Avoid These Common Mistakes About Hair Care

Don’t Treat Dandruff With Oils

Even if this seems like the perfect solution for dry scalp, it is far from being helpful. It actually is more harmful than beneficial because the scalp can get irritated by the friction caused by rinsing and produce even more dandruff.

The only solution to this problem is using shampoos with medicine that you can get from a drugstore, a pharmacy or a dermatologist’s office. In order to maximize the effects, you have to leave the shampoo on your head for around five minutes. After that, you can rinse and wash.

Stay Away From High-Powered Blow Dryers

It’s more than understandable to want to save up some extra minutes by changing to a high-velocity blow dryer. However, the one paying the price for this upgrade is your hair. These types of blow dryers produce more heat, so they burn your hair even more than the regular kind.

Moreover, a lot of consumer reports found that there is no difference in time between a regular and high-powered blow dryer. They all dry your hair in the same amount of time. The only difference these reports could find is the noise levels produced by each.

Don’t Brush In Excess

Brushing is one of the most relaxing activities to do at night. If done too much, it can snap off hairs that aren’t supposed to break yet. The myth that says that you should brush your hair with 100 strokes a day is not only false but misleading. Brushing that many times is absolutely unnecessary.

Losing hair is normal, of course. The average person loses between 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. These hairs are in a resting stage and no longer grow. So losing them doesn’t really make a difference to your overall scalp health.

Stop Wounding Your Hair Too Tightly

Hair styling is a tricky art. You need a firm grip on the hair to keep everything in place, but at the same time, you need to be gentle with it. Using hair bands and clips is a common practice among long hair users, but it needs to be used safely.

When you tie your hair in a ponytail or braids, you always need to make sure it’s not pulling too much. Because if they are too tight, they can break off hair and damage the roots. So, if you do tie your hair on a regular basis, be sure to set it free at night and let it rest for a while.

Avoid Extreme Color Changes

It’s always nice to make changes to your hair, especially if you like changing your style very often. So going for a completely different color might seem like a good idea. But maybe it’s not. Extreme color changes, like from brunette to bleach blonde, can damage your hair and should be avoided if possible.

You may also be tempted to dye your hair with crazy colors every month, but be aware that this will dry it quite a lot and start breaking off at some point. So always be mindful and try to space out the color changes. Dermatologists also suggest staying within three shades of your natural color.