Reddit Users Share Their Cringiest Neighbor Experiences

Ridiculously Loud Music

  1. u/time to reset

    I lived in a small apartment and my neighbours would always crank up their music until way past midnight. The music was so loud that I couldn't hear my own TV over it. I then found out they often left for a bar across the street but would just leave the music on. Once, I broke into their apartment and turned off the music, but they came back in the middle of the night just to turn it back on.

I get that some people are naturally loud, but let's face it: some others are loud just for the sake of it. Here's a perfect example. Reddit user [ time to reset]( spent years tolerating her neighbor's deafening music, but the worst part is that they'd always leave it on when they weren't even inside the house!

Peed On By The Neighbor’s Dog

  1. u/ClubWithAJungleTheme

    Apartment building- The upstairs neighbours dog peed on their patio and it dripped down onto me while I was sitting outside reading. I yelled and ran to shower and when I texted them to ask them to take their dog out to pee in future they said it wasn’t their dog and it must have blown over from somewhere else. What?

Imagine chilling on your patio and suddenly feeling a few drops of pee trickling down your neck. As gross as this sounds, this is exactly what Reddit user [ClubWithAJungleTheme]( went through. The worst part is, her upstairs neighbors didn't even take the blame! Supposedly, it "blew over from somewhere else". Not even a 6-year-old would fall for that!

Cringy Noisy Couple

  1. u/Thin_host

    I used to live in a horrible apartment with paper-thin walls. The people next door were a woman who looked like she was in her 70s and what I thought was her 30-something grandson. They would yell at each other all day, constantly blast their TV... The worst was at night when the two of them would have loud sex (which is how I figured out they weren't related). Every night for an hour-- creaking bed banging against my bedroom wall and the old woman moaning like a stuck pig. Nightmarish.

It must be cringey enough to listen to your neighbors making sex noises all day long, but what if the woman is in her late 70s and her fiancé is the age of her grandson? Well, this is exactly what Reddit user [Thin_host]( went through. Apparently, the old granny would moan like a pig. That's definitely not an image anyone wants to keep in their minds.

Dog Thieves

  1. u/SD_smc

    My weird neighbors stole my dog from our backyard and their kid who was a few years older than me made up this whole story about how he was getting a new dog that looked just like mine. My dad went and got it back.

If your pet gets lost and you find it a few days later at your neighbor's place, isn't it obvious that they are the ones to blame? This is exactly what happened to this Reddit user when he was a kid. Not only did their neighbors refuse to give her her pet back, but they insisted they had bought a similar dog of the same breed. We always figured those psycho neighbors only appeared in Hollywood films.

Bags Of Vomit

  1. u/imonlinedammit1

    I’ve posted this before. Our neighbor was tossing bags of her vomit into my yard for about a year. Like 50 bags. Called the cops. Turns out she had an eating disorder she was hiding from her parents

    Edit: Seems like I sparked a bit of a eating disorder group therapy. Having witnessed just how far someone will go to hid their disorder, I hope this post and my past story can help one person get help before they go this far.

    Be strong. Be better.

This is probably the grossest –yet saddest– story on this list. [imonlinedammit1]('s called the cops because she would keep finding bags of puke on her garden, but it turned out that her neighbors had a teenage kid with a huge eating disorder which she had been trying to hide.

Serial Liars

  1. u/Astarklife

    I was scratching my neighbors dog back through the fence and gave him some treats when I was like 8. I got spooked when I saw the neighbor staring me down angrily from his porch so I ran inside. 30 minutes later cops showed up at our house. He made up some story saying "His wife saw me jump over the fence and I tried to strangle his dog." My mom was like "my lil dude would get killed by the dog before he killed it".

We've heard millions of stories of crazy people making up lies about their neighbors, but making up lies about an 8-year-old kid is taking things to the next level. When he was only a kid, Reddit user [Astarklife]( was accused of strangling his neighbor's dog. Come on man, mess with someone your own age!

