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30 Times Jealous People Were Caught On Camera
Entertainment and Music

30 Times Jealous People Were Caught On Camera

We've all been jealous a few times in our lives and it's a completely normal feeling. However, if you're ever feeling jealous, just remember not to show it. The people on this list just couldn't hide their obvious jealously, resulting in these amazing pictures taken just at the right time. Photo: Travlerz

Angie Ray / Aug 6, 2021

The Rest Of The Best

Jul 29, 2021

These Bizarre Fashion Trends Need To Stop

Sure, fashion is a form of self-expression and can be subjective, but people sometimes take it too far. Some fashion trends are just too ugly to continue to exist, and most people would agree that they should be left in the past. The following are some bizarre fashion trends that need to stop immediately. Photo: History A2Z

Jul 29, 2021

Meet Nick And Bianca, The Transgender Couple That Naturally Conceived 2 Kids

Bianca and Nick felt like they were trapped in someone else's body ever since they were kids. It wasn't until their early 20s that they finally accepted that their gender identity didn't match their assigned sex, thus acknowledging themselves as transexuals. In their own words, never had they imagined they would one day find true love and even build a family of their own. Up next, a moving story of a transgender couple who managed to naturally conceive two children, thus defying the binary categories of modern medicine. Photo: Chris Bott

Jul 29, 2021

Awkward Celebrity Paparazzi Pics That'll Make You Cringe

A-list stars must be pretty used to being followed by the paparazzi everywhere they go, and we can only imagine how irritating it must be. But while we’re used to celebrities looking gorgeous all the time, this is not always the case. Let’s look at the ultimate list of embarrassing celebrity paparazzi photos that will make you cringe. We bet these stars wish they’d stayed at home that day! Photo: E! Online

Jul 29, 2021

Can You Name The Partners Of Your Favorite LGBTQ+ Stars?

If there's something that LGBTQ+ stars have taught us, it's that love knows no gender boundaries. Over the past few decades, thousands of stars from the entertainment world and the music industry have proudly come out, paving the way towards a more equal and diverse society. However, have you ever realized that we don't get to know much about their better halves most of the time? Don't you worry, cause here's a list of the couples of your favorite LGBTQ+ stars, those who've stayed by their side through sick and thin. Are you ready? Photo: Hollywood Reporter

Jul 29, 2021

Man Divorces Wife After Carefully Looking At This Photo

In the current social media era, people send each other pictures of themselves all the time. However, sometimes, a simple picture can change someone’s life for good. Here’s a story of a couple who fell madly in love, but a simple photo sent by the woman led the man to seek a divorce. But why? Photo: Unsplash

Jul 29, 2021

LGBTQ+ Celebrities: Stars Open Up About Their Sexuality

The fight for everyone’s right to choose their sexual orientation and gender identity has been in the limelight now more than ever. Many celebrities like Katy Perry and Jason Mraz have had their own struggles with those issues, and they’re now ready to open up and share their experiences with the fans. Photo: Courtesy of La Voz

Jul 27, 2021

Tesla Employees Leak Strict Rules Musk Makes Them Follow

Working for a huge company like Tesla can be amazing, but no corporation like that operates without strict rules. Elon Musk, the famous CEO, has several strict rules that employees have to follow. Here are Musk's rules for those who work at his company.

Jul 27, 2021

These Black And White Photos Were Brought To Life In Color And The Results Are Amazing

The first photograph ever was taken in 1826, and since then, we’ve come a long way. It took many years for photos to be taken in color, so many important pictures in history have been taken in black and white. Luckily, many of these pictures have been colorized, and the results are mind blowing... Photo: Pulptastic

Jul 27, 2021

These Are The Most Annoying TV Characters In History

For every beloved TV character, there’s an annoying one to balance things out. As obnoxious as a character can be, the show would not be the same without them. These are the most annoying TV characters that we love to hate… Photo: CBS News

Jul 19, 2021

Funny Things That Only Neighbors Do

Most people prefer living in a neighborhood rather than the countryside. While it’s true that a neighborhood has many comforts, the countryside offers something unique: nobody knows what you’re up to because your next-door neighbor lives miles away from you. However, having neighbors can be very fun. You never know what you can expect from their crazy occurrences. Check out these pictures of funny neighbors who have taken things to the next level. Photo: Pinterest

Jul 12, 2021

Bizarre Things You'll Only Find In European Grocery Stores

It’s always a fascinating experience when you go to a new country, and it’s time to take a trip to the grocery store. After all, foreign grocery stores can be a way to understand the culture and the people of the place you are visiting. What people buy in their daily lives shines a light on their traditions and habits. Take a look at some very interesting things you’ll find in European grocery stores that you most likely have never encountered before... Photo: Boredom Therapy

Jul 6, 2021

The Most Hilarious Photos From Russia

Each country has its own traditions. It’s easy to say that there are millions of cultures around the world, each one with particular aspects that make them unique. Indeed, the powerful country of Russia is unique in every sense of the world, as Russians have their own way of doing things. Let’s have a look at these hilarious pics to discover a little bit more about Russians and their lifestyle... Photo: Arhivach