Go Thicker
Having thin eyebrows used to be all the rage in the nineties, but in this day and age, that doesn’t hold true as much as it used to. The natural look is gaining plenty of followers, so making your eyebrows more bushy and voluminous seems like the way to go.

You can achieve this in many ways, like using powder or gel filling, improving the definition with a pencil brush, playing with shades complementing your hair color, or even using the old reliable taupe. When using the last one, remember to apply it in tiny strokes over your arches and blend with a brow to prevent excess.
Forget About Stencils
If you have rebellious eyebrows, it might seem like a good idea to shave it all off and choose stencils as a signature look, but this can lead to horrible mistakes. A bad stencil can make you look sad, surprised, angry or even a little crazy! So you have to be very precise when using those.

Your bone structure is very particular, and everything you remove from your face may lead to an undesirable effect. There’s no other alternative to stencils. Just don’t use them and get used to the natural shape of your eyebrows.
Try To Match The Hair Colors
Always remember to pay attention both to your hair and your eyebrows. When you make a dramatic hair color change, the eyebrows should change too. Not only will that improve the overall look, but it will also make it less noticeable.

To achieve this, you really need to make an appointment with a professional colorist. Try to avoid dying your brows at home, even if you are really well versed in it. The colorist can fix any imperfections that might appear in the future that you, at home, can’t tell will happen. So, when in doubt, always consult.
Get The Right Tools
Working on your eyebrows is hard work if you do it right. And if you want to do it as efficiently and effectively as possible, you need the right set of tweezers for it. Experts recommend using the ones with pointed slanted tips, especially for beginners.

With this type of tweezers, you can hold the shape more comfortably and grab longer hairs. If a hair is giving you trouble, a nice trick is to turn the tweezer at an angle and pull from the pointed edge.
Beware The Tops
Be mindful of plucking the tops of your eyebrows, but don’t be scared. Shaping the tops is really crucial for beautiful and perfectly shaped brows. Just be careful not to pluck too much, as it can get the eyebrows to go flat and make you look frowny.

You should never try to pluck any little dot of hair growing under the skin. This practice can break the skin and cause scarring, which is never good. So wait until the hair comes out to pluck it off. If the spot bothers you too much, you can apply concealer on it.