Psycho Shooter

  1. u/[deleted]

    My neighbor once shot both my dogs and his goat and made me bury both. One dog survived thankfully.

    He then tried to make us pay for a new goat claiming that our dogs attacked it. The goat had bullet wounds and no bite marks.

If Netflix still hasn't bought the copyright for [cheese_n_apples]('s story, then I don't know what they're waiting for. When he was only a teenager, his crazy psychopath of a neighbor made him shoot his dogs and bury them on the spot. We literally can't think of anything more gruesome than this.

Schizophrenic Neighbor

  1. u/knowses

    I have a schizophrenic neighbor that has believed for years that I am hacking his electronic devices, scanning his phone, harassing/terrorizing him, etc. Over the years he has claimed I've held an old man hostage in my condo, allowed blood to drip from my patio to his, and that I'm a terrible racist. He leaves notes on the inside of his car accusing me of these things.

We can't imagine how horrifying it must be to have a schizophrenic neighbor who imagines things all the time and keeps accusing you of senseless crimes. It's one thing if you're accused of making too much noise, but Reddit user [knowses]( was even accused of keeping an old man hostage!

Roach Infestation

  1. u/heatherledge

    I also had a neighbor who suffered from mental illness. As creepy as it sounds, the woman would put on a baby voice and hit herself loudly. She was also a hoarder and one time she spent a whole month without taking her garbage out. The entire building got infested with roaches.

This story seams straight out of a horror movie. This guy had a neighbor who was not only a hoarder, but she would never take her garbage out, to the point which the whole building got infested with roaches. We're pretty sure that's literally everyone's worst nightmare.

Three In A Row

  1. u/B00dle

    I was in the burbs. There was a house that let their dog bark all day, another house would party until 3am and the people living behind us would throw their dirty diapers into our backyard.

    The party house and the dog barking house, made me miss so much work. Nothing like calling your boss and saying "I cant drive to work because in the last 3 days I have had 4 hours sleep"

Reddit user named [BOOdle]( shared that he had not one, not two, but THREE despicable neighbors when he was a teenager. There was a house that let their dog bark all day, another house would party until 3 in the morning, and the people living behind him would throw their dirty diapers into their backyard. Tough luck!

Vengeful Neighbors

  1. u/Slodin

    This family keeps on moving their stuff over to our side of the property. We confronted them but they keep on saying it's their land, because their house has a fireplace that's extruded into our yard. We had to request paperwork from the city to tell them that's not how it works. Then they just kept on throwing their dog poop over the fence, and even dug a hole below the fence to let their dog over to pee and poop. We moved shortly after.

Reddit user [Slodin]( definitely had the worst of lucks. Her neighbors would always through their trash to her property, so she had a taller fence built, but how did they react? They started throwing smaller bags of dog poop in revenge! I guess some people are born babies and then they grow up to be babies...

Animal Abuse

  1. u/alarm-clock-timer

    My neighbors found out they had an elderly cat who couldn't chew properly, and they kept her outside and gave her dry food despite her inability to chew it. Poor creature showed up in our yard, nothing but skin and bones. Soaked from sleeping in the rain, covered in fleas. Gave her some food and water, she's doing pretty alright now.

Let's be honest: some people should be forbidden by law to own pets. Reddit user [alarm-clock-timer]( used to have a crazy neighbor who would practically torture her pets. Her cats would always be seen covered in fleas and nearly emaciated. Shouldn't those people be in jail?

Terrorist Next Door

  1. u/DrOddcat

    My downstairs neighbor was building bombs and accidentally detonated something that was in progress and wrecked his hands. A nurse at the hospital notified police that the wounds were suspicious and they came to investigate.

    I was woken up to police forcibly entering his apartment. Shortly after an officer notified us that we needed to evacuate as there was a likely meth lab in the apartment. There wasn’t, it was only bombs.

