    I told my ex I was getting remarried. He told me he was going to stop me and put a lein on my house (which I bought with my money six years after the divorce). My son would come home from visitations telling me how his dad was going to stop the wedding and I'd have to pay him all of this money, la di da. Get to court. His attorney goes blah blah blah for what felt like forever. My lawyer (yes, I had to freaking get one) stands up and simply hands the judge the divorce papers showing the disbursement of funds and how my ex isn't owed anything. Judge looks at ex's lawyer and basically asks, "did you even ask for this document before filing?" and dismisses the case.

If you've been divorced for six years, isn't it time to move on? Thankfully, this crazy guy's case was dismissed.

You're Not My Girlfriend Anymore

  1. u/_TakeMyUpvote_

    ex and I were moving out after a breakup. cleaning out garage. she was being critical of my post-breakup plan of moving in with a coworker until I could find a better place to live, as most options weren't great.

    I took a deep breath and laughed. this puzzled her. why are you laughing, she asked? I collected myself and said "because this is the last time I have to listen to this. you don't get to be critical of anything I ever do, ever again!"

    It was a really great feeling, because i literally thought of the "you have no power here" as i laughed.

The woman was probably shocked to hear that, but it needed to be said: you're not together anymore, so you don't get to boss him around any longer!

Who Do you Think You Are?

  1. u/golbezza

    I got married two years ago overseas, because my wife is from Europe. My (Canadian) family and friends all came over because most had never been. We're a little older, and well off, so we splurged.

    Wedding was awesome, dinner amazing, reception is in full swing, and quite frankly, its a little warm. Warm for us Canadians... It was around 10 C, in early November. When you mix in wool suits, drinking, and lots of dancing, some of us Colonists were working up a bit of a sweat. Thankfully, the venue had a balcony, with huge doors.

    I kept going over and opening them, as some folks were inside, some were outside, and there was a nice breeze... but... I had to keep going over, because they were shut whenever I looked back. Finally, after the 5th or 6th time, this guy followed me, and demanded I keep the doors shut because it was cold inside. I didn't know who he was, so he must have been a +1 of someone on my wife's side, so I was mighty confused when he said, and I quote "Who do you think you are keeping these doors open, and the temperature so low inside?"

    "I'm the guy who bought you dinner." I watched him go over to my now cousin-in-law and grab his coat and almost pull her out the front door. I thought one of my Groomsmen was going to burst he laughed so hard.

It's always satisfying to hear a story about an entitled person getting shut down, isn't it?

Do You Know Who I Am?

  1. u/nanogareth

    I was waiting for a friend to finish work - she worked at a restaurant so fancy they had someone vetting guests at a podium outside.The place was glitzy and the folks were glam so the great and good would descend in droves. Those with a reservation were sent in; prosepective walk-ins had to queue.

    A car sweeps up, the driver jumps out and holds the door open to unleash a hat and dress. The woman accompanying said finery - a C-list actress from a regional daytime TV show - looked through everyone present and moved to enter. She froze, appalled, when the guest-vetter intercepted, asking "Do you have a reservation?"

    She mustn't have heard the question because she didn't respond. Instead she drew herself up to the full height of her couture and demanded "Do you know who I am?" "Yes" said the maitre d', "Back of the queue."

Nobody likes entitled celebrities. Luckily, this maitre d' had no patience for this woman's nonsense.

Teaching Dad A Lesson

  1. u/pumpkinspicepiggy

    This is a bit silly, but gave me a great feeling of satisfaction. Due to the bad economy and poor money management, my parents have moved into the spare room of the house my husband and I bought a year ago.

    The other day I was out gardening, , and I thought I had gotten the hose twisted, as it kept getting stuck. This went on for a bit, when I realized that it wasn’t stuck, but being pulled. I looked into the dim area just past the illumination of the street light and spied my father, crouched over and tugging the hose. Well I did the only reasonable thing to do, and I sprayed him. He yelled and ran inside with me chasing.

    Once he got inside he made a face and goes “You can’t get me now! I’m inside!!” In that father-to-daughter-don’t-you-make-a-mess tone of voice. I readied my hose, looked him in the eye and said, “It’s my house.” And just let loose with the hose. He was soaked. Worth cleaning up the mess for that moment of true fear in his eyes.

