
Oct 17, 2022

5-ingredient Keto Recipes You Can Easily Make

Cooking a meal can sometimes be a time-consuming activity, especially if you are following a keto diet. Keeping flour and bread out of the equation requires a lot of creativity in the kitchen. Luckily, these recipes can save you precious minutes from your day and allow you to enjoy eating. Take a look! Photo: Pexels / August de Richilieu

Sep 28, 2022

Essential Nutrients To Incorporate In A Diet

A healthy, rich diet filled with nutrients is essential for good health. Most adults don’t get enough of the nutrients the body needs to work efficiently. But a balanced diet is not impossible when you know what to look for. Here are five nutrients that can help you live the healthiest life possible. Photo: Pexels

Sep 15, 2022

Age With Grace Thanks To These 5 Tips

As we all know, most older adults have at least one health problem and struggle to move around in life freely. Unfortunately, that is the price people pay for living. But there are some things we can do to fight the aging process and age with grace. Here you can find some of them! Photo: Pexels.com/Shvets Production

Sep 14, 2022

The Best Low-Carb Snacks

Snacking is definitely an activity that most people enjoy doing. However, it’s difficult to pick options that are both delicious and have a small amount of refined carbs. Luckily, here you will find five easy-to-make and easy-to-get awesome snacks to add to your daily life. Photo: Pixabay / Nathan Cowley

Aug 30, 2022

Essential Self-Care Tips For Men

It is a known fact that most men are very uninterested in doing things to make them look good and feel better. Self-care is such an alien concept to those types of men that even the most minimal measure towards better looks and better health can seem intimidating. Here are some easy-to-follow tricks to get yourself into top shape. Photo: Pexels / Marlon Scmeiski

Aug 26, 2022

Easy Hacks To Drink More Water Daily

Busy schedules can make us forget the importance of reaching the recommended daily water intake. Drinking water helps our bodies in numerous ways. Without a healthy body, you won’t enjoy the beauty of life. It’s not an easy habit to incorporate, but it’s totally possible to accomplish. Let’s check out these hacks to drink more water in your daily routine! Photo: Allure

Aug 26, 2022

Why Sitting Too Much Can Damage Your Overall Health

Nowadays, most of our jobs involve being seated for long hours. Whether you are a web developer or an accountant, you likely spend most of your day on a chair, which can cause serious health problems. Here you will discover the main health issues that sitting too much can cause. Photo: Pexels.com/Andrea Piacquadio

Aug 23, 2022

Hate Working Out? These Are Alternative Ways To Be In Good Shape

Some people were born to belong in the fitness world, while others simply don’t. Finding the time and energy needed to exercise can be difficult, especially if we don’t have the will to get down to it. Have you considered other ways to have fun and keep fit at the same time? Check out these activities to exercise your body without going to the gym or attending a class. Photo: Shape

Aug 22, 2022

How To Keep Your Brows On Point

People say the eyes are the windows to the soul, so keeping the curtains in top shape becomes very important. When it comes to eyebrows, the best way to proceed is to make them look tidy and pretty, just like you would with the tapestry of your home. Do you want to find out how? Here are some tips. Photo: Pexels / Cheda Stankovic

Aug 18, 2022

5 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress

We know that our everyday worries, such as family problems, work issues and health concerns can cause our stress levels to go up. But there are other factors that can make someone even more prone to suffering stress, for example, genetics, level of social support and personality. That is why we gathered five simple ways to help you reduce stress and improve your overall health. Photo: Pexels.com/Yan Krukov

Aug 16, 2022

Tips To Avoid Sleepless Nights

Do you struggle to get some sleep when you get in bed? There are probably hundreds of unsolved issues that pop up in your head when all you want to do is rest. Stressful situations and upcoming responsibilities can keep you awake at night. Here are some useful tips and habits to adopt to help you shut down your brain and get a good night’s sleep. Photo: morguefile.com/DMedina

Aug 12, 2022

Get More Things Done With These 5 Productivity Tips

We all had that feeling of frustration after we couldn’t complete our to-do list for the day. Quite often, we begin our day with the best intentions to get everything done, but at the end of the day, we go to bed feeling frustrated because we couldn’t check off all the tasks from our list. Want some guidance on how to boost your daily productivity? Here are some tips to maximize your time and finish your day with a sense of accomplishment. Photo: Pexels.com/Olya Kobruseva

Aug 11, 2022

Partner Yoga Poses To Strengthen Your Relationship

One of the key principles for a rock-solid relationship is trust. Doing yoga with your partner may be the step you were looking for. Here are some interesting poses to try with them. Photo: Buzzfeed

Aug 11, 2022

Healthy Habits For Your Daily Routine

A healthy lifestyle starts with good habits. But healthy habits aren't always easy to create, and bad ones are even harder to break. Making small changes to your routine can greatly impact the long run. It takes at least 18 days to form the habit and 66 days for it to become automatic. If you want to eat better, get better sleep or improve your mental health, incorporating small habits is the start of a healthy lifestyle. Photo: Pexels

Aug 4, 2022

These Are The Best Pressure Points To Relieve Congestion

Congestion, allergies, and a stuffy nose are awful symptoms almost every person experiences at least once a year. While some people just ignore them and get used to living with them, some others are always looking for an easy way to relieve their congestion. And here it is! Photo: BuzzFeed

Jul 28, 2022

Stay Focused While Studying

Studying is hard. Whether you’re getting a Ph.D. or starting high school, figuring out how to stay focused while studying is always a challenge. The biggest obstacles may be social media, procrastination, time management or a combination of all three. Here’s a variety of tools and techniques to help minimize the stress of studying and remain focused on what matters. Photo: Flickr

Jul 28, 2022

Struggling To Get A Good Night's Sleep? Try These Hacks

Going to bed and not being able to get to sleep must be one of the most —if not the most— frustrating things that can happen to someone craving sleep. Katherine Hall, a sleep psychologist, shares some sleep hacks that will lead you to dreamland, and we’ll look at them today. Photo: flickr.com/Andrew Otto

Jul 25, 2022

Finding Time To Do Nothing

Having busy schedules and dozens of items on a to-do list is common for most people. But having one point on the agenda that says do nothing is something out of the ordinary. Why? The truth is that we, humans, aren’t programmed to “do nothing.” It isn’t an easy task. The best part of doing nothing is finding out how liberating it is, but many people don’t know about it. Here are some tips on how to start doing nothing and free yourself. Photo: Unsplash

Jul 25, 2022

Feeling Stressed? These Self-Care Tips Will Make Stress Go Away

When facing a stressful situation, one should recognize what’s wrong. Once the problem is spotted, it’s best to take a step down and look from another perspective. There’s no better way to deal with stress than using our strength and willingness to fight it back. Even though problems won’t immediately disappear, there are ways to deal with them. If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Here are five tips to make you feel better in stressful times. Photo: Pexels

Jul 25, 2022

Step By Step: How To Crack Your Cell Phone Addiction

People are so addicted to using their cell phones that they might not even know how far the addiction goes. The statistics are scary. On average, a person spends around three hours a day on their phones. A cell phone addiction affects our capacity to socialize and sleep and can cause obesity or even depression. The cell phone addiction struggle is real and isn’t easy to deal with, especially if you check your phone around a thousand times per day. Let’s find out the best ways to break a cell phone addiction. Photo: AnyGulfJobs.com