Reddit user [Dr Oddcat]( left everyone puzzled after sharing that his former downstairs neighbor made bombs. One day, the police who broke into his apartment while he was fast asleep, and they told him he had to evacuate as there was a likely meth lab downstairs. I think I'd prefer to have Jesse Pinkman as a neighbor!

Religious Fanatic

  1. u/strange_racoon_666_7

    A few years ago I had a neighbor that happened to be very religious. She would threaten to send God to cut my family members and my fingers off if we touched her mail. She would also call the cops on us a lot. One day my mom and her girlfriend at the time were having a barbecue with a few friends. She mistook my mom for a male and when me or my brother would say "mom" towards her she would say "why is he letting them call him mom like that". She ended up calling the cops on us, again.

We've heard all sorts of frightening neighbor stories, but having a religious fanatic threaten to cut your fingers off is beyond believable. The funniest thing about this story is that not only did this crazy old woman threaten their neighbors, but she even had the nerve to call the cops on them!

Near-Death Experience

  1. u/Cubsfan630

    One of them almost shot me when I was a little kid. I was playing in front of my apartment building when my neighbor got into an argument with one of these other guys from down the street. Not sure what exactly the problem was, but my neighbor didn't like it so he pulled out a pistol from his front pocket and fired a couple of bullets. A stray flew right past my face, damn near hit me. My moms friend from the next floor down grabbed me and pulled me inside

When Reddit user [Cubsfan360]( was a little kid, she was almost shot to death by her neighbor. For no reason at all, the guy fired a couple of bullets at her, but she miraculously dodged them just like a character from The Matrix.

Anger Management

  1. u/Hobbit_Feet45

    The very first night my wife and I moved into this townhouse our neighbor pushed his girlfriend down the stairs, we heard the fight and saw the ambulance come. Every night at around 3 in the morning he’d start banging on our walls waking us up, yelling at us to be quite. We were always dead asleep. I confronted him when I finally saw him and things got heated. He was batshit crazy. Later he threatened to kill my wife. We moved out after the death threat. The police wouldn’t do anything about it.

The very first night that Reddit user [Hobbit_Feet45]( moved in with his wife, he caught one of their neighbors pushing his girlfriend down the stairs. But that was only the start! It wasn't long before they started receiving death threats all year long. Why didn't he move out after the stairs incident?

Series Of Misunderstandings

  1. u/Thriftyverse

    Many years ago, I rented a little house with the girlfriend I had at the time. Little did I know that on one side of me lived an elderly couple and on the other side a woman drug dealer with 6 children and three boyfriends. She liked her music on 10. She ended up losing her electricity due to unpaid bills so she came over while I was at work and plugged extension cords into my outdoor sockets, then got mad and threatened to shoot me when I unplugged them. Had to move in with my mother as an emergency stopgap because my landlord thought I was making it all up.

Having a drug dealer as a neighbor is unfortunate enough. But what if on top of that, they break into your home, call the cops on you, and threaten to shoot you whenever they're in a mood? The rest of the stories seem nothing compared to this daredevil of a woman.

The Christian Cat Killer

  1. u/Damhnait

    Had a neighbor in an apartment complex who would sit in her car in the parking lot and blare Christian gospel music, which in and of itself wasn't the worst.

    But after we discovered a plastic bag hanging in a bush next to our window facing her unit, and found a cat skeleton in that bag and called the apartment manager who said "...I think I know who it was", and saw the manager knocking on her door 15 minutes later, we were a little spooked. Never found more bones, but we'd catch her staring at our unit a few times. We moved after the lease was up.

Reddit user [Damhnait]( had a neighbor who would sit in her car in the parking lot and listen to Christian gospel music, which in itself wasn't so bad. But things took a darker twist when he found a plastic bag hanging in a bush next to his window facing her unit, with a cat skeleton inside. Moving abroad seems like a better option than having that crazy old psycho as a neighbor.