Parents sometimes don't understand that their grown children can do whatever they want. This dad learned it the hard way.

Not Under My Roof

  1. u/Mangosta007

    I grew up with my parents having screaming arguments over every little thing (they do love each other - over 50 years of marriage so far testifies to that) and it always upset me.

    A couple of days ago, they popped into my house to visit for a coffee on their way to stay with friends a few miles away. Within minutes, they were yelling at each other.

    I took great pleasure in telling them that I would not stand for such behaviour in MY house and, if they didn't lower their voices, they could stand outside until they learned some manners. The meek apologies tasted so sweet. As did the coffee.

Parents love to let their kids know that they will not tolerate any nonsense under their roof. Well, these parents got a taste of their own medicine.

Fine, Let's Involve HR

  1. u/nocnox87

    I once had a boss try to give me a disciplinary (three months later I may add) for my behaviour as it was noted I was 'rude to her' by several of the Groups CEOs in a Board meeting.

    On the disciplinary forms, you both have to write your version of the events and it goes to HR for an adjudication, she did her part and I casually filled in something to the effect of "manager continually pressured me into deleting files from our client management system prior to a regulatory audit which is against the ethical code of our profession and not aligned with my moral standards, I accept I was short with her but she was trying to force me into performing an illegal activity."

    I watched her collect up the paper and the colour drained from her face. I never did hear from HR. She got fired not long after when I casually mentioned to the CEO in a bar if she remembered the encounter and explained why I may have appeared a little frustrated and upset. Bye Felicia.

It's always satisfying to see a horrible boss getting what they deserve.

Two Can Play This Game

  1. u/Arcangelathanos

    Some secretary of some branch of a state agency would go on a power trip and stamp, "Do not copy" on things that she sent to local agencies. Well, I work for an oversight agency and I needed a copy. Locals were terrified so I rolled my eyes and called to explain that the locals and I were basically the same entity. Woman started to have a conniption fit, but she got real quiet when I cut her off and said, "Fine, I'll issue a subpoena. What's your name and job title?" She answered, and the sheriff served her a subpoena for what I wanted. Guess she wasn't used to that.

This woman lost while playing her own game. Hopefully, this made her stop being so difficult.

Not My Problem

  1. u/Thats_right_

    IT services for a client of mine. They paid for me to come to their office and address a problem. 8 hrs minimum time. The issue was resolved in about 45 minutes, they'd set up something incorrectly and it was pretty obvious once I got into the system.

    was packing up to leave and the client stopped me. "What are you doing?" "The system is fixed so I'm headed out back to my office." "No, I paid for 8 hours, you'll do your 8 hours. If I tell you to wash my car for 8 hours that's what you'll be doing." " anyway, I'm leaving. I'll notify the office to send you the invoice and in all likelihood we'll no longer be working with you and withdrawing your lease on our equipment."

This man seems to have forgotten that slavery is illegal...

I'd Like To Speak To The Manager

  1. u/dendriticbranch

    I worked in management at a theatre for a while. If the concession counter was slammed and I was able, I’d leave my post and help them sling popcorn.

    One night while helping out, a particularly belligerent man started cussing out a 16year old girl on a cash register for being too slow, even suggesting she quit since she clearly couldn’t handle pushing buttons or scooping popcorn. It was pretty disgusting and I felt so bad for the girl, I stepped in and told the guy that our employees have the right to refuse service to customers who harass them as part of our anti-harassment/discrimination policy, empathized that the lines were longer than usual, and suggested he should apologize and move on. He was LIVID. Left half his order on the counter and started fuming off.

    Anticipating his next move, I went back to my original post that night - as manager of the customer service kiosk. Oh boy, the look on his face when he saw me. (Didn’t want a refund of his tickets though so I assume he watched the movie, without popcorn).

This man probably had the surprise of his life when he realized that the other guy was also the manager. The look on his face was surely priceless.

