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Top Pictures Of Your Favorite Wrestlers Unmasked

Top Pictures Of Your Favorite Wrestlers Unmasked

Part of the magic of the wrestling world is the secret identities behind the wrestlers’ masks. The masks are a part of the persona of the wrestler and give it a back story, a style, and a personality, which more often than not, doesn’t match the real person behind it. Many wrestlers have tried to hide their real faces for years but today, we’ll look at 50 famous wrestlers and what they look like without their masks. Photo: FunnyAnd

Angie Ray / Mar 22, 2021

The Rest Of The Best

Jan 20, 2021

Beyoncé Opens Up About Why She Almost Quit Music

Beyoncé is one of the biggest stars the world has ever seen. She has broken records, sold out stadiums, and she's even a celebrity to celebrities. But the queen B has had her ups and downs, and there was a time when she almost quit music for good. Here are all the details of her story. Photo: Popsugar

Jan 20, 2021

Days After Girl Loses Her Purse, She Receives A Strange Package

Everyone has lost a crucial object at least once in their lives. But what could be worse than losing your wallet or purse? Imagine all your valuable items contained in one little tiny place, and all gone away for good. Taylor, a California girl, had the misfortune of losing her purse, with her IDs, credit cards, and all her cash. But one day, out the blue, a mysterious package was delivered to Taylor's Home. Don't miss this unforeseeable story! Photo: Courtesy of YouTube

Dec 23, 2020

These Two Lovely Twins Managed To Get 1,7 Million Followers In No Tie

Like two peas in a pod, Ava Marie and Leah Rose Clements are two indistinguishable twins that gained millions of followers on Instagram at a very young age. The sisters were only seven years old when her mother Jaqi created their account. She realized how popular her daughters were and seized the opportunity. Even though the twins aren't quite comfortable with their popularity, they simply can't avoid it. Photo: IGTVs

Dec 23, 2020

Take A Look At The Wealthiest NFL Quarterbacks

Football is undoubtedly the most popular sport in America (sorry, baseball!), so it is not surprising to hear that football players are filthy rich. Quarterbacks in particular are the highest-paid players in the NFL, and most of them continue making lots of money long after their retirement. Let's take a look at the 30 wealthiest NFL quarterbacks. Photo: Mind Your Dollars

Dec 23, 2020

These Famous Celebrities Used To Be Cheerleaders In School

Many of our favorite celebrities started out as school cheerleaders and probably discovered their love for being in the spotlight thanks to it. You may have heard of some, but others on this list are really surprising celebrities you'd never guess used to be cheerleaders. Let's take a look at 30 celebrities who used to be cheerleaders. Photo: Student Sea

Dec 23, 2020

Biggest '70s Stars: Then & Now

Many people believe that the 1970s were definitely the glory days of Hollywood. This incredible decade gave us many amazing female stars, many of which are still huge today. Let's take a walk down memory lane and see how much these celebrities have changed over the years. Photo: Mentertained

Dec 17, 2020

From The Sketchbook To The Silver Screen: The Original Looks Of Our Favorite Disney Characters

Disney has been with us for a very long, long time. Ever since Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was released in 1939, to the latest blockbuster Frozen 2, almost all of us can say we grew watching these films. Creative, spectacular, memorable, colorful, touching... From humble heartwarming stories to Broadway-like musical masterpieces. But, for many of us, the most important thing is our favorite characters. The Disney Princesses, the heroes, the funny sidekicks, the cute animal companions, the charismatic villains that make it really REALLY hard not to root for them at times... We all have our favorite characters, but... Do we ever consider all the effort that went into making them so charismatic? So memorable? For many of these it wasn´t easy! Let´s see how they were created! Source: YouTube

Dec 17, 2020

Fired Disney Employee Tells Us The Secrets From The “Happiest Place on Earth”

By now, there’s no surprise that Disney hides a lot of Easter Eggs for their fans, but did you know it also has a ton of secrets most of us don’t know of? Well, a big chunk of those mysteries were unveiled by a former Disney employee and we now know a lot about the “happiest place on Earth.” Thanks to the insider, we learned that the huge park is filled with secrets that helps with keeping the ‘magic’ for its guests. From secret codes, to ninja cleaning staffers, from infiltrated guards, to the weirdest rules the staff has to follow, we’ve got you covered with a list of secrets behind the scenes of the most famous theme park in the world! Photo: Imgur

Dec 17, 2020

Unpredictable Nature Captured In Amazing Photographs

Nature is unpredictable, and that’s a fact we all know. Most of us have even experienced it on our own. For instance, good weather just changing into a nightmarish hailstorm! However, Mother Nature brings many other gifts along with her powerful and mysterious ways. And this takes us to a bunch of photographers that were able to capture amazing, unbelievable or terrifying moments at the perfect time. All the photos in this article are real! Photo: List25

Dec 10, 2020

Check Out The Most Inspiring Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

It's a widely known fact that celebrities are generally pressured to stay in shape in order to succeed in their careers. Sure, most of them have the money to pay for private gyms, professional trainers, and customized diets, but that doesn't make it any less challenging. Up next, some of the most impressive celebrity weight loss stories that will definitely inspire you. I bet you're dying to know how they managed to go through such radical body transformations! Photo: Medical Matters

Oct 20, 2020

23 Songs That Changed The World

Most people like to affirm that music, like other types of art, has the ability to channel deep emotions which were completely hidden beforehand. Others tend to highlight different aspects of it, such as the capacity that a song may have to spark our creativity and help us arrive at new ideas. But what many tend to overlook is the fact that music can also completely change the course of history by addressing crucial social issues and have a huge impact on any society. These are some of the essential songs which changed everything. If you’re a hip hop fan, then don’t miss #11 and #2! Photo: Courtesy of BBC

Oct 20, 2020

20 Animals With Special Abilities That Are Almost Super Powers

Ever since the dawn of time, we as humans have been inspired by the animals that surround us, craving to have the abilities they do. Flying like a bird, swimming and diving like a fish, etc. Of course nowadays we have the technology to make this happen, but, in the meantime, these dreams inspired our creativity. First, with mythological creatures, and more recently, with superheroes. Source: YouTube