Life and Love

Nov 4, 2021

Phew! That Was A Close Call: People Share Their Greatest “Dodged A Bullet” Moments

Have you ever had a feeling that you saved yourself from a dangerous situation and thought to yourself: Wow, I really dodged a bullet? Well, we've listed some of the most extraordinary experiences of this kind that various Redditors shared online...

Nov 4, 2021

No, They Didn’t! — People Around the World Share The JUICIEST Gossips in Their Lives

Different people have different stories to share. From relationships, families to histories, this creates an issue turned into the juiciest gossip we have in our lives. Here are 30 of the juiciest, most scandalous stories recounted from members of Reddit for your reading pleasure. Photo: Unsplash

Nov 4, 2021

Extremely Close-Calls That Prove Karma Exists

We've all had one of those horrible days where it seems that the whole universe is against us. But life isn't always that bad, and I'm sure you've also had your fair share of lucky moments too. For instance, haven't you ever avoided an injury or even death all because of the smallest of details? Here's a list of random people who avoided disaster by pure chance, proving that karma does indeed exist!

Nov 3, 2021

Real-Life Horror Stories: People Worldwide Share Their Spine-Tingling Encounters

Who says that good horror stories must involve supernatural encounters with ghosts, aliens, or occults? Sometimes, absolute horror involves real-life disasters, close calls, and harrowing events in one’s life. These may not be your typical formula of making a scary story, but believe me, they’re as terrifying as is. Keep your lights on because these stories will surely keep you awake tonight. Photo: Pixabay

Nov 1, 2021

Reddit Users Share What Made Them Quit Their Jobs On Their First Day

We've all had jobs we didn't like, but a job has to be specially terrible to make you quit on the very first day. Reddit users shared crazy stories about their own experiences with awful jobs, and some are just unbelievable. Photo: Houston Chronicle

Oct 21, 2021

Strange Things Americans Do That Non-Americans Find Interesting

It goes without saying that each country does their things in a particular way. After all, being different is what makes every nation a wonderful and unique place. But sometimes it can be one particular country that seems to do things a differently. It may be of no surprise to some of you but The United States is actually a country where what may seem super normal for Americans is actually regarded as very strange to Non-Americans. Photo: Deseret News

Oct 18, 2021

Young Man Struggles Caring For His Seven Kids, Until A Stranger Decides to Help

A person’s life is a total mystery we slowly unveil as time carries on. Unfortunately, a young pair never thought life would be unforgiving when one of them had a tragic accident. Ream and Dakota Nelson got married in 2001 and they began a family of their own, with their first child being born. The next years, six more followed and the big family was happy. Until it all changed last summer… Photo: Courtesy of Facebook / Dakota Nelson

Oct 18, 2021

Top Body Transformation Actors Had To Undergo For A Role

Being an actor is not an easy task as many people could think. It requires dedication, hours memorizing the script, hours of rehearsal and above all, commitment. This commitment even entails compromising your own health and figure. Here you will find famous celebrities that underwent incredible body transformations to portray their characters faithfully. Make sure you don’t miss the Top 10! The changes are out of this world. Photo: Courtesy of Bukisa

Oct 18, 2021

Bride Loses 120 Pounds Before Wedding To Surprise Groom

Losing weight is never easy, and shedding over 120 pounds requires a lot of dedication and effort. That’s what Bridie Ritchie did before her wedding day to surprise her groom. But the question is: how did she do it? Photo: Northeast Tribune

Oct 18, 2021

He Offered His Help And His Life Completely Changed

What do you do when you see a homeless person asking for change or food on the street? Do you walk in the opposite direction or offer your help? Most people don’t realize that 15 minutes of our time can change the life of someone in need. This is the story of a boy whose life changed forever, thanks to a stranger. Photo: Finance 101

Oct 15, 2021

How This Man Went From Homeless Army Veteran To Millionaire

After retiring from the U.S. Army, veteran Horace Scott really struggled to make ends meet. He never had enough money to buy his own apartment, and eventually, he had no choice but to move to a transitional housing shelter. But one day, the humble veteran would become a millionaire, and in the craziest of ways. Don't miss this story!

Oct 15, 2021

Ads That Are Too Bizarre To Be True

The past century had memorable events and ground-breaking discoveries that positively defined our century. Thanks to the past, we are able to look at the future from another perspective, as we build a better future for the next generations to come. The past has taught us what is socially acceptable and what’s not. These vintage ads are proof that the past has -fortunately- been left behind. Photo: Porncake

Oct 15, 2021

These Are The Current Vaccination Rates In Every State

After almost two years of living in this crazy reality, it seems that going back to normal is closer than ever. Now that vaccines are available, infection rates are going down. Let’s take a look at how far each state is from being fully vaccinated. Is your state going back to normal anytime soon? Let’s find out! Photo: Eternal Lifestyle

Oct 15, 2021

From Homeless To Quarterback, Thanks To His Football Coach

Braheam Murphy was having a rough time when he met Sam Greiner, his football coach. Braheam was a very talented quarterback, but he was homeless. As a homeless person, he didn’t have the same opportunities as other kids. Sam Greiner saw the teen’s potential and decided to give him a second chance at life. This is their story... WGHP

Oct 14, 2021

Child-Level Facts That People Learned As Adults

Have any of you ever made silly, child-level discoveries as an adult? Here’s a list of hilarious and obvious facts that people didn’t learn until well into adulthood. Are you ready?

Oct 14, 2021

Take A Look At The Most Bizarre Wedding Pictures Ever

Many people consider their weddings to be the single most important moment of their lives, so naturally, brides and grooms go all out to ensure everything works out to perfection. Sometimes, however, the camera might not capture your special day the way you wished it did. Up next, a hilarious list of the most bizarre and awkward wedding pictures ever taken. Photo: Hollywood Tale

Oct 14, 2021

A Man Turned An Old Plane Into A Home, And The Results Are Amazing

The housing market is more expensive than ever, so many people nowadays are opting for creative, cheap alternatives to traditional homes. While most people in this situation would get a mobile home or something along those lines, a man actually bought an old plane and turned it into a home. This is how he did it... Photo: The Decor Ideas

Oct 14, 2021

Reddit Users Share Their Cringiest Neighbor Experiences

Reddit users were asked to share their worst and wildest neighbor experiences, and some of them will definitely shock you. Are you ready for some cringy, creepy, and awkward stories? Photo: Tiempo de Cine

Oct 14, 2021

Everyday Items With Hidden Features You Never Knew About

Have you ever wondered why it's so damn hard to clean a blender? Or why grocery carts have those weird loops on their side? When you come to think of it, many of the everyday items we use either have some odd feature that nobody gets or some hidden feature nobody knows exists. Up next, the mind-blowing hidden features in everyday items you probably didn't know about. Photo: Wacko Jaco

Oct 14, 2021

These People Were So Incredibly Lucky That It Seems Unreal

Most often than not, luck takes the most unexpected forms. Whether they were saved by their guardian angel or they were simply in the right place at the right time, here are some of the luckiest people on earth. Are you ready for some pretty baffling stories? Photo: Pikabu