A Taste Of Your Own Medicine

  1. u/daecrist

    I wasn’t good at returning library books when I was a kid. I got lectured by my school librarian about it a lot.

    Fast forward twenty years and I’m a supervisor at the local public library and my former now retired school librarian goes there. One day I see her sneaking around the front desk instead of coming back to say hi to me and I immediately figure something’s up. I go up to say hi and she acts exasperated and tells me she was trying to avoid me because she had overdue books.

    So I put on my reading glasses, pulled them down over my nose, and delivered the same lecture she’d given me countless times about being responsible and turning in books on time.

We can't imagine how embarrassed the old librarian must have been when she tasted her own medicine.

Congratulations, You Played Yourself

  1. u/mywifemademegetthis

    I taught my 6th grade students about democratic processes, and we ran a simulation. Without fail, every one of my classes tried to impeach me.

This story is just hilarious, and it's clear that the students learned what they were taught.

Embarrassed In Front Of The Boss

  1. u/[deleted]

    We had an HR lady who was extremely power hungry. She is walking around with the president of the company who flew in from Japan. She rushes him though the warehouse. Just spits out “oh these are the warehouse guys we don’t have to stop and talk to them.”

    He stops walks over and starts talking to me about my last vacation. How buying my house went. You could just see her fuming behind him as we talked for almost 45mins. I’ve had multiple meeting with him we knew each other really well.

    I don’t think he liked her and drug it out on purpose but I was thrilled to see her just standing there bored as hell.

It's ironic that the Human Resources lady didn't really care about the humans in the company...

Worst Customer In The World

  1. u/Sarchasm-Spelunker

    When I was working customer service for a restaurant delivery service I had a customer send in a complaint about hair in their food. The hair was sitting on top of the food. I check their account, and they had ONE order on their account, which is a red flag.

    I check their phone number and find multiple accounts, each other 1-2 orders, ALL of them complaining about hair in the food. I deny a refund because the customer has actually used the same identical photo for the last order since they ordered the same thing. The customer tries to argue with me, threaten to never use the service again, typical stuff that they always say.

    Eventually the customer gives up and ends the call, then immediately tries again. I get the support request. See who it is, then deny the refund again. She ends the call, then tries again. The person behind me gets the call. I tap the person on the shoulder and show them what I pulled up on my screen and that person denies the refund. The next day she calls back and tries again and is outside of the refund window, so the customer demands to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor bans her from the service for multiple fraudulent refund requests.

This person should've just given up after the second of third try and saved some of their dignity, but now they're just banned from ever ordering again.

Entitled VP

  1. u/doctor-rumack

    A co-worker friend of mine was flying back from a sales conference in Vegas and he was able to upgrade to a first class seat. We had this sales VP that was on the same flight - she was the snobby, entitled type with a full time nanny and giant McMansion in the suburbs, and she generally treated people who worked for her like servants.

    She sees him in a first class seat as she is making her way to coach and asks him how he got that seat (he used points to upgrade). As people are getting settled in, she makes her way back up to the first class cabin and asks to speak with the lead flight attendant. She tells him that one of her underlings is sitting in first class, and that she needs to switch with him since she's higher on the corporate ladder.

    The guy can't believe what he's hearing, but she won't take no for an answer. Finally he tells her she has to go back to her seat, or she will be escorted from the plane. She made a complete fool of herself in front of the whole first class cabin.

It must have been super awkward to witness this situation, but also satisfying at the same time.

'Or What?'

  1. u/voice_of_craisin

    One of my new employees came from a competitor who is, shall we say, not as put together as we are. Her former boss had actually called me to yell at me about "poaching" his consultants. Which, in and of itself, is weird enough. However, a few weeks after she started the dude rolled up to our office. He had apparently been calling her to get her to finish an analysis for him and she just ghosted him. I went to the lobby to see what he was doing here. He started in on me again and then she happened to walk by. I didn't fully understand the conversation but at one point he literally "demanded" she do this analysis. She just said, "or what?" and waited a few beats before turning on her heels and walking away. I did the ol' hand on his back point to the door universal symbol for "leave or a large security man will make you leave." Never heard from him again.

This crazy boss was so embarrassed that he did not dare show up again... thank goodness!

