Partner Yoga Poses To Strengthen Your Relationship

Partner Breathing

Nothing will jump-start a routine better than synchronizing your breathing with theirs and feeling an intimate and relaxing connection. All you need to do is the following.

Sit in position with your legs crossed, resting against each other back. Put your hands on your thighs and allow yourself to connect with your partner. Practice for three to five minutes.

Seated Spinal Twist

After you and your partner feel in sync, a good exercise for your body is to twist your waist and bring your left hand to your partner's right knee. Rest your right hand on your left knee and breathe for a moment, then do the same on the other side.

This not only helps your posture but also helps to release the tension that accumulates through the day. It also clears your body and soul so you can focus on the important things in life.

Bound Angle

Sitting back to back, bring your two feet together, bend forward towards their heels, and bend backward with their back as support. Breathe deeply and see if you can feel each other’s breath. Stay in this pose for five breaths, and switch when you’re both ready.

It allows for stretching different muscles, which helps to relieve tension and maybe crack some bones in the most satisfying way.

Boat Pose

For this one, you must sit on opposite sides of the mat, keeping your legs together and reaching your partner’s hands outside your hips. You must balance and keep your spine straight to achieve the next move.

Try to find balance as you straighten your legs up to the sky and find your other half toes. Stay in this pose for five breaths and enjoy practicing balance with your loved one.

Assisted Back Bend

Yoga can also be a fun way to decompress, and trust, this will do the trick. To finish off this short routine, try some back cracking.

Stand back-to-back and raise your arms at the elbows. Gently bend your knees and lean forward. Now, lift your partner off the ground, making sure both are relaxed and breathing deeply. Then have them do the same for you!