Nextdoor Narcos

  1. u/DoctorFusion

    Not actually a bad neighbor, but one day I came home to my apartment building to roughly 15-20 undercover police officers in my hallway. Apparently my very kind but private neighbor was a wanted felon drug dealer. The police had arrested him in the parking lot making an exchange and were turning his apartment looking for evidence. There was drug sniffing dogs, piles of drugs, lots and lots of really nice sneakers….and a fat stack of cash.

Can you imagine getting home from work to find twenty undercover police officers outside your door and learning your lifelong neighbor had been a drug dealer all along? Well, that's exactly what [DoctorFusion]( went through as a teenager. How can you trust anyone ever again?

Convict Down The Block

  1. u/bumbadabumruum

    Grew up with a downstairs neighbor that was on and off from jail. His mom had actually bought him the apartment to see if he would straighten up. While he was in jail, the apartment would be occupied by his friends, that would have loud arguments with hookers, blast music almost every night, torched the apartment not once but twice in the span of 5 years, and once there were shots fired. The police were there almost daily, but our country's laws are quite lenient so they would come back in no time.

If you're one of those people who believe that life in Europe is perfect, [bumbadabumruum]('s story will definitely change your mind. Growing up in Portugal, his aggressive and extremely loud neighbors caught their apartment on fire twice. As if this weren't enough, they were also drug dealers.

Same Mistake

  1. u/phoenixmatrix

    I used to live in a midrise with a trash container on the side of the building. One day, because someone tossed a lit cig in the trash, it caught on fire. 6 stories high flames, scorching one of the units right above my own by entering through the window. Fortunately the damage were "only" to the inside of the building. The bricks on the outside were blackened, but aside for that, (and that one unit), no one got hurt and nothing got lost. Except 2 days later, it happened again. Same story. no one got hurt. Phew, we got lucky. EXCEPT THE NEXT DAY IT HAPPENS AGAIN. At that point the fire department forced the landlord to move the trash container far from the building.

Some stories in this list are truly spine-chilling, but the story that [phoenixmatrix]( shared is so absurd that it sounds like a scene from Dumb and Dumber. His building caught fire because one of his neighbors tossed a lit cigarette in the trash... three times in less than a month! Seriously, didn't you learn after burning your house down twice in a row?

Antisemitic Neighbor

  1. u/ShabbosKitten69

    I’m Jewish. My current neighbours have some pretty anti-Semitic beliefs. To the point they have leaned out the window and yelled slurs at my second grader. My cat got outside once and their dog jumped the fence and attacked him, in my yard. They tried to press charges against me. They’ve called CPS (not realising I’m a therapist and I work with them regularly so they know me), they call the police a couple times a week. They threatened to sue us for “emotional damages.” That damage, of course, being Jewish next door.

One would think that antisemitism is a thing from the past, but Reddit user [ShabbosKitten69]( seems to prove otherwise. Her neighbors were so anti-semitic that they have even yelled slurs at her second-grader for being Jewish. As if this weren’t enough, their dog jumped the fence and attacked her cat, but for some inexplicable reason, her neighbors tried pressing charges against her on the grounds of “emotional damages''. That damage, of course, was having a Jewish family next door.

Convicted Felon

  1. u/Megatron7478

    My downstairs neighbour always seemed very creepy. One time he stood behind my car while I was trying to leave and said “why don’t you like me”. I always ignored him. One day he was drunk and yelled at me that he was going to burn my house down and kill my dog. So I called the police. Turns out, he was a child sex offender breaking parole drinking and threatening me. He got charged with “uttering threats to kill an animal or bird” and got arrested again.

    He got released one year later and the police gave him my full name and address (by accident) and I came home to bullet holes in my window.

Here's another spine-chilling neighbor story. [Megatron7478]( had a creepy neighbor who not only was a child sex offender, but he also threatened to burn her house down just because she refused going on a date with him. That man should live under house arrest for life. Are you ready for another creepy story?