Psycho Boss

  1. u/blind30

    Had an old boss who was a complete and total psycho. He was actually my boss’ boss, and wasn’t supposed to interact with us unless it was through our boss, but he just loved trying to make everyone under him squirm. The company had forced him to go to training twice because of how he spoke to people.

    One day, I get a call at home from him and he just starts unloading- cursing, name-calling, insulting over some technical issue he just found out about. After a couple of minutes, I just looked at my phone and hung up on him. The next day, I get called into a meeting with his boss, who basically wants to know who I think I am hanging up on this guy.

    I calmly explain that no one gets to yell at me on my time, in my home, on my phone. You have to wait for me to be on the clock to pay me for that privilege, and I’ll gladly take that money- If I’m busy being yelled at, I’m not busy with anything else..

    Seemed to work

It takes a lot of courage to do something like this, but it usually pays off. No one deserves to treat you that way; not even your boss.

You Were Saying...?

  1. u/epidemica

    In my first apartment, my parents came to visit, and I dropped an F bomb when I hit my head on the open door of the freezer while standing up from grabbing something from the fridge.

    My mother said "You can't talk like that in my hou..." and stopped mid-sentence.

This user's mother totally owned herself at this moment. It must've been tough to realize she had no power there anymore.

Learn Your Place

  1. u/greasedlightning343

    I worked at a Walmart as a cashier, and the assistant manager there was awful, He would insult everybody working there and forced us sometimes to do work above our pay grade.

    6 months later me and him got transferred to another Walmart that was just built and they needed to pick a manager and assistant manager. Some random got manager but I got assistant manager (I guess all the complaints on the assistant manager basically gave him a demotion).

    One day he was ordering the other cashiers around then i pulled him to the side and told him that if he kept doing that he would be out of here. I haven't heard anything from him since.

This awful employee needed to know his place in the company, and it seems that he finally did.

Doing Your Job

  1. u/Bobcat7

    Sometime in the late 80's I worked at a Wal-Mart warehouse, there was a strict rule , if you didn't have your security badge you could not get in the front door. One day just behind me an older fellow gets stopped by LP for no badge. One of my friends pokes me and points out that the LP guy just refused to let Sam Walton in the door. We all stop to watch what we assumed was going to be a mess. To his credit, Mr. Walton stops and goes back to his vehicle and gets his badge and he thanked the LP guy for following the rules.

In case your didn't know, Sam Walton was the founder of Walmart. As embarrassing as it may have been for the man not to recognize the owner of the company, it's good that he was still doing his job.

Almost Fired

  1. u/bradland

    When I was in high school I worked at popular warehouse club selling computers on the weekends. My job was to stay in the computer department and sell computers; nothing else.

    Well, one of the shift managers didn't like that, and started insisted that I needed to go fold clothes for a while. As in, half my shift. I told him that the store manager had instructed me never to leave the technology department, but he insisted. This went on for several weeks.

    The store manager showed up one weekend when both the power trippin shift manager and I were working. The store manager walks up with the shift manager close behind. Store manager slaps a stack of greenbar paper (this was a while ago) down onto a shelf and points to some highlighted numbers. He looks at the shift manager and says, "Do you see this? This is our average technology sales numbers for the weeks you are on shift. See this number over here? This is our average technology sales numbers for weeks you are not. At this point, it would be more cost effective for me to simply fire you. What do you think of that solution?" The guy stammers and stutters like a toddler caught bullying another kid on the playground. Fortunately, the dude wasn't fired, but the store manager made it clear that when I was on shift, I was not to leave the technology department unless I was on break or there was a fire in the store. That shift manager never said another word to me.

It's always nice to see a bad manager getting scolded by their boss. Since they're always bossing others around, it's beautiful to see them be put in their place.

An Epic Comeback


    My job right before my current one. Property manager - the owner was an absolute prick. He was heartless and rude and racist and I loathed him. I hated every day going into that job but I needed the money. I was applying daily to my dream company in hopes that eventually I’d be accepted. In the meantime, every time I complained or mentioned something to my supervisor I was told to shut up and get on with it. “He was paying me too much to have opinions.”

