Expired Sunscreen
Many people use sunscreen only during summer, which is a big mistake. When the heat is over, they save sunscreen for next year, and there’s a high chance it’s getting past its expiry date.

Using expired sunscreen can cause allergic reactions. Over time, ingredients can break down and cause irritation, and mold and bacteria may start to grow, which can cause skin infections.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is considered relatively healthy for our body since it’s enriched with Vitamin C. But no matter how healthy it can be to drink, applying lemon topically on the skin is not a good idea.

There may be many DIY solutions available on the internet saying that it helps with skin brightening and whitening, but it is not safe to use on the skin. The high level of citric acid can damage your skin and cause burns, leading to irritation and breakouts. Moreover, when exposed to sunlight, the Psoralen present in lemon may cause rashes from phytophotodermatitis.
Every DIY remedy to treat any kind of blackheads and zits includes toothpaste. But using it on the face can cause burns and infections. Its strong ingredients can irritate the skin and cause facial redness.

There are safer remedies to zits, since applying toothpaste on the face can increase melanin production and form discoloration and dark spots. Instead of drying out zits, it can further irritate the skin and cause blemishes.
Shampoo is useful to get rid of excess oil and dirt. This surfactant is meant to be used in our hair but should not be used on our skin.

Shampoos are manufactured to clean and work on the hair shaft, but their composition differs from that of a skincare product. Shampoos are not designed to deal with the delicate molecules of our skin, and can result in really dry and flaky skin.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil seems to be advertised as a magic elixir for beautiful skin, but it turns out it really isn’t. It contains lauric acid, and it’s true that it has proven zit-fighting powers, but it’s also 90% saturated fat.

It can clog pores and cause an acne breakout. Although, it is recommended for the body, as it can prevent severe dryness or eczema. Just be sure to keep it away from the face!
Many popular DIY hacks suggest turning school glue into facial masks to remove blackheads. But spreading glue on your problem pone areas to let it dry and peel off won't actually clean your pores.

Glue can cause broken blood vessels and skin irritation. It can also strip away the surface layer of the skin.
Waxing can be a great option for removing body hair, but facial skin is much softer and delicate. Compared to the rest of the body, facial skin is more exposed to the sun, making it extremely sensitive.

There are many reasons why it’s such a bad idea to use wax to remove facial hair; it can lead to ingrown hair, cause sensitivity to the sun, rashes and, in some cases, scarring as well.