Stranger Feeling At Home

  1. u/Throwzenstein

    Me and my brother used to live in a courtyard bungalow apartment. All units looked alike. One day, I arrived home late from work and realized someone had broken into the house. But the living room was empty. When I go inside the kitchen, there was a man trying to fry shoes in a pan on the stove. Yeah, he was high. Obviously.

This is definitely the most bizarre story on our list. This man was terrified when he realized someone had broken into his home, until he realized it was a stoned teenager who has trying to fry his own shoe on the stove. Actually, he's lucky his house didn't catch fire!

Dog Excrement Everywhere

  1. u/drumsareneat

    I had an upstairs neighbor who let their dog poop on their balcony. I'm guessing this was going on for a while as I started to notice a brown viscous substance leaking on my potted plants on my balcony. It wasn't until it rained that I could smell that it was dog poop and piss. At that point it was very obvious. I got him evicted because it kept happening.

Reddit user [drumsareneat](’s story is truly disgusting. His upstairs neighbor let their dog poop on their balcony but never cleaned it. It wasn't until he noticed a brown viscous substance leaking on his plants from the balcony above that he uncovered the truth. Yes, that's as disgusting as it gets.

Garbage Wars

  1. u/kor_hookmaster

    We had some neighbours that used to leave their garbage out in plastic bags the night before garbage day - instead of putting it in a bin. What the raccoons and skunks didn't spread around, the wind picked up the slack. Some of the people on the street kindly approached the guy and asked him to put his garbage in a bin. He started insulting them. Thus began the Garbage Wars. Every morning of garbage day some people on my street would collect all the half eaten and rotten trash from their lawns and toss it back into the dude's backyard. He would collect it, then dump it back on their lawns.

Picturing a group of neighbors throwing garbage at each other just for the sake of it is just hilarious. I mean, is it really that hard to settle things like grownups? We get that it must be annoying if someone leaves his garbage out in plastic bags instead of putting it in the bin like he's supposed to, but throwing trash all over his lawn is hardly a solution!

Every Day Is Firework Day

  1. u/Duhveed6

    My current neighbors will randomly light bombshell fireworks in the middle of the night during the middle of the week as if some of us don’t have to wake up early for work.

    Also when I was younger and living in a different city our front neighbors stole our dog from our backyard one day and we didn’t find out it was them until a few months later when we saw our dog in their yard. They denied they stole it and wouldn’t give it back to us until we got the police involved.

Reddit user [Duhveed6]( shared that his current neighbors randomly light bombshell fireworks in the middle of the night during the middle of the week. As if that weren’t enough, those same neighbors stole his bike from his backyard one day and he didn’t find out it was them until a few months later.

Meth Explosion

  1. u/bedofneuroses

    They were crack heads. They had two kids, were physically and verbally abusive to each other and were hoarders on top of it. Tried calling child protective services and the police over and over and was never taken seriously. They ended up burning down their apartment and caused thousands of dollars in damage to the rest of the apartment building because they were cooking meth. We had to move out, as did many others. The silver lining is that they finally got their kids taken away after that.

If you thought that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are the only guys who cook meth in their homes, you were wrong. The neighbors of Reddit user [bedofneuroses]( burned down their apartment while attempting to cook meth. Their oblivious adventure caused thousands of dollars in damage to the rest of the apartment building. In fact, bedofneuroses himself had to move out.

Car Freak

  1. u/Vampilton

    Guy owned 6 cars and kept them all parked on the street in a very congested block of apartments. Spent hours tending to them, and they somehow always looked rustier when he was done. If a leaf landed on one of his cars he would accuse the neighborhood of intentionally placing leaves on his car to annoy him.

Reddit user [Vampilton]( had a neighbor who was so ridiculously obsessed with his car, that he couldn't help but bug him around on purpose. He would place leaves on his car intentionally to see how he would react, and honestly, we can't judge him. Brilliant move!