    Three years after, we were a small office and the receptionist and assistant prop managers had quit. I finally got accepted into my dream company and happily put in my two week notice.

    In desperation, he offered me more money, a higher position, better benefits (which were laughable). When I said no, he asked why. I have never felt more gleeful than the moment of when I said “I don’t know, I’m not paid to have opinions here.”

There's fewer comebacks that are more epic than this one...

'I Don't Even Work Here'

  1. u/goblinmarketeer

    I have a job, but I will still do interviews every couple years. this means the script is flipped a bit. They have to convince me to work there.

    Anyway I got to the town early so I stopped at a bakery to get something to eat. the woman went in the back to get it, and this squat toad of a woman walks in, yells at me to get her order and then yells at me again for not getting up right away to serve her. When I point out that I do not in fact work there she goes off me about how important she is etc. We can skip the play by play.

    I go the interview. Head of IT and the toad woman walks in. She has this evil grin on her face. I stop everything. I point at the toad woman and I say something like "I have seen how your managements treats people, and I have no interest in working for you" and I take my resume out his hands and walk out. The look on her face was priceless. Oh and he had walked in with a print of a resume, so I took his copy.

This coincidence was a total blessing because, had she not met that woman before, she might've taken the job.

The Customer Isn't Always Right

  1. u/rancidquail

    Not sure if it fits but during an insanely busy weekend before Christmas, a woman was complaining to every associate about how messy our store was. The manager had relieved the girl at the fitting room and was helping to hang stuff. The woman was trying to make a point that we were messy and a horrible place to shop.

    Then the manager told her roughly, "Ma'am we're messy at the moment because we're a popular store. And the biggest reason we're messy is because of woman like you who can't be bothered to pick up after themselves. It's not the associates making the mess. It's people like you. Your type have us outnumbered."

    First time I actually witnessed someone deflate.

It's important for managers to listen to customer complaints, but in no way should they allow them to just be rude for no reason.

'This Isn't What I Ordered'

  1. u/SethTurnstone

    My friend had a funny experience at a wedding. He (hispanic) was a groomsman for a friend whose family and most of the guests were white. At the reception a guest mistook him for a waiter and asked him to bring her a beer. He was on his way to the bar anyway, so he gets himself a beer, and her a shot of tequila. When he gave it to her she said "This isn't what I ordered" and he replied "And I'm not a waiter."

This must have been extremely embarrassing, but hopefully, the woman learned not to judge people based on their looks.

I Make The Decisions Here

  1. u/scm8809

    I worked at a prison for 10 years. A lot of the captains were notorious for giving into newer employees demands for training usually reserved for senior officers, or at the very least, easier jobs away from inmates.

    One night I was talking with one of the captains in his office and a new officer came in, he’d been there about 3 months or so. He started asking the captain for some particular training. The captain kept telling him no because there were senior officers ahead of him.

    Naturally, this 20 something year old kid started whining about so and so getting trained and he wasn’t and they felt like they have proven their worth. The captain got up and start walking circles around the officer as if he was looking for something. Checked his shirt collar, pockets, and even made him give him his wallet, and he looked through it. He finally sat down and looked at his own collar and touched his captains pin and said, “Oh, wow! You almost had me convinced that I wasn’t the decision maker. Get out of my office!”

This must've been very funny to watch. It's always great to have a boss with a sense of humor.

Entitled Pastor

  1. u/Back2Bach

    A museum in a town added to its collection a replica of Michelangelo's famous nude statue, David. The pastor of a nearby church demanded that the curator remove it from display because it was "inappropriate" for public viewing."

    To her credit, the museum's curator told the clergyman in unequivocal terms that the church had no say in the matter and that fine art would be exhibited without need for ecclesiastical approval.

There is no bigger 'you have no power here' moment than this one.

Who Asked For Your Opinion?

  1. u/stupidrobots

    fter dumping me my ex reached out to express her opinion of the woman I was dating and how it wouldn't last because she's awful. Awful enough for me to marry her and have a kid apparently.

That woman must've been so angry when she found out her ex got married and had a kid with the other girl!